By Lady Saoirse
Bright Blessings,
I wasn’t to tell a story. A woman got a message from her rental community one day that her patio lights were in violation of the community rules. They were referred to as “Holiday lights” and she was told to remove them within a week because it was now Springtime. Well…they were actually four seasons lights she put in place so she could enjoy them year-round, and she reluctantly removed them immediately. She cried all night and cried the next morning because she loved her lights and truthfully, did not want to be micromanaged. It turned out, she received the message by mistake and the community loved her lights. Had she waited and spoken with the administration, she would have gotten to keep her beautiful lights.
That woman is me, y’all.
This whole situation reminded me of a magical truth. Taking hasty action is never wise. Wait for clarification before you do anything. Now, it just so happens I had a box of string lights that hadn’t been used yet, so I fished those out and put them up, but I had lights in my shrubbery too, and I don’t have anything to replace those with right now. So, my lights are sparse. Whose fault is it? Is it the employee’s fault for making a mistake and putting me on a list where it didn’t belong, or is it my fault for not talking to them in person before I took action? I think it’s my fault.
I acted on my emotions, wanting to get things over with while I still had the nerve to do it. It was all a misunderstanding. Jumping to action did not serve me or any other purpose. Luckily, in this situation there was no harm done because it’s a very small thing. The lights had been out there for months and were probably ready to burn out soon anyways. We’re moving in about two months, so the lights had to be taken at some point anyways, so why not now? I can’t help but wonder how many of us make hasty decisions instead of waiting and how often those hasty decisions cause problems.
When you are fighting with your significant other, do you take a break to calm down or do you just start saying things that are hurtful without thinking? When you are frustrated at your job, do you just threaten to quit, or do you take a break before talking about it? When someone cuts you off in traffic do you catch your breath and then go about your business or immediately start screaming at the other driver? All of these hasty decisions that we make have repercussions and we can spread negative energy.
When we act too hastily, without thinking things through or getting all the information, we hold ourselves back from powerful magic. Getting the whole story gives us all the information and empowers us to make the best decisions. We also understand what people are trying to communicate if we wait and get clarification, and it makes communication better. People feel listened to, understood, and heard. It builds relationships.
When we wait for all the information, it helps us to control our emotions. That is something that I have to constantly work on personally, I don’t know about you. When news is upsetting, sometimes our instinct is just to have a reaction and to react without thinking. This can always make things worse. We have three different kinds of minds. We have our intellectual mind, our spiritual mind, and our emotional mind. It is very important to engage all three forms of our minds when news is upsetting. Obviously, our emotional mind will tell us how we feel. Our intellectual mind will allow us to look at things objectively. Our spiritual mind will allow us to see beyond the mundane world to see if there is deeper meaning in what happened or not.
They say that patience is a virtue, because it is. Being patient and waiting for all the information isn’t just something we do to be fair to other people. We do it to be fair to ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to wait until we have all the information or just to wait until the time is right to act. We can’t control the world, but we can control our reactions to things, and that is one of the most powerful forms of magic that there is. So, hang in there and wait until the time is right, and your magic will be powerful.
Blessed Be.
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Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own magical path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor who teaches and does Sabbats in her hometown, and she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag.