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Herbalism For Your Day: Eyebright

By Katrina Rasbold

As the name implies, we use eyebright for “seeing” of all kinds, including divination and revelation of truths. It increases psychic sensitivity and encourages intuitive flow.

The Magical Properties of Eyebright: The Herb of Clear Vision and Spiritual Insight

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis), a delicate flowering herb, has been celebrated for centuries not only for its physical healing properties but also for its powerful magical uses. Traditionally used in herbalism to support eye health and clarity of vision, Eyebright also holds a special place in magical practices for its ability to enhance spiritual sight, improve clarity, and promote mental focus. Known as the herb of “clear vision,” Eyebright’s magic lies in its ability to lift the veil, allowing practitioners to see through illusions and connect with higher realms of consciousness.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the magical properties of Eyebright and discover how to incorporate this powerful herb into your spiritual and magical practices.

Enhancing Psychic Vision and Clairvoyance

One of Eyebright’s most well-known magical properties is its ability to enhance psychic vision and clairvoyance. This herb is particularly useful for those who practice divination, dreamwork, or mediumship, as it helps open the third eye chakra and heightens intuitive abilities. For practitioners looking to develop their clairvoyant skills or deepen their connection to spiritual realms, Eyebright can act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, making it easier to receive visions, messages, and spiritual guidance.

In magical practices, Eyebright is often used in teas, incense, or rituals designed to promote clear inner vision. When used before meditation or divination sessions, it helps sharpen intuition and enhances the ability to “see” beyond the physical plane. Incorporating Eyebright into your spiritual work can help clear away mental fog and distractions, allowing you to tune in to your higher self and access deeper levels of wisdom.

How to Use Eyebright for Psychic Vision:

Third Eye Anointing: Create an Eyebright infusion and anoint your third eye (the center of your forehead) before meditation, divination, or psychic work to enhance clairvoyance and spiritual insight.

Dreamwork: Place a sachet of dried Eyebright under your pillow to encourage lucid dreaming and insightful dreams that provide spiritual guidance.

Divination: Burn dried Eyebright as incense or drink Eyebright tea before using tarot, scrying, or other forms of divination to sharpen your intuitive senses.

Clearing Mental Fog and Promoting Focus

In addition to enhancing spiritual sight, Eyebright is known for its ability to clear the mind and promote mental clarity. This makes it an ideal herb for students, writers, or anyone who needs to focus and organize their thoughts. The magical properties of Eyebright align with the element of air, which governs intellect, communication, and clarity of thought. When used in spells or rituals, Eyebright helps clear away confusion and mental blocks, promoting sharp focus and clear thinking.

For those who practice magic that requires strong concentration and intention-setting, Eyebright can help keep the mind focused and free from distractions. It is also useful during periods of study, learning, or decision-making, as it helps the mind stay clear and alert.

How to Use Eyebright for Mental Clarity:

Focus Spell: Create a focus charm by placing dried Eyebright in a sachet with a clear quartz crystal. Carry it with you to stay mentally sharp and focused throughout the day.

Cleansing Ritual: Burn Eyebright as part of a ritual to clear away mental fog or confusion. As the smoke rises, visualize it carrying away scattered thoughts and distractions, leaving you with a clear mind.

Spiritual Protection and Banishing Negativity

Eyebright also has protective properties, making it useful in rituals and spells for spiritual protection and cleansing. Its clarifying energy helps to dispel negative influences, banish harmful entities, and protect the aura from spiritual attack. For those working in environments with heavy or toxic energy, Eyebright can act as a spiritual shield, keeping your personal energy field clean and free from unwanted interference.

Paul Beyerl, author of Master Book of Herbalism, calls eyebright, “an herb of mirth and joy.” “Euphrasia,” in the Latin name of eyebright, derives from the name of the Greek muse of joy and wonder.

In folklore, Eyebright was sometimes worn as an amulet or carried to ward off the “evil eye” or ill-willed intentions. The herb’s ability to “clear sight” is not just about physical or psychic vision but also about seeing through deception, illusions, or harmful energies that may be affecting your spiritual health.

How to Use Eyebright for Protection:

Spiritual Bath: Add dried Eyebright to a spiritual bath to cleanse your aura and protect yourself from negative energy. As you soak, visualize any negativity being washed away, leaving you purified and protected.

Protective Incense: Burn Eyebright with protective herbs like sage or rosemary to cleanse your space and create a protective barrier around your home.

Vision for the Future and Manifestation

Eyebright is not only a tool for enhancing spiritual sight but also for helping you gain clarity on your goals, desires, and future path. In manifestation magic, Eyebright can help sharpen your focus and intention, making it easier to clearly envision the outcome you want to create. By promoting mental clarity and spiritual insight, Eyebright ensures that your manifestations are aligned with your highest purpose and truth.

If you feel uncertain about your future or unclear about the next steps on your spiritual journey, Eyebright can provide the clarity you need to move forward with confidence. By working with Eyebright, you can sharpen your vision of what you want to manifest and align yourself with the energies that will bring your desires to fruition.

How to Use Eyebright for Manifestation:

Vision Board Ritual: Place a sprig of Eyebright on your vision board or manifestation altar to symbolize clear intentions and focused energy for your goals. It will help enhance your ability to see your future clearly and manifest your desires.

Manifestation Tea: Drink Eyebright tea before performing a manifestation ritual to clear your mind and sharpen your focus. As you sip the tea, visualize your goals and desires as clearly as possible, allowing Eyebright to amplify your intentions.

Healing Properties of Eyebright

In addition to its metaphysical uses, Eyebright has been traditionally used in herbal medicine to support eye health and vision. Its name is derived from its historical use as a remedy for eye ailments, including eye strain, infections, and inflammation. Herbalists have long valued Eyebright for its ability to soothe tired eyes and improve overall eye health.

While its primary association is with eye health, Eyebright is also used in herbalism for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating sinus issues, allergies, and respiratory conditions. Its astringent properties help to reduce mucus and clear congestion, making it an effective herb for clearing the head and lungs.

How to Use Eyebright in Herbal Healing:

Eyewash: Create an eyewash by steeping dried Eyebright in hot water, allowing it to cool, and then using it as a gentle rinse for irritated or tired eyes (always consult a healthcare professional before using herbal remedies near the eyes).

Herbal Tea: Drink Eyebright tea to support respiratory health and clear congestion during times of allergies or colds. The tea can help alleviate symptoms of sinus infections and hay fever.

Eyebright is a powerful herb that offers a wide range of magical, spiritual, and healing properties. Whether you’re looking to enhance your psychic abilities, clear mental fog, or protect yourself from negativity, Eyebright can provide the clarity and focus you need to navigate both the physical and spiritual worlds. As a tool for spiritual insight and protection, Eyebright’s magic lies in its ability to help you see clearly—both within and beyond.

By incorporating Eyebright into your magical practice, you can sharpen your intuition, gain clarity on your life’s path, and protect yourself from harmful energies. With its long history of use in herbalism and magic, Eyebright remains a valuable herb for anyone seeking clear vision and spiritual growth.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through