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Herbalism For Your Day – Foxglove

By Katrina Rasbold

Foxglove is a remarkably beautiful plant with brightly colored, long bell-shaped flowers. It is long associated with the ability to communicate with fairies and the other little ones of other realms in the garden area. It is an herb of the Underworld and is sometimes used in necromancy rituals.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Cinnamon

By Katrina Rasbold

Cinnamon come from the bark of several different trees from the cinnamomum genus. It is one of the most stimulating herbs in common use and its versatility in bark and oil form makes it a fantastic and invigorating addition to incenses, teas, potions, and spellwork.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Peppermint

By Katrina Rasbold

The presence of menthol in in peppermint makes it an excellent anodyne and a drop or two of pure peppermint extract onto an aching tooth can ease the pain for at least an hour or two. Be prepared. Actual peppermint oil is intense and for a minute, takes your breath away.
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Herbalism For Your Day: Rosemary

By Katrina Rasbold

People lean heavily into the sages, cedar, and juniper, but rosemary is one of the strongest cleansing and purifying herbs to use. It not only cleanses, but also protects property and the people on it. Rosemary is a primary ingredient in the Fiery Wall of Protection oil and spray that I make. Plant rosemary, a sturdy and forgiving bushy herb, outside your home to convey its protection to the house and grounds.

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Life is Like a Rose

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

My little patio garden is thriving in the July heat. I have two lavender plants and two roses, one regular sized, complete with bristling thorns, and one dainty, thornless miniature rose. The thorned rose has been nibbled on by June bugs and the mini rose was munched on by rabbits. So far at this new location we moved to a couple of months ago, there have been no spider mites or aphids which were plentifully at our other apartment. Before that, we lived by the woods and while no rabbits or deer got my roses, the June bugs were mad about them. Continue reading Life is Like a Rose

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Herbalism For Your Day: Hibiscus

By Katrina Rasbold

The next several Herbalism For Your Day posts look like a walk through my tea cabinet and that is purely by coincidence, but here we go.

Hibiscus looks like it should be a poisonous plant with its brightly colored flowers and extremely proud and vital stamen and it is poisonous to cats.

Its power as an aphrodesiac is so intense that in some countries, women are forbidden from drinking the tea because certainly, we would not want a bunch of horned up women roaming the streets all hepped up on hibiscus tea. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Hibiscus

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Herbalism For Your Day: Anise, Star & Otherwise

by Katrina Rasbold

Anise and star anises are two different herbs from two different plants, but they share the same scent profile because of anethole, an essential oil produced by both plants. The flavor is slightly different with star anise being more bitter. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Anise, Star & Otherwise

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Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

By Katrina Rasbold

Of all of the holidays, it can be argued that most cultures at some time or another celebrated Midsummer. The Sun reigns at its full power and dominates the sky for the longest day of the year on Litha. It is commonly believed that the Faeries are most active during this time; an idea perpetuated by William Shakespeare’s famous play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The power of herbs and plants is said to be strongest at this time, so many of the summer herbs are harvested on this day. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

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Herbalism For Your Day: Lemon Balm

By Katrina Rasbold

Lemon balm is one of the most common herbs we have covered so far, known for its aromatic citrus smell. It is related to the mint family and the leaves are very similar, even if the scent is not. Its fancy name is “Melissa” and it flourishes in any warm or temperate area worldwide. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Lemon Balm

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Herbalism For Your Day: Cascara Sagrada

By Katrina Rasbold

Cascara sagrada grows in the Pacific Northwest and is an extract from the bark of the buckthorn tree. You will noticed that we previously covered the wonderful effects of buckthorn in an earlier column. Interestingly, like buckthorn, cascara sagrada was one of the first magical herbs I used in my practice. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Cascara Sagrada

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Herbalism For Your Day: Job’s Tears

By Katrina Rasbold

Like kava kava, Job’s tears are a foreign plant to everyone who does not live in Asia, which is where the plant almost exclusively grows. As mentioned in the article on kava kava, we always achieve a higher energy impact on our shellwork when we use herbs and stones native to our geographical area. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Job’s Tears

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Herbalism For Your Day: Kava Kava

By Katrina Rasbold

Kava kava is an interesting plant in that all seeds it produces are sterile. This means that the only way to propagate the plant is through cuttings. It is high needs, so you will not likely be able to grow it in a pot or even in a greenhouse. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Kava Kava