By Katrina Rasbold
“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is…
Influences and experiences of all kinds are in play, as well as one that is hidden from you at this time. This card represents dreaming, the “pie in the sky,” and taking a chance on something that may be too good to be true. This card has a feel of “place your bets” as we consider which of those cups might be coming our way.
A Deeper Look:
The figure in the illustration has their back to us as they look into the sky to bring them opportunity and risk. In one cup there is beauty. In another, the snake symbolizes raw sexuality. A castle represents home and security. Jewels overflow in wealthy abundance. The laurel wreath of victory that the triumphant leader wore in the 6 of Wands represents success after battle. A dragon is danger, while the main focus is on what appears to be a human figure obscured by a drape. Male or female? Is it as aspect of ourselves we encounter under the drape or is it someone else? Why does this person have an aura showing around them and the other cups do not? What is hidden that we cannot see? The laurel wreath has a skull looking back from the top of the cup. Was the battle won at great cost to someone else? Or to ourselves?
What to Focus On This Week:
Things will pop up from all over around us like whack a mole. Some are good, some are challenging. We tend to observe and consider our circumstances all at once, like a wave of experience that washes over us. Look at each cup, at each occurence, one at a time, focusing on what is right in front of you. Understand that hidden elements are in play that could change outcomes and shift the energy of a situation. If you have to take a chance, according to this card, you have greater chance of a positive outcome than a negative one if you go by numbers alone since only one of the cups holds danger and one holds an unknown element. Play the numbers and take a chance.
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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She is the author of Tarot For Real People. You can reach her through www.katrinarasbold.com.