By Lady Saoirse
Bright Blessings,
I’m not the only one who isn’t happy about who is our President is. I did my best. I voted, I encouraged others to vote as I did, and I even voted for the non-presidential representatives who I felt supported LGBTQIA rights, women’s rights, the rights of the poor, marginalized, and the environment. In every last election, I vote. We do not get around like we used to, so I give us plenty of time to get our absentee ballots sent to us and we mail them back in plenty of time. I pay attention to who is running for offices, to be judges, and all local issues. I vote for what supports a liberal, inclusive policies. Do you, or did you just focus on who would be president?
There is entirely too much focus on who the president is in general, and there always has been. Look what is happening now. People who did not vote for him are falling to pieces, complaining on the internet to friends, or marching in the streets with signs that say “Fuck Trump” etc. and giving the finger to cameras, very proud, feeling like expressing themselves will miraculously change things. Speaking up, raising awareness, and venting might make you feel better, but if that is all you do, it won’t fix things.
In the meantime, some people are busy. Judges are blocking the president on certain things. Courts are stepping in after people file lawsuits. People are reaching out to local representatives. People are sticking together. People are listening to each other and trying to be emotionally supportive.
As a community, what do we do when we feel beat? Do we lose our shit, pitch a fit, scream to the heavens and run around, hysterical? Initially, it’s understandable. This has been happening since November. It has been three months. We need to come together. While some of us have been basket cases, wringing our hands, freaking out for right at 90 days, the people we voted for have been doing their jobs to ensure that America remains as America- of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is not a dictatorship. No president or their team can do whatever they please even though they try.
The fact so many people are screaming about how helpless they feel pleases our foes. Never let them see that reaction. They will think they have won and it will make them feel more confident. The more confident they feel, the more they will put energy into reaching goals. We need to give ourselves that same magic. We do not need to give them that magic. If you are one of the people freaking out and watching the news , falling to pieces when you read what “they are doing” every day- I get it. I validate your feelings. What some people want to do is absolutely horrifying. Reacting helplessly supports them, though, and we cannot do that.
What can we do instead? Instead of just complaining with friends on social media, express your feelings to your representatives. Write letters, attend meetings, and yes, protests in public are powerful, but please don’t act like the conservatives when they go into “Fuck your feelings” mode and flip off the cameras. It pleases them and they say we are trainwrecks. Let’s have some self-respect, decorum, and dignity.
We are the ones who care if people get gender affirming care and believe SSI and Medicaid need expanded. We are the ones who understand that asylum seekers need a safe place to be and understand that women are just as valuable as men. We are the ones who know marriage is between two people who love one another, and has nothing to do with what is between their legs. We are the ones who understand the earth will die, and every species with her if we do not take environmental measures to curb pollution and waste. We know all this and many other things the others do not.
I also know one thing- there is no “us” and “them”. While I do not think of myself as the same as the people who are pro KKK, anti-gay, and against supportive programs for those who go without- we are all citizens of the same planet and the same nation. I know we cannot work together with those who are against the things we work for- but we are stuck with them. We are going to have to deal with them. Some of us have relatives who are that way and some of us have neighbors and co-workers who are that way. They are not going to go away and leave us alone.
Screaming how we hate what they do and they can “fuck off” won’t do a thing. May I ask you to help me to get through the few years please and help me to ensure those who are against what many of us know is needed don’t win? Over 30% of registered voters did not vote Trump or Harris, and many of them did not vote at all. That is how we lost this election. I need you to vote, show up, support people emotionally, and create positive change. It’s not going to be easy to get through this term, but we got through before, and we can make it again. We have to fight, but it has to be done the right way. Please, we need you.
Blessed Be.
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Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own magical path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor who teaches and does Sabbats in her hometown, and she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag.