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Tarot Talk: 4 of Swords

By Katrina Rasbold

 A Journey of Rest and Renewal

The 4 of Swords, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith for the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, is one of the more serene yet deeply introspective cards in the Minor Arcana. Its imagery holds layers of symbolism that invite contemplation on rest, retreat, and spiritual recovery. While on the surface the card may appear simple, its profound meaning speaks to the essential human need for quiet reflection and inner renewal. In this post, we’ll explore the symbolism and interpretation of this card, shedding light on its deeper message.

A Scene of Rest and Solitude

In Pamela Colman Smith’s 4 of Swords, we see a knight lying atop a tomb, hands clasped in prayer, seemingly in a state of repose. Above him, three swords hang on the wall, while a fourth sword lies horizontally beneath him. The setting appears to be the interior of a church, with a stained-glass window casting a subtle glow. Each element in this image holds symbolic weight, guiding the card’s interpretation.

1. The Knight: The figure of the knight, usually clad in armor, symbolizes someone who has been through battles—literal or metaphorical. In the context of the 4 of Swords, he is not actively engaged in combat but is instead taking a moment of deliberate rest. This suggests that the time for action has passed, and now is the moment for recovery. His pose, with hands clasped in prayer, hints at a spiritual or mental retreat, not just physical rest.

2. The Swords: Swords in tarot often represent thoughts, conflicts, and mental energy. The three swords hanging above the knight may suggest past struggles or decisions that loom over him, but their position on the wall shows that they are not an immediate threat. The fourth sword, lying beneath him, may symbolize the knight’s readiness to return to action once this period of rest is complete, indicating that this pause is temporary and purposeful.

3. The Church Setting: The setting of a church or sacred space adds another layer of meaning to the card. Churches often represent sanctity, inner contemplation, and spiritual refuge. This suggests that the rest being depicted is not just physical but a time of profound spiritual reflection. The knight’s position inside the church implies that this is a safe space for healing and rejuvenation.

4. The Stained-Glass Window: In the upper left of the card, a stained-glass window depicts a figure offering something to a kneeling person. This image may suggest charity, compassion, or divine intervention, reminding us that even in times of solitude, we are supported by unseen forces or loved ones. The window also represents light filtering into the dark space, symbolizing hope, guidance, and clarity that may come after the period of rest.

Key Interpretations for the 4 of Swords

1. Rest and Recovery: One of the most common interpretations of the 4 of Swords is the need for rest. After a period of stress, conflict, or mental exhaustion, this card advises taking a step back to recover. Whether it’s a temporary retreat from a difficult situation or the need for quiet reflection, the 4 of Swords calls for a break from the action to regain strength.

2. Mental Clarity: Since swords are tied to intellect and thoughts, the card can also represent a period of mental clarity achieved through withdrawal. When you remove yourself from the noise and distractions of daily life, you give your mind the space it needs to process and find clarity. This card suggests that a solution or new perspective may arise only after you’ve given yourself time to think in solitude.

3. Spiritual Reflection: The card’s association with a church setting hints at a deeper spiritual message. The 4 of Swords can represent a time of prayer, meditation, or spiritual reflection. It may appear in readings when someone is seeking meaning beyond the material world or feeling the need to connect with something higher. This could be a time to seek inner peace or to deepen one’s spiritual practices.

4. Pause Before Action: The knight’s resting state suggests a temporary pause, not a permanent one. This is often interpreted as the “calm before the storm” or the necessary stillness before resuming a challenge. The fourth sword, lying ready beneath the knight, reinforces the idea that once this period of recovery is over, you will be prepared to face new challenges with renewed energy and focus.

5. Healing from Grief: The tomb-like setting of the card can also suggest a theme of mourning or recovering from a loss. In this case, the 4 of Swords may indicate a need to process grief in solitude, to heal from emotional wounds, or to make peace with the past before moving forward. It speaks to the importance of giving yourself time to heal and not rushing through this process.

Reversed Interpretation

When reversed, the 4 of Swords can signal an inability to rest or a reluctance to take the necessary time for recovery. It may indicate burnout, restlessness, or a refusal to confront the need for reflection. Alternatively, it can suggest that the period of rest is over and that it’s time to re-enter the world and take action.

The Art of Rest

Pamela Colman Smith’s 4 of Swords is a card rich with symbolism, reminding us that rest is not a sign of weakness but a necessary part of the human experience. Whether it appears in a reading to advise physical rest, mental recovery, or spiritual reflection, the 4 of Swords carries a powerful message: take time to retreat, heal, and gather strength. Only then can you move forward with clarity, purpose, and renewed energy.

In today’s fast-paced world, this card is a gentle reminder of the importance of stillness and inner peace, guiding us to embrace rest as an essential part of our journey.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through