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Herbalism For Your Day: Honeysuckle

By Katrina Rasbold

The Magical and Healing Properties of Honeysuckle: The Herb of Sweetness and Protection

Honeysuckle (Lonicera) is a beloved plant known for its sweet fragrance and beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers. This enchanting herb has a rich history of use in both herbal medicine and magical practices, where it is celebrated for its healing, protective, and prosperity-attracting properties. In magic, Honeysuckle is often associated with love, psychic powers, protection, and abundance, while its healing properties make it a valuable tool in traditional herbalism for soothing inflammation and supporting the respiratory system.

In this blog post, we will explore the magical and healing properties of Honeysuckle and discover how you can incorporate this powerful and fragrant herb into your spiritual and wellness practices.

The Magical Properties of Honeysuckle

1. Attracting Love and Abundance

Honeysuckle’s sweet fragrance and vibrant blossoms are often associated with attracting love, luck, and prosperity. In magical traditions, it is believed that Honeysuckle can draw positive energy into your life, making it a popular herb in spells for love, abundance, and attraction. Honeysuckle’s magical energy works to manifest sweetness and beauty, encouraging harmonious relationships, emotional warmth, and financial growth.

You can use Honeysuckle in love spells, particularly when seeking to deepen romantic connections or attract new love into your life. Its warm, inviting energy opens the heart and encourages loving interactions, making it a favorite in magic centered on relationships. Similarly, Honeysuckle’s association with abundance and success makes it a valuable herb for attracting wealth and good fortune, helping you bring prosperity into your life and business ventures.

How to Use Honeysuckle for Love and Abundance:

Love Sachet: Fill a small pouch with dried Honeysuckle flowers, rose petals, and lavender. Carry the sachet with you or place it under your pillow to attract love and enhance romantic energy.

Prosperity Spell: Place fresh or dried Honeysuckle flowers on your altar during rituals or spells for financial success and abundance. Visualize the flowers drawing wealth and prosperity into your life as their sweet fragrance fills the air.

2. Enhancing Psychic Powers and Intuition

Honeysuckle is closely linked to enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual insight. Its flowers are thought to open the mind to higher realms, helping you connect more easily with spiritual guides, higher consciousness, and hidden knowledge. In magical practice, Honeysuckle is used in divination, meditation, and rituals for developing psychic powers, such as clairvoyance or intuitive insights.

Burning Honeysuckle as incense, making a Honeysuckle tea, or using its essential oil can help clear your mind and enhance your intuitive abilities, making it easier to access spiritual messages and insights. Honeysuckle’s connection to spiritual clarity also makes it useful for dreamwork and astral travel, helping to strengthen your connection to the dream world and providing guidance through dream messages.

How to Use Honeysuckle for Intuition and Psychic Power:

Divination Ritual: Burn dried Honeysuckle flowers as incense before using tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools to open your mind to clear insights and intuitive messages.

Meditation: Place Honeysuckle flowers on your altar or near your meditation space to encourage spiritual clarity and deepen your connection to your higher self.

3. Protection and Banishing Negativity

In addition to its sweet and loving energy, Honeysuckle also offers powerful protection. It has long been used to guard against negative influences and banish harmful energies from a space or person. Its protective properties make Honeysuckle a versatile herb for cleansing rituals and spells designed to create a safe and positive environment.

Honeysuckle can be used to protect the home by placing fresh sprigs near doorways or windows to keep negativity and harmful entities out. The fragrant energy of Honeysuckle acts as a barrier, keeping away anything that may disrupt peace or harmony. If you’re dealing with a challenging situation or person, Honeysuckle can also be used in spells to help banish negative influences and create emotional safety.

How to Use Honeysuckle for Protection:

Home Protection Charm: Hang a bundle of dried Honeysuckle above your front door or windows to protect your home from negativity and harmful energies.

Banishing Spell: Combine Honeysuckle flowers with black salt and burn them to banish negativity or harmful influences from your space. As the smoke rises, visualize it carrying away all negativity and leaving behind an atmosphere of peace and protection.

The Healing Properties of Honeysuckle

In addition to its magical uses, Honeysuckle is highly valued in traditional herbalism for its healing properties. Known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities, Honeysuckle has been used for centuries to treat a range of health conditions, especially those related to inflammation, the respiratory system, and skin ailments.

1. Respiratory Health and Cold Relief

Honeysuckle is often used in herbal remedies for colds, flu, and respiratory infections. Its cooling, anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent remedy for relieving sore throats, fevers, and congestion. Honeysuckle helps clear the lungs of excess mucus and soothes inflamed tissues, making it useful for bronchitis, sinus infections, and other respiratory ailments.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Honeysuckle is often used as part of a remedy to clear heat from the body, especially when dealing with fevers or heat-related illnesses. It’s often brewed into a tea or tincture to help reduce fever, relieve sore throat, and support overall respiratory health.

2. Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Healing

Honeysuckle’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable remedy for treating skin conditions like rashes, burns, insect bites, and eczema. When applied topically, Honeysuckle can help reduce swelling, redness, and irritation, promoting faster healing and relief from discomfort.

Honeysuckle is often used in poultices, ointments, or infused oils to treat skin wounds, boils, and other irritations. Its ability to calm inflamed skin and promote healing has made it a popular choice in natural skincare remedies.

3. Detoxification and Lymphatic Support

Honeysuckle is also known for its detoxifying properties, making it a useful herb for supporting the body’s natural elimination processes. In herbalism, it is sometimes used to cleanse the lymphatic system, helping to remove toxins and support immune function. Honeysuckle tea can be used to flush out toxins from the body and promote general health and wellness, especially during times of illness or after exposure to environmental toxins.

How to Use Honeysuckle for Healing:

Honeysuckle Tea: Brew a cup of Honeysuckle tea to soothe a sore throat, reduce fever, or ease congestion. To make the tea, steep a teaspoon of dried Honeysuckle flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink warm for relief from cold and flu symptoms.

Honeysuckle Poultice: For skin irritations or burns, make a Honeysuckle poultice by crushing fresh Honeysuckle flowers and applying them directly to the affected area. This will help reduce inflammation and promote faster healing.

Honeysuckle Infused Oil: Create an infused oil by steeping dried Honeysuckle flowers in a carrier oil (such as olive oil) for 2-4 weeks. Use the infused oil to treat skin conditions or massage it onto the chest for respiratory relief.

Folklore and History of Honeysuckle

In folklore, Honeysuckle has long been associated with love, protection, and good fortune. Its sweet scent and beautiful blossoms have made it a symbol of love and passion, often used in love charms and spells. It is also considered a lucky plant, bringing abundance and good fortune to those who care for it. Some traditions believe that growing Honeysuckle near the home will bring prosperity and happiness, while its fragrant flowers are thought to attract positive energy and helpful spirits.

Honeysuckle’s protective properties are also rooted in folklore. In some cultures, it was believed that Honeysuckle could ward off evil spirits and protect against negative influences, especially when hung over doorways or placed around the home. This made it a common addition to protective amulets and charms.


While Honeysuckle is generally considered safe in herbal remedies, it’s important to use it in moderation and consult a healthcare provider or herbalist before using it medicinally, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have existing health conditions. Some species of Honeysuckle may be toxic when ingested in large quantities, so always ensure you are using the correct type.

Honeysuckle is a powerful and versatile herb that offers a wide range of magical and healing properties. Whether you’re using it to attract love and abundance, enhance psychic abilities, protect your space, or heal the body, Honeysuckle’s sweet and potent energy makes it a valuable tool in both magical and herbal practices.

By incorporating Honeysuckle into your rituals, spells, and healing remedies, you can harness its power to bring sweetness, protection, and healing into your life. Embrace the magic of Honeysuckle and let its fragrance and energy guide you toward love, prosperity, and spiritual insight.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through