By Kelle BanDea Reviewed by Katrina Rasbold Published by Moon Books
Kelle BanDea leaves no stone unturned in her exploration of Modrun, the Mother Goddess figure extracted from Welsh and Brythonic literature. Modrun first comes into mention in the 11th century Welsh work, The Mabinogi when Mabon ap Modron emerges through some of the King Arthur mythology included in that work.
The author’s thorough research shines through this work as she delves into Modrun’s connection to the Romano-Celtic Mother Goddess “Matrona,” associated with the concepts of sovereignty and stewardship of the land.
The consideration of Modrun is rife with symbolism and the book aptly evaluates each component as well as the cross-pantheon associations, weaving a strong connection to various other Mother Goddess figures throughout time.
From the 13th century poem Elucidation, to the modern influences of Kathy Jones and Jhenah Telyndru, BanDea deftly builds the story of this Mother Goddess, including an incorporation of Modrun into the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, complete with meditations and spellwork to incorporate the veneration of Modrun seamlessly into existing Pagan traditions.
BanDea speaks to my heart in a personal way as she looks into the connections between Modrun and Avalon through the writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth around 1130 CE.
Anyone who feels an affinity to the idea of a divine Mother Goddess should read this book to draw closer to one of her many faces. The author makes a strong argument for connecting Modrun to a variety of other better known Goddesses and this book could lead you down a rabbit hole to find new presentations of your familiar divine mothers.
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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through www.katrinarasbold.com.