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Herbalism For Your Day: Boneset

By Katrina Rasbold

Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), also known as thoroughwort, is a powerful herb with a long history of use in herbal medicine and magical practices. Traditionally used by Native Americans and early settlers for its potent healing properties, Boneset has been regarded as a staple in herbalism for treating fevers, colds, and flu. In magical circles, Boneset is valued for its protective energy, ability to banish negativity, and power to help in spiritual healing.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the magical and healing properties of Boneset, along with practical ways to incorporate this herb into your spiritual and herbal practices.

The Healing Properties of Boneset

1. Immune Support and Fever Relief

Boneset has long been used in herbalism as a remedy for fevers and flu-like symptoms. Its most common use has been as a diaphoretic herb, which means it promotes sweating, helping to reduce fevers by encouraging the body to release excess heat. Traditionally, Boneset tea was used to treat influenza, colds, and respiratory infections, as it helps alleviate symptoms like chills, body aches, and feverish conditions.

The name “Boneset” is thought to have originated from its use in treating a condition called “breakbone fever” (now known as dengue fever), where patients experienced severe bone pain. While it doesn’t actually mend broken bones, it was historically used to alleviate the deep, aching pain associated with fevers and illnesses.

Boneset is still commonly used in herbal remedies to stimulate the immune system, helping the body fight off infections, particularly during cold and flu season.

2. Respiratory Health

In addition to its fever-relieving properties, Boneset is also valued for its effects on the respiratory system. Its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties help to clear mucus from the lungs and sinuses, making it useful for treating conditions like bronchitis, chest congestion, and sinus infections. Boneset can help break up phlegm and ease coughing, making it a common remedy for colds, upper respiratory infections, and other lung-related issues.

Boneset tea or tincture is often used to relieve chest discomfort, improve breathing, and promote faster recovery from respiratory ailments.

3. Digestive and Detoxification Support

Boneset is also known for its ability to stimulate the digestive system and support the body’s natural detoxification processes. It acts as a mild laxative, promoting regular bowel movements and cleansing the digestive tract. In addition, its mild diuretic properties help to eliminate toxins from the body by increasing urination.

By promoting detoxification and improving digestion, Boneset can be helpful for those dealing with digestive issues, sluggish metabolism, or general fatigue related to toxin buildup in the body.

How to Use Boneset for Healing:

Boneset Tea: Boneset tea is commonly used to treat fever, colds, and respiratory infections. To make the tea, steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried Boneset leaves in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Drink it warm to promote sweating and relieve feverish conditions. (Note: Boneset is very bitter, so it may be helpful to add honey or other herbs to improve the taste.)

Boneset Tincture: For more concentrated use, you can take Boneset tincture for immune support or to relieve cold and flu symptoms. Always follow dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare provider or herbalist before use.

The Magical Properties of Boneset

1. Protection and Banishing Negativity

In magical practices, Boneset is often used for protection and banishing spells. Its strong, hardy energy is believed to ward off negative influences and harmful entities, making it a powerful herb for clearing spaces of unwanted energy. Whether you’re dealing with emotional turmoil, psychic attacks, or harmful intentions from others, Boneset can help create a protective barrier around you and your home.

Burning dried Boneset as incense or placing it around your home can cleanse the space and keep negative energy at bay. Boneset can also be incorporated into protective sachets or carried as an amulet to shield you from harmful influences and ensure your personal energy remains intact.

2. Healing Rituals and Spellwork

Just as it has powerful healing properties in the physical realm, Boneset is also used in spiritual healing rituals and spellwork. Its connection to the immune system and physical vitality extends to its spiritual use, where it’s employed to heal emotional wounds, cleanse the aura, and restore balance to the energy field. If you’re feeling spiritually “broken” or energetically depleted, Boneset can help you regain strength, resilience, and balance.

In healing rituals, Boneset can be added to spiritual baths to cleanse the aura and promote recovery from emotional trauma or energetic imbalances. Its protective and healing energy helps to restore vitality to the spirit, making it ideal for anyone going through periods of emotional distress or transformation.

3. Spiritual Resilience and Strength

Boneset’s hardy nature and resilience in harsh conditions reflect its magical properties of strength and endurance. In magical workings, Boneset is often used to bolster inner strength and fortify the spirit, helping you endure challenges and hardships with grace. Whether you’re facing a difficult life transition, healing from illness, or embarking on a new spiritual path, Boneset can support your growth and help you stay grounded and resilient.

When used in rituals for strength and endurance, Boneset helps you stay focused on your goals, maintain balance in the face of adversity, and navigate difficult situations with determination.

How to Use Boneset in Magic:

Protection Incense: Burn dried Boneset as incense to cleanse your space of negative energy and create a protective barrier. You can also add it to protection spells or rituals to enhance their effectiveness.

Healing Sachet: Create a healing sachet by placing dried Boneset in a small pouch with other healing herbs, such as rosemary or lavender. Carry the sachet with you or place it under your pillow to promote emotional and spiritual healing.

Spiritual Bath: Add dried Boneset to your bathwater for a healing and cleansing ritual. As you soak, visualize the water washing away any negative energy, restoring balance to your aura, and bringing spiritual strength and resilience.

Banishing Spell: Use Boneset in banishing spells to remove negative influences from your life. Sprinkle the dried herb around the perimeter of your home or sacred space to keep harmful energies away.

Folklore and Historical Use of Boneset

Boneset has a rich history in Native American herbal traditions, where it was used for its powerful healing properties, particularly for treating fever, flu, and body aches. The Cherokee, Iroquois, and other Native tribes commonly used Boneset to treat fevers and break up respiratory congestion.

In early American folk medicine, Boneset was used during outbreaks of influenza and other viral illnesses, and it became a go-to remedy during times of sickness when other treatments were unavailable. It was believed to draw out sickness from deep within the body, helping people recover from fevers and infections that caused body aches and severe discomfort.

Magically, Boneset’s reputation as a protector and healer has continued throughout history. Its association with strength, endurance, and resilience has made it a powerful ally in rituals for spiritual healing and protection from harm.

Precautions When Using Boneset

Although Boneset is a valuable herbal remedy, it should be used with caution, as large doses can cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The plant contains alkaloids that can be toxic in high amounts, so it’s important to use Boneset in moderation and consult with a qualified herbalist or healthcare provider before using it, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have existing health conditions.

Boneset is a powerful herb with a rich history of use in both healing and magic. Its ability to relieve fevers, support respiratory health, and strengthen the immune system has made it a staple in herbalism, while its magical properties of protection, banishing, and resilience make it a valuable tool in spiritual and magical practices. Whether you’re using it to heal the body or protect the spirit, Boneset offers powerful support for those seeking health, balance, and spiritual strength.

Incorporate Boneset into your herbal remedies, protection spells, and healing rituals to experience the transformative power of this ancient herb.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through