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Year of the Snake – The Truth Beneath the Noise

By Tatiara

Greetings and many well wishes to you!

This year feels like stepping into a mystery school, doesn’t it? Life is the teacher, and you’re the apprentice, invited into a cauldron of transformation where the sacred turns into something tangible and life-changing. It’s a year for shedding, shifting, and stepping into what’s next with a sense of easeful willingness—like the Snake, shedding its skin without resistance.

Continue reading Year of the Snake – The Truth Beneath the Noise

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Witch At The Crossroads: Jupiter Goes Direct

By Katrina Rasbold

On May 16, 2023, the planet Jupiter entered the sign of Taurus and on September 4, 2023, it shifted into a retrograde course. If you have paid even a cursory attention to astrological news, you already know that Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. Jupiter, on the other hand, goes retrograde approximately every 13 months and stays retrograde for approximately four months each time. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Jupiter Goes Direct

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The Cat’s Eye – My Neurodivergent Response

By Cat Gina Cole

I want to share the following because there is a group of people that are very seldom recognized or understood, the neurodiverse, and we are greater in number than most might think. I want to put words to what it is like for many of the neuro-diverse to cope with the invisible battle by sharing a recent experience I had as I too am neurodiverse. I aim to let the diverse know I see you and give those who are not diverse a very small glimpse into what being neuro-diverse is like. Continue reading The Cat’s Eye – My Neurodivergent Response

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Mercury Retrograde: Making It Work For You

By Katrina Rasbold

Author’s Note: For those who believe in magic but not in astrology, this post will hold no validity. Many of us use astrology and view the practice as a valuable and familiar magical tool. I wrote this post for those folks. The current Mercury Retrograde lasts from Dec. 13, 2023, to Jan. 1, 2024. Continue reading Mercury Retrograde: Making It Work For You