By Katrina Rasbold
The presence of menthol in in peppermint makes it an excellent anodyne and a drop or two of pure peppermint extract onto an aching tooth can ease the pain for at least an hour or two. Be prepared. Actual peppermint oil is intense and for a minute, takes your breath away.
Chewing peppermint leaves can soothe an angry stomach, which is why many chewable antacid tablets are peppermint flavored. Peppermint oil can also be massaged into bruises to ease the pain. It can have some heat, so try not to overdo it.
These healing properties extend to magic and it is a frequent component for healing spell work. Its very presence raises the vibration of an area by healing negative energies. It is often included in sleep magic, used in dream pillows and teas.
Peppermint is a stimulant and can spice up a romantic relationship that is struggling both my igniting romance once more and healing the negativity that creates obstacles to a solid connection.
The same peppermint essential oil that you use to soothe a toothache can purify your home if you rub it into the thresholds and door jambs, plus, it will smell amazing!
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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through www.katrinarasbold.com.