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Stone Magic: Tiger’s Eye

By Katrina Rasbold

Tiger’s Eye, a captivating gemstone with its rich golden-brown hues and silky luster, has been revered for centuries not only for its beauty but also for its deep spiritual and magical properties. This unique stone, often resembling the striking eye of a tiger, carries an aura of mystery and power, making it a favorite in both ancient and modern metaphysical practices.

A Stone of Protection

One of the most well-known magical properties of Tiger’s Eye is its reputation as a powerful protective talisman. In ancient times, warriors carried this stone into battle, believing it could deflect negative energy and shield them from harm. The stone’s reflective quality is said to ward off ill-willed intentions, malicious thoughts, and psychic attacks. Many still wear Tiger’s Eye as a protective amulet, particularly when facing challenging or dangerous situations.

Grounding and Balance

Tiger’s Eye is known for its ability to ground energy and bring balance to the wearer. This stone is closely connected to the Earth and the root chakra, making it an excellent tool for stabilizing emotions, easing anxiety, and promoting mental clarity. Those who feel scattered or overwhelmed can benefit from its grounding influence, which helps to create a sense of calm and focus.

Additionally, it is associated with balancing the duality of energies—yin and yang, the masculine and feminine, or active and passive forces. It harmonizes the mind and body, promoting a balanced perspective, especially when making important decisions.

Enhancing Courage and Confidence

Much like the fierce and bold nature of a tiger, this stone is believed to boost courage and inner strength. In magical practices, Tiger’s Eye is used to enhance self-confidence, willpower, and personal power. Its energy encourages you to take bold steps toward your goals and face challenges with determination.

This makes Tiger’s Eye a great ally for those working on self-improvement, career advancement, or personal growth. It’s known to ignite the spark of motivation and perseverance, pushing you to move forward even when fear or self-doubt arise.

Attracting Wealth and Abundance

Tiger’s Eye is often called a “stone of prosperity.” Its energy is linked to the manipulation of money, wealth, and success. Many believe that wearing or carrying Tiger’s Eye can attract opportunities for financial growth and help manifest abundance. By boosting confidence and focus, this gemstone aids in taking calculated risks and making sound financial decisions. Placing Tiger’s Eye in your workspace or home can help draw in prosperity and ward off financial misfortune.

Enhancing Psychic Abilities

Though grounded in its protective qualities, Tiger’s Eye also has the ability to enhance psychic abilities and intuition. It can sharpen the mind’s focus, helping individuals to tune into subtle energies and gain insight into future events or unseen aspects of a situation. Those practicing divination or psychic work often use Tiger’s Eye to strengthen their intuitive skills, as it helps to open the third eye and promotes mental clarity.

Emotional Healing and Strength

On an emotional level, Tiger’s Eye is a stone of strength and resilience. It helps in releasing fear and anxiety, offering a more optimistic outlook in the face of adversity. If you’re dealing with a situation that feels overwhelming, this stone can help you regain control over your emotions, encouraging a balanced and composed approach to problem-solving.

Its empowering energy promotes self-acceptance, reminding the wearer of their inner power and potential. This makes it especially beneficial for those working through periods of personal transformation or emotional upheaval.

Many people have a love/hate relationship with Tiger’s Eye due to its ability to encourage independence and self-sovereignty. People who depend on and enjoy co-dependent relationships will often resist Tiger’s Eye.

How to Use Tiger’s Eye in Magical Practices

Incorporating Tiger’s Eye into your magical or spiritual practices is simple and intuitive. Here are a few ways to harness its energy:

Wear it as jewelry: Wearing Tiger’s Eye as a ring, necklace, or bracelet keeps its protective and grounding energies close to you throughout the day.

Carry it with you: Keeping a small Tiger’s Eye stone in your pocket or bag can act as a daily talisman for courage and protection.

Meditate with it: Hold Tiger’s Eye during meditation to enhance focus, strengthen your connection to the Earth, and balance your energy.

Use it in spellwork: Tiger’s Eye can be used in spells for protection, confidence, financial gain, or courage. Placing the stone on your altar during rituals or spellcasting amplifies its magical properties.

Place it in your space: Adding Tiger’s Eye to your home or office, especially in areas related to finances or decision-making, can draw in abundance and clarity.

Tiger’s Eye is a potent and versatile stone, offering protection, grounding, courage, and abundance to those who seek its magic. Whether you’re wearing it for personal empowerment, carrying it for protection, or using it in ritual work, this gemstone offers a wealth of benefits both in the physical and metaphysical realms.

Its energy invites you to connect with your inner strength, trust your intuition, and move forward with confidence, knowing that you are protected and supported by the grounding forces of the Earth. Embrace the mystical power of Tiger’s Eye, and allow its magical properties to enrich your life.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through