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The Cat’s Eye: The Quickening and Imbolc

By Cat Gina Cole

When I was young, my grandmother called what I now know as Imbolc the “Quickening,” It was not specific to a particular date but always occurred in February. We knew the quickening had arrived when Grandma would stop whatever she was doing, listen for a moment and say, “The quickening is here, do you feel it?” Sometimes, it would happen in the garden, sometimes not, but she could feel it. It was a noticeable shift in the energy of the earth and the plants that she could feel. What is the quickening you ask? Well, it is when the earth has warmed up just enough to trigger plants to shift from putting out roots to pushing out shoots.

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The Cat’s Eye: What Is Witchcraft, Magic, Psychism, and Paganism?

By Cat Gina Cole

What is Witchcraft?

That is a question that continues to be hotly debated on social media. There is a lot of “Who gets to decide that and why?” type of questions that come with it. The answer also depends on culture, pantheon, and personal beliefs. So, you may be asking why attempt to answer such a question? Well, as a teacher, and practicing Witch for over 50 years, I am in about 40-50 “witch” groups on social media and I see many looking for direction and firm answers, so I will attempt to provide some clarity. Continue reading The Cat’s Eye: What Is Witchcraft, Magic, Psychism, and Paganism?

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The Cat’s Eye – Trance, The Fool, and Hope

By Cat Gina Cole

I have been a psychic my whole life and I am used to my head being full of thought and sound. In 2018, I got a traumatic brain injury in a car accident and suddenly, like someone flipped a light switch, my brain was completely quiet. The silence was so complete I could not even hear my own thoughts before I said them. This was almost surgical and quite distressing.

I had been in occupational therapy for about six months and was still very distressed. My dreams, inner voices, my intuition, my connection to the other side, and thoughts were gone! Just poof! I had gone from Witch and Psychic to muggle. My very identity was gone and I was lost.

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The Cat’s Eye – My Neurodivergent Response

By Cat Gina Cole

I want to share the following because there is a group of people that are very seldom recognized or understood, the neurodiverse, and we are greater in number than most might think. I want to put words to what it is like for many of the neuro-diverse to cope with the invisible battle by sharing a recent experience I had as I too am neurodiverse. I aim to let the diverse know I see you and give those who are not diverse a very small glimpse into what being neuro-diverse is like. Continue reading The Cat’s Eye – My Neurodivergent Response

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The Cat’s Eye – Yule 2023

By Cat Gina Cole

Wow! The “New Normal” since the pandemic is really challenging for almost all of us for a variety of reasons. As a freelance writer, I spend quite a bit of time on social media and the challenges are very evident. So too are the contentions those frustrations bring as we attempt to interact with each other. I say interacting, because it is not really communication. It is more “act” and “react,” and communication is a two-way conversation. That our social media interactions have become so black and white it got me thinking about Yule.  Continue reading The Cat’s Eye – Yule 2023

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The Cat’s Eye: Life As An Empathic Medium

By Cat Gina Cole

Last week, I did an intuitive reading for my elderly cousin via video call and as always, such readings are unique, but this one was more usual. Typically, people I do readings for I am not overly connected with but that was the main reason this reading was so different. My cousin and I share issues, history, and ancestors. In standard reading, this is not the case and it is trying enough to keep your personal stuff out of their reading. With this, there was no keeping my stuff out of this reading, adding empathic skills to it that made it more impactful. I cried more than she did. Continue reading The Cat’s Eye: Life As An Empathic Medium

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How Psychic Skills Enhance Magic and Witchcraft

By Cat Gina Cole

I have been a psychic my whole life and when I was little, my mom and grandma introduced me into our family tradition. When I began writing about psychism, I found it very difficult to write about something that was like breathing to me. To sit and draw it all out step by step was a challenge but as I did so, I realized how beneficial it was to have it all laid out so it could be identified and used instead of mystified and indescribable. My psychism became a useable tool. Then I realized there are many psychics that might benefit from this too and that is how my book, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, came to life. Continue reading How Psychic Skills Enhance Magic and Witchcraft

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Skills For Peaceful Living

By Cat Gina Cole

This begins with an exercise.

The first thing I would like to do for you to notice how you are feeling. Notice your mood, are you comfortable in the chair, how do you feel about others around you if there are any. Now if you will, stand up and shake it off! Yep, just shake. Now I would like you to stand and introduce yourself to the person close to you and hug them. If you are alone Stand in front of mirror, introduce yourself to yourself and hug yourself.

Did your mood change? Did you notice a change in your body or feel less tension? This is how we begin to live a life of peace, by tearing down tension, anger, hostility and fear. Continue reading Skills For Peaceful Living

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What It Means To Be Human

By Cat Gina Cole

Every day social media asks the ultimate loaded question: “What is on your mind?”

Well, in the age of instantly knowing everything at once how can we not have too much on our minds? This highlights one of many dualities: how can we care about everything going on in the world and balance that with time for ourselves? I do not mean doing fun things with friends and family here. I mean us, personally. In this fast-paced world, taking time to feel, to grieve, to be happy, to cry, to enjoy a moment alone, time to let ourselves really feel everything we need to in order to properly think and process is not encouraged…that is until Covid. Continue reading What It Means To Be Human

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Dark Magic and The Shadows

By Cat Gina Cole

For many magical practitioners, winter is the dark time and full of shadows. Technically, we have only one winter, but it has occurred to me that according to our modern calendar, winter actually comes twice a year. For most, it begins in late October and continues through December, the end of our calendar year. Then in January, the start of a new year, most of us are deep into winter, which means the new year begins with winter and the year also ends with winter.

Fall brings the slow onset of winter with the falling leaves providing a place for winter to rest. Many areas get snow which can lift our spirits or provide an opportunity for families to play and laugh together. Snow’s blanket is cold, it is crisp, and it changes the way everything looks, smells, and sounds. Continue reading Dark Magic and The Shadows

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Introduction to The Cat’s Eye

By Cat Gina Cole

Wow! I have to say it is an honor to be here, writing in The Green Egg Blog that I helped create. I never would have thought my journey would lead me here. As stated in my book, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, my life changed when I met three people. It was a complete timeline jump and I did not even know it. Those people were Phaedra Bonewits, Katrina Rasbold and Oberon Zell. In September of 2019 Phaedra took me to my very first Pagan Pride Festival in Sacramento California. There I got to meet my Facebook friend, Katrina, in person for the first time, where the two of them spun cosmic webs and planned my life and said I was writing a book.

My shocked reply was, “I am? Continue reading Introduction to The Cat’s Eye