By Cat Gina Cole
Wow! The “New Normal” since the pandemic is really challenging for almost all of us for a variety of reasons. As a freelance writer, I spend quite a bit of time on social media and the challenges are very evident. So too are the contentions those frustrations bring as we attempt to interact with each other. I say interacting, because it is not really communication. It is more “act” and “react,” and communication is a two-way conversation. That our social media interactions have become so black and white it got me thinking about Yule.
Yule is rather black and white as well. We begin in a season of darkness then the Solstice on the 21st brings back the light. The days become longer and brighter. For many, this also brings hope and lightens the mood for many. Our focus becomes more about the light and what is the best way to focus on the light? Well, my pal Tylluan Penry said it best the other day on FB, “Light shines best in a dark room, doesn’t it?”
I think that of social media as well. When sharp contention catches my attention, it is because it is such a contrast to the amount of light that is also present on social media. I think the light we see on social media is often forgotten in the heat of the moment, yet Yule is here to remind us, there is light and it shines its brightest in the darkness.
Cat Gina Cole is a Herditary Witch and author of Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft (Llewellyn, 2022). She is the founder of The Coven of the Rising Phoenix and Staff Coordinator for “Green Egg Magazine.” You can reach her at www.catginacole.com.