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The Magic of Today

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Some of the people I love have had some close calls this year- including my husband. Two people I love probably won’t make it to 2025. That’s the reality of middle age.

So, to those of you who are younger, or are unaware of an ugly reality- listen.

Today is all we’ve got.

Tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is in the past.

All we have is today, and all we have is this moment.

So, as we move forward to Samhain, when we venerate the dead, let’s venerate them starting today by tending to our relationships with the living. We get preoccupied with our lives, and tend to spend time with the people it is most convenient to spend time with. We have all done it, and not on purpose. Life is busy, and it’s tough. We have to work, and we are tired. So, sometimes, we forget to maintain relationships.

Right now, think of the people you miss, and think of how you can spend more time with them.

Call your friend you lost touch with. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you spoke. Call them. They will be glad you did.

Get together and talk with your friend you had a fight with. Make peace, and move past things. Apologize first if you have to. Is it really worth “being right” about something small when it means you lose somebody you love?

Go ahead and set up the time you have been “meaning to get together”. You don’t have time. Nobody HAS time. Make time. Go ahead and set up getting together. It’s overdue.

Surprise somebody by showing up at their door. I remember growing up we just got in the car and went to see people who we loved. We didn’t necessarily call ahead. We just went. Now, that’s considered extremely rude by a lot of people. However, someone who really loves you who hasn’t seen you in a while will be tickled pink if you just show up at their door. Just take pencil and paper with you just in case they’re not home so you can leave them a note so they know you were there.

Telephone calls and texts seem impersonal to some people, so go ahead and start a video call and see if your friend picks up. They might. It’s not the same as being in their presence, but it’s a good way to get in touch with somebody. While you’re on your video call plan to get together in person.

If you can’t get together with someone, and you can’t reach them, leave them a message. Let them know you’ve tried. They might not respond immediately but they will have the energy of your love sent to them at least.

If there’s someone who you love that you’ve lost touch with and you don’t know how to reach them, say a prayer for them, burn a candle for them, and reach out to mutual friends to see if they can get you back in touch with each other. Sometimes sending out the energy for that is all it takes to bring them back into your life.

I don’t know about you, but my life isn’t exactly what I’ve planned that it would be. I’m not gorgeous, or rich, and I don’t have the house and the gaggle of kids that I wanted to have, but I do have some other things that I never expected to have. I have relationships with people who I love very much. These relationships have kept me going in my darkest moments, and these people have celebrated my greatest victories with me. They know my innermost deepest secrets, and they know my worst habits. For some reason, they’ve stuck around to put up with me despite it all.

Sometimes it feels like we don’t have anything at all in our lives, but most of us have at least one person and our lives making it all worth it. They make us have the courage to get out of bed in the morning when we don’t know why we’re bothering, and they get together with us for laughs. There are probably multiple people in your life that you can’t imagine surviving without, so go ahead and tell them.

Tell the people who you love how important they are to you. Tell them how much they mean to you, and how much better off you are to have them in your life. You are who you are today because of all the people that you’ve had with you since the day you were born. Some people come and go from our lives and that’s meant to be- but whoever you have in your life right now -there’s someone who’s very important to you, so tell them.

These relationships are perhaps the most magical thing you will ever have in your life. Such a blessing. Now stop reading and go reach out to someone. They’ll be glad you did.

Blessed Be.

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Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own magical path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she is a member of the spiritual family at the Magical Druid in Ohio, and she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag.