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Stand Up For Yourself!

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Y’all- I am about to go Southern Smother Mother on some folks here. I am watching some of my own, and am really unhappy. I’m going to point out an ugly truth. It has been over three months since it was announced who was going to be president of the United States. A lot of people are unhappy about who won. Some of whom couldn’t even be bothered to vote. And because I’m deaf, and don’t drive, you bet I’m on social media every day. I am seeing so much complaining online right now but no action taken that it’s making me sick.

I want to explain to some people who don’t know how magic works. We don’t “put energy out there ” and then the universe does everything for us. We put energy out there by working. It’s not fun, and sometimes it’s not fair, but that’s the way things are. Magic happens when we make it happen. I’m not talking about casting a spell with words that rhyme, simply lighting candle, or wearing a magical oil. I’m talking about rolling up our sleeves and getting busy.

Perhaps because so much of what Trump said sounds ridiculous, those of us who didn’t buy into it didn’t take it as seriously as we probably should have. That’s how he won. That and the fact that a lot of Americans just don’t like black people, especially educated highly qualified black women. If only more of America could have overlooked racism and misogyny and seeing through the lies of our current President’s propaganda, we would have that highly qualified black woman as our president right now.

Now I am seeing courts block some of the things that he wants, and I’m seeing the Democrats who we voted for doing their jobs and stopping him. I am seeing his approval ratings drop because people are angry that they don’t have eggs for $0.99 a dozen. I’m seeing something else though- the people who are suffering are the ones who are supported by the government and that is happening because government support expanded under Joe Biden, and Trump is cutting it back. I’m seeing federal employees lose their jobs, migrants who were here legally losing their legal status, and people who benefited from Medicaid and food stamp expansion lose their benefits. In other words, the neediest members of our society.

Instead of supporting the courts, focusing on local elections to keep Democratic representative in seats so they can block Trump, and attending community meetings or making phone calls to local representatives what do I see a lot of people doing? Bitch and moan on the Internet and nothing else. I’m sorry, but you’re not going to get results that way. Bitching alone isn’t always strong enough magic.

I’ve already written about that to an extent, but there’s one thing that I want to ask you to do that I haven’t asked you to do yet- stand up for yourself in person. There are people walking into Pagan stores proselytizing, there are people showing up to Pagan gatherings thumping the Bible, there are even neo Nazis marching down the street, making a lot of noise. And what people overwhelmingly do is run away and then bitch about it on the Internet.

I’ve written about my Priest before, and I’m writing about him again today. I’ve said before he owned a shop in my hometown, but I don’t know if I’ve told you this story. Multiple Bible thumpers would come in and try and convert him, but this one lady really stood out to him one day. I don’t know exactly what she said that was different, but he was a little more upset with her for some reason. He basically told her to get out of his shop and he yelled and he screamed at her until she left. Then he was so upset with her he didn’t just let her leave in peace. He told me he followed her three blocks down the street cussing her out and yelling at her. He moved enough energy to let her know she was not welcome that she never came back.

I wonder how many of our problems and our daily lives as Pagans could be solved if we just stood up for ourselves?  I know that a lot of us were raised Christian, but we are not Christians. We are children of the old gods, many of whom were deities of war. They do not expect us to love our enemies and do good to the people that harm us. They expect us to be warriors like they are. Warriors fight. They don’t simply piss and moan online and run away. They stand up for themselves to those who threaten them. They don’t just scream and throw a fit. They take up for themselves.

If you want to complain you go right ahead. I’m basically complaining right now so I can’t tell anybody they’re not allowed to. Sometimes, you have to vent for your mental health or to find solutions from other people. Then, at a certain point I need you to get up and do something. We are not going to get through the next four years just by bitching. We’re going to get through it by standing up. Please. We need you.

Thank you in advance.

Blessed Be.

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Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own magical path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor who teaches and does Sabbats in her hometown, and she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag.