By Katrina Rasbold
In last week’s Witch At The Crossroads blog, we talked about symptoms of psychic attack and these may come from intentional malice or inadvertent ill will (like pouting and wallowing in anger). In this post, we discuss how to effectively manage psychic attack once it occurs or we suspect it has occurred.
When I cleanse a person and find that they have a curse causing havoc with their energetic field, the first things they want to know are who sent it and when.
This is a direct cut and paste of the information I share with every client from whom I remove a curse:
Most adults who do not have regular cleansings have at least one curse. This could be from deliberate spell work intended to harm or from focused rage, resentment, or envy focused directly on the client. There is no way to tell how old this curse is, so once we remove it, we watch to see how the client does and whether stronger steps (such as protection work) might be necessary. Usually, this is not the case. The type of work I do does not trace back and identify who sent the curse or how old it is. I am the repair person who fixes it.
Desire for retaliation and retribution is understandable but the last thing you want is to end up in a magical pissing contest. This is often what happens with the popular “reflect and return” where the victim mentally surrounds themselves with mirrors of protection so any incoming negative energy is reflected back to the sender. On the surface, it makes perfect sense because the attacker gets back only what they send and if they are innocent, nothing happens. As discussed in the previous post, however, the attack could be inadvertent, in which case the sender may interpret that the victim attacked them first, even though it is their own negativity returning on them. This can result in a game of “Oh really? Take THAT” which does little more than exhaust everyone concerned and open up a karmic mushroom cloud with fallout going everywhere.
By the time a person suspects they are under psychic attack, both people involved are exhausted. The attacker is weakened from the sheer amount of energy such negativity requires, whether intentional or inadvertent, and the victim is depleted because they have been under attack. Even the best energy practitioner can get sloppy when high emotions are in play, so retaliation, even reflect and return, is strongly discouraged.
There are very specific steps to take in the case of psychic attack and they all fall into the (boring) category of what wise magical practitioner should do.
1) Banish all fear. Psychic attack, like all negativity, feeds on “negative” emotions such as anger and fear. Those feelings, regardless of how justified, make the initial attack stronger and amplify the symptoms. This gives you (and your healer) a bigger demon to fight, so your approach should be neutral. Do what you must to purge and ground your own negativity. Imagine the attacker becoming smaller and smaller in your mind. Realize how petty and juvenile their behavior is and understand that you are better than that.
If anxiety persists, hold a smooth, dark stone in your hand and let the anxiety and anger drain into it, then bury it. Do now allow the sender to take up mental real estate in your head. This creates a link from them to you that allows more toxic energy to flow between you. When you are sick because you caught a cold from someone, it is more productive to treat your symptoms and heal the illness than to punish the person who got you sick.
2) Take a ritual bath/shower. Soak yourself in water, preferably with lavender oil or flowers, and try to clear your head. Water will help equalize emotions and calm you, washing away negativity. We tend to feel dirty after an attack. A shower works great as well, visualizing negativity flowing down the drain with the water.
3) Cleanse your home. Use cleansing incenses, smokes, or other energy clearing agents to purify your house from the top corners to the bottom. Open all windows and doors. Pay close attention to other traverses into your home such as vents. Let the smoke push out all the ugly. These are the instructions I share with clients who use smokes and washes to cleanse their homes (you can click the image to see a larger size):
4) Call for back up. The positive, supportive energy of people you trust, as well as their objectivity and grounding assistance, can be essential. Let them know what you suspect, then ask for their opinion and their help in dealing with the situation. I do not believe we can effectively cleanse ourselves of a heavy psychic attack. Since we are contaminated, we cannot effectively cleanse ourselves. It’s like cleaning a mirror with a muddy cloth.
5) Receive and ground the incoming energy. Once you have cleansed yourself and your home, light a BLACK candle to absorb any negativity coming your way. Visualize all of the baneful, hurtful energy going directly into the candle and grounding down to Mother Earth. She will take it all. The perpetrator is now removed from your circle of influence and no longer on your radar. You can also use black stones like basalt, black tourmaline, and obsidian to ground the negative energy.
6) Empower the home. After the black candle burns down and the sage smoke clears, close up your home again to comfort levels and burn a purple, white, or pink candle for healing. Send joyful, healing energy to all concerned and refuse to stoop to the level of the attacker. Take a few meditative moments to fortify the protection around your home, your car, or any areas you frequent. Imagine a bright light of protection around you, your home, and your loved ones. If you are comfortable doing so, put graveyard dirt, salt, or brick dust around your entry ways and windows saying, “Nothing except that which is for my greatest good may pass over this barrier.” Use traditional amulets and charms to protect your home and environment as well.
Some folks rub graveyard dirt or salt into the carpet around their work cubicle for protection and keep a black stone stone on their desk to absorb negativity. If you have a favorite guardian, a dragon or other thought form, wake them up and let them know they have been recalled to duty for a while.
I have often had people ask about taking the negative energy and transmuting it into positive energy. I do not recommend this because it is an enormous task energy-wise and there is no assurance you will achieve full conversion, which means you could be sending contaminated energy out into the world. Grounding this type of energy is the way to go. By using these techniques, the negative energy is neutralized without escalating the situation or harming innocent bystanders. Sure, it is more fun and dramatic to think of getting into a high-powered magic flinging contest, but in the long run, grounding the energy is the best possible solution. As always, the most effective way of dealing with a magical bully or tantrum-thrower is to give them no attention and no drama.
Just remember, as always, to learn from the experience:
Lastly, if none of this works, especially for the long-term, seek out a professional energy worker of integrity to give you a propery energy cleanse.
Katrina Rasbold is a professional Witch, published author, priestess, and editor of Green Egg Magazine. She and her husband, Eric, are the creators of the CUSP spiritual path and owners of Crossroads Occult. She and Dahlia Rose host the popular livestreamed video broadcast “Crossroads of Cognizance” most Thursday afternoons. You can reach her through www.katrinarasbold.com.