By Tatiara
If you’re like me, then you have felt the intensity of transformation afoot lately. The eclipse energy symbolizing “out with the old, in with the new,” was magical, yet a little harrowing for some of us.
If you’re like me, then you have felt the intensity of transformation afoot lately. The eclipse energy symbolizing “out with the old, in with the new,” was magical, yet a little harrowing for some of us.
There is already a sweet reprieve in the air, an anticipatory sense of something coming into bloom. Our full moon on April 23rd is the Lunar Beltane. Lunar Beltane, rather than Solar Beltane, refers to the full moon that occurs when the sun is in the house of Taurus. This is when the Beltane energy really begins to make itself known. Beltane, or May Day, is a celebration of fertility, sexuality, romance, and Love. Romantic Love, as well as the many different energies and forms Love takes… Love as a force in Nature and in the Universe.
Can you feel the full moon energy amplifying your sixth sense, a feeling of magick, of sensing between the worlds?
The light of this Lunar Beltane moon brings a potent activation, an opportunity to send our intentions rippling out into the spiral of life. The Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon is a chance to give your own love to your fertile dreams and to really appreciate your existence by living into your sensual nature. It is a good time to allow what’s been building and stirring in the inner realms of your being to have a pleasurable expression.
Exploring and releasing deep, Scorpionic emotions helps us tune in to the messages of our own cycles. Hidden treasures connected to soul gifts, destiny, courage, sensuality and sexuality are illuminated by this magic moon. Through bravely exploring both shadow and light, some of the greatest inner wisdom and dormant powers – and also possible wounds for revelation, healing and empowerment – can be revealed. Our awareness and attention to these areas opens the door for the alchemy of transformation. Let it be motivated by Love. Don’t forget to include Love in your self-talk!
Beltane Moon Gratitude Elixir:
Combine mint,lavender, rosehips, tulsi, hibiscus, lemon balm and cinnamon. Send the energy of gratitude for all the blessings you can acknowledge right into the herbs, with your hands, or grind them in a mortar and pestle. Smell them, touch them, appreciate their beauty. Make it a sensual experience! Let it sit in the full moon light, if you wish. Steep the tea in boiling water for 15 minutes to extract all of the goodies! Sweeten with honey or maple syrup and you’ve got a magically delicious Lunar Beltane elixir. Drink this during the full moon and up until Solar Beltane, if it feels right. Start the day giving gratitude for all that is and has been transforming in your life. Allow the Universe to support your path.
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Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara) has been a tarot and past life reader for over 35 years. Nicki learned about tarot through her witchcraft and herbal studies as a youngster when she was gifted “The Herbal Tarot” from her mentor. It has been with her ever since. Past life memories and psychic abilities showed up early and claiming those abilities in the face of oppressive religious family doctrines has been a gift in disguise, informing her purpose to help others free themselves from outmoded conditioning, release trauma, and make space for soul truth and hidden gifts to shine forth. Embodying her spiritual path, owning the mystic within and living from that truth is her continuing challenge and mission.