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Tarot Talk: The Emperor

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that  add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is…


The energy of The Emperor card is one of control and will power. Nothing less than intense focus and commitment is required. Wisdom, self-confidence, fairness, integrity, and determination are essential components of success at this time.

A Deeper Look:

This man is solid, steady, and self-assured and has emotional control, will power, and intellect. Although he is elderly, beneath his robe, we see that he wears the armor of a knight, indicating that he has fought his battles, and the wisdom and control he bestows from his throne he attained through great effort. His wisdom comes from experience in the field and he rules through strategy. The throne itself appears solid, but cold and unsympathetic, which represents a sense of unyieldingness. He is not, by nature, flexible in his opinions or actions. The outer robes colored in shades of red show that he possesses great passion, but the armor prevents him from having direct contact with it. He is able to set aside his own desires in favor of a greater good. For this reason, The Emperor is a card of tremendous will power, sacrifice, and determination, of staying on course and not giving in to emotions or ego.

The rams on the quarters of his throne represent the astrological sign of Aries, lending the characteristics of stubbornness and determination. The ram also is symbolic of initiative, leadership, and authority. These qualities all tie into the meaning of the card of The Emperor.

What to Focus On This Week:

This card may represent you, someone around you, or the need to demonstrats these qualities. The correct channeling of intent and wisdom is necessary, as is control and balance, authority and mind over matter. Strength of nature and great willpower are the hallmarks of this card.

Handle any situation in a manner that is wise and fair, making choices derived from logic and practicality rather than emotions. Act with complete integrity. If someone who has wise advice comes into play, you should trust that that person’s input is valuable and safe. The powers of reason, fairness, and willpower are vital.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through

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