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Herbalism For Your Day: Broom

By Katrina Rasbold

Broom (Genista or Cytisus scoparius) is a plant that has been used for centuries in both magical and medicinal practices. With its bright yellow flowers and bushy form, Broom has a strong historical association with purification, protection, and banishing negativity. Known in folklore as a powerful cleansing tool, Broom is often linked with spiritual and magical practices that focus on removing stagnant energies and creating an environment of clarity and safety.

In herbalism, Broom also has notable medicinal properties and has been used in traditional medicine to address various ailments. In this blog post, we’ll explore the rich metaphysical, magical, and healing properties of Broom, along with practical ways to incorporate it into your spiritual and herbal practices.

The History and Folklore of Broom

Broom has deep roots in ancient folklore, where it was often associated with purification and protection rituals. Its branches were historically used to sweep away both physical dirt and unwanted spiritual energies, making it a key component in rituals of cleansing and banishing. In many traditions, Broom was hung over doorways or thresholds to keep evil spirits and ill-intentions from entering the home.

In Celtic and Druidic traditions, Broom was believed to have powerful connections to the element of air and the forces of the wind. Its use in sweeping was not only literal but also symbolic, as it was seen as a tool to sweep away the remnants of the old to make way for new, positive energies.

Witches’ brooms, often referred to as “besoms,” were traditionally made from Broom plant twigs and used in rituals to purify sacred spaces, banish negativity, and protect against harmful entities. Today, Broom is still used in spiritual and magical practices, maintaining its reputation as a plant of protection, cleansing, and renewal.

The Magical and Metaphysical Properties of Broom

1. Cleansing and Purification

One of the most well-known metaphysical properties of Broom is its ability to cleanse and purify. In magical practices, Broom is used to sweep away negative energies, clearing the way for new, positive vibrations. Whether used to physically sweep an area or incorporated into smoke cleansing rituals, Broom’s energy helps to remove energetic blockages, making way for clarity and light.

You can use dried Broom in cleansing spells or rituals by burning it as an incense to purify your home or sacred space. Its purifying energy is especially useful after a difficult event or period of emotional heaviness, when negative energy needs to be cleared and fresh energy is invited in. When you feel energetically weighed down, using Broom can help reset the energy and create a clean spiritual slate.

2. Protection and Banishing Negativity

Broom is widely known as a powerful protective herb, traditionally used to keep harmful influences and energies away. It’s common to hang Broom above doorways or in rooms where negative energy tends to accumulate, as it acts as a barrier against unwanted spiritual entities or ill intentions.

In witchcraft, Broom is used in banishing rituals to send away negative energies or people who bring harm or chaos. By incorporating Broom into protection spells, you can guard your energy field and home from spiritual attacks or toxic influences. Sprinkling Broom leaves around your home or creating a protection sachet filled with Broom can help fortify your spiritual defenses.

The use of Broom in protective rituals also extends to personal energy. Carrying a small sachet of Broom in your bag or pocket can create an energetic shield around you, keeping negativity at bay while promoting a sense of safety and well-being.

3. Renewal and New Beginnings

Because of its strong associations with clearing and banishing, Broom is also connected with renewal and fresh starts. After it clears away stagnant or harmful energies, Broom allows new and positive vibrations to enter your life. It’s a great herb to work with during times of transition, such as when moving to a new home, starting a new job, or embarking on a spiritual journey.

Broom can be incorporated into rituals for new beginnings, helping you clear away old emotional baggage and open yourself to new opportunities. Whether you’re looking to start a new chapter in your life or release past traumas, Broom’s energy encourages growth and transformation by making space for new experiences.

4. Divination and Spiritual Insight

Broom’s connection to the element of air and its history in Druidic traditions also links it to divination and spiritual insight. Using Broom in meditation or placing it on your altar can help enhance your intuitive abilities and open your mind to spiritual messages. Its clarifying energy can be useful in divination practices, such as tarot or rune reading, to ensure that the messages received are free from interference and clearly understood.

When used in conjunction with other divinatory tools, Broom can help you focus your intention and gain clear insight into the questions you seek answers for. Its energy clears the mind, helping you to see situations objectively and make decisions from a place of spiritual clarity.

The Medicinal and Healing Properties of Broom in Herbalism

In addition to its magical uses, Broom also has notable medicinal properties that have been used in herbalism for centuries. Here are some of the key healing properties of Broom in traditional herbal medicine:

1. Diuretic and Circulatory Support

Historically, Broom has been used for its diuretic properties, making it useful for supporting kidney function and flushing out toxins from the body. Herbalists often used Broom in treatments to alleviate water retention or edema, as it helps the body expel excess fluids.

In addition to its diuretic properties, Broom has also been used to support circulation. It was traditionally employed to help lower blood pressure and support heart health. However, due to its potent nature, Broom must be used with care and under the guidance of a knowledgeable herbalist or healthcare professional.

2. Wound Healing

In folk medicine, Broom was used externally to aid in the healing of wounds. It was often applied as a poultice to cuts, bruises, and sores to help reduce inflammation and promote healing. The anti-inflammatory properties of Broom were valued for their ability to soothe irritated skin and support the body’s natural healing processes.

3. Stimulating the Uterus

Broom was also used in traditional herbalism to stimulate the uterus and promote menstruation. It was thought to help regulate menstrual cycles and support reproductive health. However, this property makes Broom potentially harmful for pregnant women, as it can induce contractions. Because of its potent effects, Broom should only be used under the supervision of a qualified herbalist or healthcare provider.

How to Use Broom in Your Spiritual and Herbal Practices

Here are a few practical ways to incorporate Broom into your spiritual and herbal practices:

Cleansing Rituals: Use dried Broom to sweep your home or sacred space, both physically and energetically, to remove negative energy. You can also burn dried Broom as incense to purify the area.

Protection Spells: Hang a bundle of Broom above doorways or windows to create a protective barrier against negative energy and spiritual intrusions. You can also make protection sachets filled with Broom and carry them with you for personal protection.

Banishing Rituals: Use Broom in banishing spells to release negative influences or people from your life. Sprinkle dried Broom leaves around your home or sacred space during a full moon to drive away unwanted energies.

New Beginnings: Incorporate Broom into rituals for fresh starts and new beginnings. Whether you’re moving into a new home or starting a new phase in your life, Broom’s energy will help clear the path for positive change.

Divination Enhancer: Place Broom on your altar or near your divination tools to promote clear spiritual messages and enhance your intuition. It can also be used in rituals to gain spiritual insight and clarity.

Herbal Remedies: For medicinal use, consult a qualified herbalist who can guide you on safely using Broom for its healing properties, particularly its diuretic and circulatory benefits. Remember to exercise caution due to the potency of the plant.

Broom is a versatile and powerful herb with deep roots in both magical and medicinal traditions. Its metaphysical properties of cleansing, protection, and renewal make it a valuable tool for spiritual practitioners, while its medicinal benefits in herbalism have long been recognized for promoting health and healing. Whether used in rituals of purification, protection spells, or herbal remedies, Broom’s energy offers profound support for both body and spirit.

Embrace the magic of Broom and allow it to cleanse your energy, protect your home, and create a space for new beginnings and spiritual growth.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. You can reach her through