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Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

By Katrina Rasbold

Humans often consider the power of speech and written word to be the defining quality that sets us apart from the rest of the animal world. With the exception of some animals specially trained to communicate, Koko the Gorilla, for instance, humans alone possess the demonstrated ability for the ongoing use of language. There is little denying the power of words. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

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Summer Solstice Splendor

By Tatiara

Happy Midsummer!! Litha is a time to revel in the fullness of life, honor the natural world, and prepare for the season of harvest. Embrace the magic of the Summer Solstice and let its vibrant energy illuminate your heart and spirit. Continue reading Summer Solstice Splendor

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Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

By Katrina Rasbold

Of all of the holidays, it can be argued that most cultures at some time or another celebrated Midsummer. The Sun reigns at its full power and dominates the sky for the longest day of the year on Litha. It is commonly believed that the Faeries are most active during this time; an idea perpetuated by William Shakespeare’s famous play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The power of herbs and plants is said to be strongest at this time, so many of the summer herbs are harvested on this day. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

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Ask a Witch: Do Witches Sacrifice Animals In Their Rituals? People?

By Katrina Rasbold

What do Witches sacrifice other than their time? Animals? People? Their sanity? In this video, Katrina discusses the use of sacrifice in rituals. Continue reading Ask a Witch: Do Witches Sacrifice Animals In Their Rituals? People?

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Ask a Witch: What is the Difference in Black Magic and White Magic?

By Katrina Rasbold

What does someone mean when they talk about black magic and white magic, black witches and white witches? In this video, Katrina discusses the whole color spectrum of Witches. Continue reading Ask a Witch: What is the Difference in Black Magic and White Magic?

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Ask a Witch: Do You Work Naked and Have 0rg!e$?

By Katrina Rasbold

Of course, the operative question is do *I* personally work Naked and have 0rg!e$? or do *Witches* work naked and have 0rg!e$? and how does all of that come together? Spoiler: the answer to one of these questions is “Yes!” Continue reading Ask a Witch: Do You Work Naked and Have 0rg!e$?

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Witch At The Crossroads: Forming a Magical Working Group

By Katrina Rasbold

Creating a new magical group is exciting, rewarding, and a ton of work. Often, particularly in eclectic work, the group forms spontaneously around a common desire to learn and practice more. Even in the most desirable circumstances, certain decisions must be made. This post takes you through some of the most vital points of forming your own spiritual group. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Forming a Magical Working Group

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Witch At The Crossroads: Ceremonial Interruptus

By Katrina Rasbold

It can happen to all of us, although thankfully, not usually to the degree we see in the graphic above. Rituals fail. It is easy to raise one knowing eyebrow and say that it failed because it was intended to fail and all things are exactly as they should be and blah, blah, blah, but there is a huge difference in knowing that rituals sometimes do not go as planned versus understanding why rituals sometimes go in the ditch and how to manage that inevitability. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Ceremonial Interruptus

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Beltane Memories

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I write this on Beltane Eve, and my online memories have been showing me photos from years past. For many years, we used to gather at Beltane. We would rent a group campsite or Metro Park shelter and be there from the time the park opened until it closed. We had rituals, potlucks, talks, and for some years we camped. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Beltane Memories

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Witch At The Crossroads: All Hail The Mayhole

By Katrina Rasbold

In our circle, we work a strong duality between male and female energies and although we love the traditional celebrations, we always like to put our own spin on things. Beltane is a delicious High Holiday, ribald with innuendo and fun, celebrating the union between the masculine and feminine archetypes. In this blessed time of coming together, we honor the fertilization of the land and revel in the pleasures brought to us by earthly existence. That being the case, we always thought it as a little one-sided to ritualize this sacred day with only a maypole, the representation of male virility, thrusting its mighty prominence up out of the ripened land. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: All Hail The Mayhole

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey:  Lunar Beltane: Love, Gratitude and Transformation

By Tatiara

If you’re like me, then you have felt the intensity of transformation afoot lately. The eclipse energy symbolizing “out with the old, in with the new,” was magical, yet a little harrowing for some of us.

Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey:  Lunar Beltane: Love, Gratitude and Transformation

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Secrets of the Essynian Traditions: Meneology Part Two

by Brahn the Blessed

Part Two

Click to read Part One

By this time, you have either done the first exercise or not.  If you haven’t, I will not be bothered with you.  If you want to learn you must study.  I have little enough time left in this life to concern myself with anyone who is absent curiosity.  If you did the exercise from Part One, you discovered that  there is an amazing hidden symmetry underlying the number system, a symmetry that permeates the numbers to infinity. Continue reading Secrets of the Essynian Traditions: Meneology Part Two

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Can Interfaith Relationships Work?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I remember when I was what some could call a “baby witch.” I was 30 and had moved from my home in Ohio to Phoenix, Arizona. I found my path after walking away from Christianity there. I was befriended by someone named John who was 30 years my senior. John was absolutely horrified I got engaged to a man who lived back home in Ohio and was going to move back there to marry him. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Can Interfaith Relationships Work?