By Lady Saoirse
Bright Blessings,
I think it’s fair to say we have all stayed in situations that no longer served us. Yet, for the sake of habit or perhaps out of a sense of loyalty, we stayed anyways. While there is something to be said for the ability to persist and stay anchored in a place or relationship, sometimes, the situation or relationship is dead. We need to move on. Are you stubborn about a thing like that? Do you dig in your heels, taking pride in your ability to stick it out even in the worst of times? Well, I see you, because I’m that way too. Sometimes, it’s a great gift, and sometimes, it’s a toxic trait.
Sometimes, difficulties need to be weathered, and things and people deserve it. Other times, they don’t. Sometimes, your loyalty is displaced and you’re giving to those who don’t reciprocate. Other times, the situation isn’t helping you in life, and it might even be holding you back from growing. It might be keeping you from other things you are meant to do or even just want to do. The situation might be making you miserable. You might be perfectly happy and completely unaware that you are where you don’t belong. How can you tell when it’s time to move?
You’re Not Appreciated
The number one indicator that it’s time to change is that the people you are there for don’t appreciate you. Maybe they have a sense of entitlement and expect you at their beck and call 24/7. Maybe your employer isn’t paying you enough. Maybe they don’t value what you do. Anytime you realize you’re sticking around for people who don’t appreciate it, move on and find another situation. Someone will value you elsewhere.
You’re Not Respected
Disrespect is earned, but some people are disrespectful in general. They will not care about your boundaries or needs, and they will talk negatively behind your back even if you didn’t earn it. Let them be disrespectful to someone else. You don’t need that.
It’s Holding You Back
Some situations eat up all your time and hold you back from other things you are passionate about or need to be doing. Jobs especially are notorious for eating up hours, compromising your health, and holding you back from better opportunities. People will be focused on fulfilling their own needs and meeting their own goals. They will use you and everybody else they can get a hold of to do that. When something you do or a relationship you’re in holds you back from better things or a good life, change where you are.
It’s Making You Unhappy
If a situation or relationship is making you unhappy, it’s time to make a change. Maybe you can talk to people and create some positive changes and stick around. It never hurts to try. If a situation it’s worth starting, it might be worth staying there for and sorting through problems. Just make sure you don’t stay miserable. Sometimes, a nasty situation is brought about because somebody just doesn’t care. There are sometimes that you can’t make them understand the damage they’re causing. When talking about it doesn’t help and doesn’t create the necessary change, you can go ahead and move.
Things Are Toxic
Toxic relationships and toxic situations often never change that. So you’re going to have to change. It all starts with the decision that you’re not going to stay there for that. Toxic situations can entail abuse, disregard of your feelings, disrespect, or dysfunctional relationships. Nobody deserves to stay stuck in that type of a situation. When things are toxic, the thing you should change is being there. Get out.
It’s All One Wayed
When your participation in something benefits someone but being there doesn’t benefit you, what are you sticking around for? Some people stick around because of the sense of duty and other people stick around when they’re not getting anything out of a situation because they’re used to being there. There was a time when you weren’t there before. You changed that by coming into whatever situation you’re in now. Just like you changed things by comimg into this situation, you can change things to get out of it. You literally don’t owe it to anybody to stick around if it’s not benefiting you.
Other Things Call You
Sometimes there’s nothing wrong, it’s just time to do something else. The wonderful thing about life is we get to enjoy a lot of different wonderful experiences. Experiences take up our time. When an experience is taking up time that you need to use to do something else, the change that needs to happen is what you’re doing. People won’t always be happy when you leave to go do something else, but I guarantee that if those people wanted to leave to do something else they wouldn’t hesitate, so don’t let them hold you back. Go do the things that call youI
Sticking around means you won’t run off the second the wind blows too hard in another direction or something else looks more fun. That’s important. Just make sure not to stay in a dead relationship or a situation that is not serving you. Life is full of great experiences. Some make us happy , and others teach us priceless lessons. Know when it’s time to leave and go somewhere new. Your life is calling you forward. Go ahead and change.
Blessed Be
Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own magical path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor who teaches and does Sabbats in her hometown, and she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag.