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Tarot Talk: Ace of Cups

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is…


Pamela Colman Smith’s depiction of the Ace of Cups is not only visually captivating but also deeply meaningful. She imbued the card with layers of spiritual and emotional wisdom, making it a profound tool for anyone seeking to understand the depths of their own heart.

The Ace of Cups invites us to dive into the realm of emotions, where love flows freely, creativity is nurtured, and the spirit finds peace. It’s a card that encourages us to cherish the beauty of emotional connections and embrace the divine love that surrounds us.

In every drop of water that spills from the cup, in every petal of the lotus flower, and in the serene pool beneath, the Ace of Cups tells us that the heart is a vessel capable of holding an infinite abundance of love, healing, and joy.

The Ace of Cups is traditionally associated with the element of water, which governs emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. As the Ace of the suit, it embodies the purest and most potent form of these energies. It’s a card of love, new relationships, creative inspiration, and emotional renewal. Whether appearing upright or reversed, the Ace of Cups invites us to connect with our emotional core and embrace the flow of feelings.

But what makes this card truly unique is Pamela Colman Smith’s interpretation of it, filled with rich symbolism that encourages us to delve deeper into its layers.

A Deeper Look

The design of the Ace of Cups, like many of Smith’s illustrations, is deceptively simple yet profoundly meaningful. Let’s break down some of its key elements:

1. The Cup Overflowing with Water

At the center of the card is a large chalice, from which streams of water are flowing over the rim, cascading into a tranquil body of water below. This overflowing cup represents the abundant flow of emotion, love, and creativity. It symbolizes the opening of the heart chakra and an outpouring of positive energy that flows into every aspect of life.

The five streams of water that spill from the cup can be seen as representing the five senses or the five traditional elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit). They emphasize the idea that emotional and spiritual abundance flows into every area of our lives, filling us to the brim and nourishing our very soul.

2. The Hand Emerging from the Clouds

The cup is held by a mysterious hand that emerges from the clouds. In tarot symbolism, a hand emerging from the clouds often represents divine intervention or a gift from the universe. It suggests that the opportunities and emotional breakthroughs symbolized by this card are not self-made; rather, they are blessings from a higher power. It’s a reminder that love, healing, and inspiration are gifts to be received with gratitude and openness.

3. The Dove and the Wafer

Above the cup hovers a white dove, delicately holding a wafer or communion host between its beak. The dove, a traditional symbol of peace, love, and the Holy Spirit, signifies spiritual blessings and a higher love. The wafer, meanwhile, is often associated with the sacrament of communion in Christianity, hinting at spiritual nourishment and divine love.

Together, the dove and wafer suggest a sacred union of spirit and matter, an invitation to integrate spiritual wisdom into the physical realm. It’s a message of aligning oneself with a higher love that transcends the mundane.

4. The Pool of Water with Lotus Blossoms

The base of the card features a tranquil pool with blooming lotus flowers. The lotus is a powerful symbol of purity, rebirth, and spiritual enlightenment. Its ability to emerge from murky waters and blossom beautifully represents the potential for emotional growth and renewal even amidst difficult circumstances.

The stillness of the water beneath the overflowing cup suggests serenity and inner peace. It encourages us to embrace our emotions without fear and to allow them to shape our journey toward self-discovery and healing.

5. The Yod Symbols

Surrounding the cup, you’ll notice tiny droplets that resemble the Hebrew letter “Yod.” In Kabbalistic tradition, Yod represents the presence of the divine and the spark of creation. These droplets indicate that divine energy is present and guiding us through our emotional experiences. They remind us that every tear shed and every joy felt is part of a greater cosmic plan, enriching our spiritual path.

What to Focus On This Week

When the Ace of Cups appears in a reading, it is a powerful omen of emotional renewal and new beginnings. Upright, it signifies the birth of something beautiful, whether it’s a new relationship, creative endeavor, or a deeper sense of self-love. It encourages us to open our hearts, be receptive to new experiences, and trust in the flow of emotions.

If the Ace of Cups appears reversed, its energy remains potent but takes on a more introspective quality. It might suggest emotional blockages, suppressed feelings, or a need for self-care and healing. It’s a reminder to reconnect with oneself, release pent-up emotions, and allow healing to occur from within.

The Ace of Cups is one of the most evocative and spiritually profound cards in the tarot deck. Illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith for the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, this card is brimming with symbolism and deeper meanings that make it a beacon of emotional insight and spiritual awakening. It represents the essence of love, new beginnings, and emotional fulfillment.

May the Ace of Cups fill your heart and guide you to the abundant emotional and spiritual blessings it promises.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through