By Katrina Rasbold
Chrysocolla is found in copper mines and varies from light green to deep blue and forms from the oxidized copper deposits around it. It was once called “green turquoise” rather than considered as its own stone as it is now.
By Katrina Rasbold
Chrysocolla is found in copper mines and varies from light green to deep blue and forms from the oxidized copper deposits around it. It was once called “green turquoise” rather than considered as its own stone as it is now.
By Katrina Rasbold
Foxglove is a remarkably beautiful plant with brightly colored, long bell-shaped flowers. It is long associated with the ability to communicate with fairies and the other little ones of other realms in the garden area. It is an herb of the Underworld and is sometimes used in necromancy rituals.
By Lady Saoirse
Bright Blessings,
Having come from a Catholic background, maybe by idea of divinity is different than some pagan’s idea is. I’m not sure. It’s certainly different than what most Catholics think of the divine as being. I don’t think of the gods and goddesses as these divine punishers in the sky who look down upon us and rain down blessings or curses depending on whether they’re happy with us or not. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I see the gods every single day. At least I believe I do. Continue reading What Do the Gods Look Like?
By Katrina Rasbold
Goldenseal is a guardian herb that protects the wearer or holder from all forms of evil or danger.
By Katrina Rasbold
This beautiful stone with its rich blue and gray/white streaks often gets mistaken for lapis lazuli. The distinctive difference between the two is that lapis often has golden bits of pyrite in it and sodalite does not.
By Katrina Rasbold
The magic of agates lies in its unique ability to tranform negative energy into positive energy. It enhances mental acuity, improves concentraion, and fosters a greater capacity for learning.
By Katrina Rasbold
Hyssopus officinalis will go to battle for you as a protective and purifying herb. Its purification properties extend to health and healers often use it to treat cold symptoms.
By Katrina Rasbold
One beautiful quality of jade that many people do not know about is that when it is struck, it produces a lovely, resonant tone, which makes it an excellent component for wind chimes and musical instruments such as xylophones and gongs.
By Katrina Rasbold
Ruled by Venus, feverfew is used to ease the pain of premenstrual syndrome and delayed menstruation.
The importance of the chakras in our hands and feet is often understated. We hear so much about the seven main chakras, or energy centers, placed at various points along the spine. These are known as major or primary chakras. The hands and feet are termed minor, or secondary chakras. There are said to be 21 secondary chakras throughout the body, as well as 86 micro-chakras.
Continue reading Palms and the Soles of the Feet: More Chakras Helpful in Magick and Energy Work
By Katrina Rasbold
Chrysoprase is one of the happinest stones you will encounter. It is an offshoot of chalcedony that promotes all of the best experiences for humans: joy, happiness, success, friendship, protection, healing, and financial abundance. Continue reading Stone Magic: Chrysoprase
By Katrina Rasbold
One of the more unique attributes of mullein is that it is work to keep wild animals away from the wearer on hikes. It instills courage and opens the heart to love.
By Katrina Rasbold
Cinnamon come from the bark of several different trees from the cinnamomum genus. It is one of the most stimulating herbs in common use and its versatility in bark and oil form makes it a fantastic and invigorating addition to incenses, teas, potions, and spellwork.
by Katrina Rasbold
Are you seeing unexpected and undesired results from your spellwork? Did you change your mind after doing rage spells? Did new information come to light after you did your spellwork? If you need to uncast a spell, here is the video manual for it.
Continue reading Ask a Witch: Can You Undo a Spell Once It Is Cast?
By Katrina Rasbold
Aventurine is most often thought of as a minty green stone, but it also comes in darker green, blue, and red, depending on the heat level at which it is created and the area in which it developed. It is infused with mica, which gives it a lovely iridescence. It is found in India and South America and is sometimes referred to as “Indian Jade.” Ancient Tibetans used aventurine for the eyes of many of their statues because of its beautiful color and its affinity for blessing the visionary processes of holy people.
By Lady Saoirse
Bright Blessings,
When I was a kid, my favorite movie was one called Little Big Man, starring Chief Dan George as Grandfather. At the end of the movie Grandfather sang a beautiful death song and told his god that he was ready to die. He lay down to die, but instead of dying, a beautiful rain swept the landscape. He sat up and asked his grandson if he was on the other side and his grandson told him no. Grandfather he said, “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t.” Continue reading Why Isn’t the Magic Working?
By Katrina Rasbold
Chacedony is an interesting word that people tend to pronounce in different ways, mostly because they read it and never heard it. I always heard people pronounce it as “chal-sidney” and I have trouble thinking of it as anything else. Many people I know say, “chal-see-doney.” Professor Google says the correct pronounciation is, “cal-sedony.” So there y’go.
By Katrina Rasbold
The presence of menthol in in peppermint makes it an excellent anodyne and a drop or two of pure peppermint extract onto an aching tooth can ease the pain for at least an hour or two. Be prepared. Actual peppermint oil is intense and for a minute, takes your breath away.
Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Peppermint
By Katrina Rasbold
People lean heavily into the sages, cedar, and juniper, but rosemary is one of the strongest cleansing and purifying herbs to use. It not only cleanses, but also protects property and the people on it. Rosemary is a primary ingredient in the Fiery Wall of Protection oil and spray that I make. Plant rosemary, a sturdy and forgiving bushy herb, outside your home to convey its protection to the house and grounds.
By Katrina Rasbold
Lepidolite is a beautiful stone known as a “stone of peace” for its soothing, high-vibing properties. Structurally, lepidolite resembles tourmaline and its qualities are similar to watermelon tourmaline. It does, in fact, form alongside tourmaline in many places.