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Tarot Talk: Eight of Cups

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is…


The Eight of Cups is one of the most evocative cards in the tarot deck, especially when viewed through the lens of Pamela Colman Smith’s artwork in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Smith’s art, guided by Arthur Edward Waite’s instructions, lends the card layers of meaning that resonate deeply with themes of departure, seeking, and emotional transformation. This card invites introspection, urging us to contemplate what we leave behind, what we seek ahead, and the personal growth that occurs during transitions.

In the Eight of Cups, we see a figure walking away from a carefully arranged set of eight golden cups. The individual is moving toward a distant mountain range, with a staff in hand and a flowing red cloak, suggesting a journey or departure. The arrangement of the cups in the foreground hints at stability and achievement. Yet, the figure’s choice to leave indicates that material or emotional satisfaction has not been fully realized, or no longer holds meaning. A deeper search beckons.

Above the scene, a waxing crescent moon shines brightly in the night sky, symbolizing the potential for new beginnings, intuition, and the mysteries of the subconscious. Meanwhile, the uneven terrain and craggy cliffs the figure must navigate underscore the difficulty and uncertainty of the journey ahead.

Each element of the imagery contributes to the overall symbolism of the card, telling a story of abandonment, not as an escape, but as a conscious decision to seek something deeper or more fulfilling.

A Deeper Look

Some of the core themes identified by the symbolism and imagery in the Eight of Cups are: Abandonment, Spiritual Journey, and Emotional Transition

1. Abandonment and Letting Go

The central message of the Eight of Cups is one of abandonment, but it is not abandonment born of recklessness. Instead, this card suggests a deliberate departure from something that no longer serves the individual—whether that be a relationship, a career, a lifestyle, or even an internal mindset. The cups in the card represent emotional investments, past successes, or the material comforts that the querent has amassed. Their careful arrangement shows that what is being left behind is significant and meaningful, yet no longer enough.

2. A Journey of the Spirit

The figure’s departure is not toward something clear and obvious. Rather, they walk toward an uncertain horizon, often interpreted as a spiritual journey or an inner quest. The mountains symbolize the challenges that must be overcome in pursuit of a higher purpose or deeper understanding. The red cloak worn by the figure indicates both passion and courage, symbolizing the inner strength required to leave behind comfort and security for something greater, but unknown. The figure willingly leaves behind the ordered security of the eight full cups for the unknown that exists on the mountaintops in the distance.

3. Emotional Growth and Transformation

Water, represented by the cups, is often linked to emotions, intuition, and the subconscious in tarot symbolism. By walking away from these cups, the figure in the Eight of Cups symbolically rejects the stagnant emotional state they have been living in, seeking instead to grow, transform, and evolve. The journey ahead may involve solitude, but it is necessary for emotional renewal and healing. This card speaks to the necessity of walking away in order to find inner peace and balance, even if the destination remains uncertain.

Reversed Interpretation

When the Eight of Cups appears reversed, its message can shift in a few ways. One interpretation is that the querent may be resisting change, afraid to leave a familiar situation even though it no longer serves them. There may be a fear of the unknown or a reluctance to abandon something that has taken time and effort to build, even if it is now unfulfilling.

Alternatively, the reversed Eight of Cups can also indicate a return—perhaps to something once abandoned or an emotional reconciliation with the past. It can also suggest that the querent is rethinking their decision to walk away, considering whether they may have acted prematurely or whether there is still unfinished business that needs resolving.

What to Focus On This Week

The Eight of Cups often indicates a turning point in a person’s life. It suggests that the querent is ready—or being urged—to leave behind a situation that no longer fulfills them. It may point to feelings of dissatisfaction, restlessness, or a longing for something more meaningful. Whether it involves a career change, ending a relationship, or embarking on a new spiritual path, this card encourages the querent to trust their intuition and take the difficult step of walking away.

It also signals the beginning of a personal journey toward emotional clarity that is faith based and may defy logical reason. The card is not necessarily a harbinger of bad endings, but of conscious, empowered decisions to seek out something that aligns more with one’s true self.

In many ways, the Eight of Cups is a card of spiritual growth. Pamela Colman Smith’s artwork captures the poignancy of personal sacrifice and the courage it takes to leave behind what no longer brings joy or meaning. The figure’s journey is one that requires self-reflection and the willingness to move through emotional discomfort to find greater fulfillment.

The message of this card resonates with those who are at a crossroads, faced with the decision to stay or move on. It reminds us that sometimes the most profound growth happens when we take the difficult, unknown path. Although the road may be lonely and uncertain, the Eight of Cups reassures us that walking away is not about giving up—it’s about seeking something higher, something truer to the soul.

Embrace the Journey; Proceed in Faith

The Eight of Cups is a powerful symbol of emotional and spiritual evolution. It speaks to the human experience of reaching a point where material success or emotional investments no longer satisfy the soul’s deeper yearnings. Pamela Colman Smith’s depiction captures the quiet dignity and resolve of the figure walking away—not from failure, but from the need to find a deeper truth. In tarot readings, this card serves as both a challenge and a reassurance: the journey ahead may be difficult, but it is a necessary part of our personal and spiritual growth. Release what no longer serves you and is holding you back and surrender to the idea that the journey you are on is more important than the destination.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through