Written by Halo Quin Reviewed by Katrina Rasbold Published by Moon Books
When you read Storytelling For Magic, you can easily discern what the voice of the author must sound like when she is in full bardic mode. Her writing style is as whimsical and engaging as is her subject matter and she deftly creates a lively and magical instruction manual for beginning storytelling bards.
As the author suggests, you will want to read and fully absorb this workbook fluidly from beginning to end as later lessons build on earlier ones.
Quin provides a wonderful explanation of the relationship between magic and the spoken word and lays the fundamental appreciation for how storytelling has influenced spellwork since the beginning of spoken language.
There are many interesting and evocative exercises throughout the book and the author gently coaxes the reader through each new chapter.
My favorite part of the book is a section that delightfully suggests an anamorphic consideration of the energies of the eight Pagan sabbats, bringing to life the most subtle aspects of each holiday.
She almost lost me when she affirmed the obvious: a primary skill for the bard is memory. At my age, the memory bank gets smaller seemingly every day, but despite that reservation, her ability to captivate through writing kept me hooked.
Quin’s explanation for how to structure and effectively convey a story is excellent and the book truly shines when she explores the handshake between myth and magic, between stories and rituals.
I am not a bard. It is not my gift, but let me tell you, this book almost makes me think I could do it.
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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through www.katrinarasbold.com.