by Brahn the Blessed
Part Five Redux. I see Life as episodic and worthy of capitalization. Life is episodic because it can be seen as a sequence of minor or major adventures, either challenges or opportunities—trivial or difficult challenges that we must confront, some harder and some easier than others, some that may be met and resolved in a day and others that may take years to resolve; and both small and great opportunities that we can either recognize and accept or ignore and reject, perhaps out of pure ignorance (being too stupid to recognize an opportunity when we get one) or perhaps out of self-doubt and fear (unwilling to accept an opportunity for fear of failure). Life presents us a rather constant series of challenges and opportunities, and were we properly trained to live our lives, we would appreciate these gifts better and avail ourselves of their generous benefits. But the great majority of us are not at all trained in how to live our lives. We are protected from Life’s challenges and programmed to see them as obstacles, impediments, and problems, conditions to be avoided if possible or escaped from as soon as possible. Then, when opportunities arise, we are unprepared for them because we have not met the challenges and gained the strength and confidence we need to benefit from those opportunities. Continue reading Meneology: Part Five Redux