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Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

When I was a kid, my favorite movie was one called Little Big Man, starring Chief Dan George as Grandfather. At the end of the movie Grandfather sang a beautiful death song and told his god that he was ready to die. He lay down to die, but instead of dying, a beautiful rain swept the landscape. He sat up and asked his grandson if he was on the other side and his grandson told him no. Grandfather he said, “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t.” Continue reading Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

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Tarot Talk: Six of Swords

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that  add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: Six of Swords

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Stone Magic: Chalcedony

By Katrina Rasbold

Chacedony is an interesting word that people tend to pronounce in different ways, mostly because they read it and never heard it. I always heard people pronounce it as “chal-sidney” and I have trouble thinking of it as anything else. Many people I know say, “chal-see-doney.” Professor Google says the correct pronounciation is, “cal-sedony.” So there y’go.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Peppermint

By Katrina Rasbold

The presence of menthol in in peppermint makes it an excellent anodyne and a drop or two of pure peppermint extract onto an aching tooth can ease the pain for at least an hour or two. Be prepared. Actual peppermint oil is intense and for a minute, takes your breath away.
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Tarot Talk – Page of Cups

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that  add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk – Page of Cups

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Herbalism For Your Day: Rosemary

By Katrina Rasbold

People lean heavily into the sages, cedar, and juniper, but rosemary is one of the strongest cleansing and purifying herbs to use. It not only cleanses, but also protects property and the people on it. Rosemary is a primary ingredient in the Fiery Wall of Protection oil and spray that I make. Plant rosemary, a sturdy and forgiving bushy herb, outside your home to convey its protection to the house and grounds.

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Stone Magic: Lepidolite

By Katrina Rasbold

Lepidolite is a beautiful stone known as a “stone of peace” for its soothing, high-vibing properties. Structurally, lepidolite resembles tourmaline and its qualities are similar to watermelon tourmaline. It does, in fact, form alongside tourmaline in many places.

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Magickal Food: Harvest Moon Cookies Prosperity Spell

 By Tatiara               

Don’t worry! Autumn is on the way! These amazing cookies bring to mind those cozy, autumn vibes, curled up by the fire, reading a good book, misty moonlight and crisp air. And you haven’t even tasted them yet! Soft, spicy, packed with ginger (I call them ginger “bends”) and lovely spices, it’s the blackstrap molasses that really makes their texture so wonderful, and they taste almost chocolate-y. They are so much more than “pumpkin spice,” but they are that, too.
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How Flexible Should I Be?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Last week I was reminded not to be too inflexible- but not to be SO flexible I’m a doormat.

That’s a tough one for me, folks. I’m a fist hipped woman and I have my own way of doing things. I never followed any crowd and even within my own faith community, I’m an individual. Continue reading How Flexible Should I Be?

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Tarot Talk: 7 of Cups

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that  add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: 7 of Cups

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Meneology: Part Five Redux

by Brahn the Blessed

Part Five Redux.  I see Life as episodic and worthy of capitalization.  Life is episodic because it can be seen as a sequence of minor or major adventures, either challenges or opportunities—trivial or difficult challenges that we must confront, some harder and some easier than others, some that may be met and resolved in a day and others that may take years to resolve; and both small and great opportunities that we can either recognize and accept or ignore and reject, perhaps out of pure ignorance (being too stupid to recognize an opportunity when we get one) or perhaps out of self-doubt and fear (unwilling to accept an opportunity for fear of failure).  Life presents us a rather constant series of challenges and opportunities, and were we properly trained to live our lives, we would appreciate these gifts better and avail ourselves of their generous benefits.  But the great majority of us are not at all trained in how to live our lives.  We are protected from Life’s challenges and programmed to see them as obstacles, impediments, and problems, conditions to be avoided if possible or escaped from as soon as possible.  Then, when opportunities arise, we are unprepared for them because we have not met the challenges and gained the strength and confidence we need to benefit from those opportunities. Continue reading Meneology: Part Five Redux

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Tarot Talk: The Knight of Swords

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that  add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: The Knight of Swords

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Ask a Witch: How Do You Make & Use Moon Water?

By Katrina Rasbold

Have you heard of moon water and want to give it a try? Here is how Katrina makes and uses it. [Note from Katrina: I did not mention making moon water during a lunar eclipse, but you can certainly do that in the same way as other types of moon water. Lunar eclipse water is great for revealing and hiding what is and is not anyone’s business.] Continue reading Ask a Witch: How Do You Make & Use Moon Water?

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Stone Magic: Turquoise

By Katrina Rasbold

Turquoise is a copper aluminum sulfate that presents in blue, deep green, or green blue. The level of copper present in the amalgam determines how much blue shows up in the stone. Throughout multiple cultures, turquoise is honored as a strong protection stone that also brings good fortune and happiness. The protective energies are amplified if the stone is given to the owner by a loving friend. We often find turquoise guarding burial sites in Mexico and the Southwestern United States. Continue reading Stone Magic: Turquoise