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Stone Magic: Malachite

By Katrina Rasbold

Shall we talk about my favorite stone? Let’s talk about my favorite stone. I am a huge fan of malachite, both for its beauty and its magical bang.

Polished malachite

Like most stones, malachite varies wildly in appearance, from the most mundane looking stone that you would walk right past to the most fabulous looking green striated piece you would ever want to see.

Even in its raw form, high grade malachite is beautiful (see photo at the bottom of this article).

Malachite is green and all green and gold stones are great for money-drawing spell work. Green stones are also great for grounding and centering your energy.

The most prominent energy of malachite, however, is its intense protection of the wearer.

The legend is that if a person wears malachite and bonds with the piece, if they come into danger, the malachite will break.

I thought this was a wonderful little folk tale until I saw it happen for myself. I was out with a friend who always wore a large malachite in a necklace cage against her chest. This malachite was so small that it looked like a third boob between her own boobs (that is also testimony to how small her boobs were).

During our visit, she got a shocked look on her face and touched her chest.

“I just felt something snap,” she said. She pulled out the chain of her malachite and we saw that it had clearly broken in half. The stone had not sustained any known trauma and literally popped in two while we were talking.

We both knew the legend and laughed nervously about it. That night, although she was only in her late twenties, she suffered a mild heart attack.

Coincidence? I’m not sure, but it certainly did seem that the malachite knew its owner was in trouble.

Wearing malachite against your skin expands love in your life, your ability to both give and receive. Green relates to the heart chakra, so it is great for heart healing and overcoming relationship trauma.

Raw malachite

Ancient Egyptians ground malachite into a fine powder and put it into eye shadow not only for its brilliant color but also because they believed it to enhance visionary powers. This is thought to have been the first cosmetic eye shadow.

Malachite promotes inner peace and a sense of hope.

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Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She and Dahlia Rose host the popular livestreamed video broadcast “Crossroads of Cognizance” most Thursday afternoons. You can reach her through

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