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Tarot Talk: The Fool

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is…


This card advises you to take a leap of faith, despite any insecurity, fear, or doubt. Move forward with confidence, take a breath, and jump. Do not expect that you will know the outcome before you land but instead trust that the leap will take you to exactly where you need to be. In this case, the faith you show in taking that leap is part of what fuels your ultimate success. Not knowing if you will fly or fall adds intense energy to the choice to move forward and make no mistake, it is always a choice. Remember that bravery and courage are not about being unafraid, but about moving forward despite your fear. The Fool suggests enthusiastic freefall. No matter how afraid you are, the bigger and more authentic your smile is as you leap, the higher you will fly. Banish fear and worry, then jump.

Reversed: Avoid foolhardy or reckless behavior. This is not an advantageous time to proceed without adequate preparation and risk-assessment. Wait until the tide has turned and the way is clear before moving forward. Exhaust all due diligence and get solid assurances before you advance. Let the world turn a time or two, then reassess the situation.

A Deeper Look: The Fool is the only card in the standard Tarot deck with the numerical value of zero. It is the equivalent of “Wyrd” in Germanic runes: The Unknowable. The purposeful lack of numbering is the perfect representation of what the card truly means: the void, the leap of absolute faith and trust.

The Fool traditionally has a meager pack thrown over his shoulder and a small white dog nipping at his heels. His face is innocent and carefree and he usually looks upward, away from where he puts his feet even though he heads toward the edge of a cliff. The background of the card indicates rocky and dangerous terrain. He holds a white flower in one hand and the stick on which his small pack is tied in the other. A jaunty red feather adorns his cap. The boots and the sky are yellow, the color of health, joy, and confidence.

The card itself advises that a leap of faith is at hand and encourage the querent to jump into the void and take a chance. The small bag indicates that The Universe provides all that is needed and that the querent should trust this to be so. The dog symbolizes the reality of intelligent, rational thought that often nips and bites at our heels when we work solely from intuition and trust. The red plume represents the pull of passion on the mental processes and the white flower shows purity of intention.

What to Focus On This Week:

You should move forward without assurances of safety or security and to sacrifice everything for a promise of nothing. This card advises the querent to take a breath and jump confidently off whatever cliff is calling. The Universe supports this confidence and the querent will fly rather than fall against the rocky crags below.

This card can also indicate the beginning of a journey with an unknown destination.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through