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Stone Magic: Chrysocolla

By Katrina Rasbold

Chrysocolla is found in copper mines and varies from light green to deep blue and forms from the oxidized copper deposits around it. It was once called “green turquoise” rather than considered as its own stone as it is now.

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Herbalism For Your Day – Foxglove

By Katrina Rasbold

Foxglove is a remarkably beautiful plant with brightly colored, long bell-shaped flowers. It is long associated with the ability to communicate with fairies and the other little ones of other realms in the garden area. It is an herb of the Underworld and is sometimes used in necromancy rituals.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Cinnamon

By Katrina Rasbold

Cinnamon come from the bark of several different trees from the cinnamomum genus. It is one of the most stimulating herbs in common use and its versatility in bark and oil form makes it a fantastic and invigorating addition to incenses, teas, potions, and spellwork.

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Ask a Witch: Can You Undo a Spell Once It Is Cast?

by Katrina Rasbold

Are you seeing unexpected and undesired results from your spellwork? Did you change your mind after doing rage spells? Did new information come to light after you did your spellwork? If you need to uncast a spell, here is the video manual for it.

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Stone Magic: Aventurine

By Katrina Rasbold

Aventurine is most often thought of as a minty green stone, but it also comes in darker green, blue, and red, depending on the heat level at which it is created and the area in which it developed. It is infused with mica, which gives it a lovely iridescence. It is found in India and South America and is sometimes referred to as “Indian Jade.” Ancient Tibetans used aventurine for the eyes of many of their statues because of its beautiful color and its affinity for blessing the visionary processes of holy people.

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Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

When I was a kid, my favorite movie was one called Little Big Man, starring Chief Dan George as Grandfather. At the end of the movie Grandfather sang a beautiful death song and told his god that he was ready to die. He lay down to die, but instead of dying, a beautiful rain swept the landscape. He sat up and asked his grandson if he was on the other side and his grandson told him no. Grandfather he said, “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t.” Continue reading Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

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Stone Magic: Chalcedony

By Katrina Rasbold

Chacedony is an interesting word that people tend to pronounce in different ways, mostly because they read it and never heard it. I always heard people pronounce it as “chal-sidney” and I have trouble thinking of it as anything else. Many people I know say, “chal-see-doney.” Professor Google says the correct pronounciation is, “cal-sedony.” So there y’go.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Peppermint

By Katrina Rasbold

The presence of menthol in in peppermint makes it an excellent anodyne and a drop or two of pure peppermint extract onto an aching tooth can ease the pain for at least an hour or two. Be prepared. Actual peppermint oil is intense and for a minute, takes your breath away.
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Herbalism For Your Day: Rosemary

By Katrina Rasbold

People lean heavily into the sages, cedar, and juniper, but rosemary is one of the strongest cleansing and purifying herbs to use. It not only cleanses, but also protects property and the people on it. Rosemary is a primary ingredient in the Fiery Wall of Protection oil and spray that I make. Plant rosemary, a sturdy and forgiving bushy herb, outside your home to convey its protection to the house and grounds.

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Stone Magic: Lepidolite

By Katrina Rasbold

Lepidolite is a beautiful stone known as a “stone of peace” for its soothing, high-vibing properties. Structurally, lepidolite resembles tourmaline and its qualities are similar to watermelon tourmaline. It does, in fact, form alongside tourmaline in many places.

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Magickal Food: Harvest Moon Cookies Prosperity Spell

 By Tatiara               

Don’t worry! Autumn is on the way! These amazing cookies bring to mind those cozy, autumn vibes, curled up by the fire, reading a good book, misty moonlight and crisp air. And you haven’t even tasted them yet! Soft, spicy, packed with ginger (I call them ginger “bends”) and lovely spices, it’s the blackstrap molasses that really makes their texture so wonderful, and they taste almost chocolate-y. They are so much more than “pumpkin spice,” but they are that, too.
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