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Stone Magic: Chrysoprase

By Katrina Rasbold

Chrysoprase is one of the happinest stones you will encounter. It is an offshoot of chalcedony that promotes all of the best experiences for humans: joy, happiness, success, friendship, protection, healing, and financial abundance.

It grants the wearer a sense of eloquence, success in new undertakings, and healthy friendships. Its use for magical properties dates back to the 13th century as far as documentation goes.

It’s healing powers focus on the eyes/vision, strong blood, and rheumatism.

Chrysoprase promotes balance and eliminates stress and anxiety. It heals emotional scars and old wounds, and adds stabilization to violatile circumstances.

A stone of the heart, chrysoprase encourages inner peace and encourages positive, healthy connection with others.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through