By Katrina Rasbold
By Katrina Rasbold
This post was written and submitted by K.J. Wilson:
The title is a seemingly easy question, isn’t it? How did you answer I though? Most likely you answered with your name but is that who you are?
Who you are isn’t your name, where you live, what you do for a living, or any of the common answers that are usually given. Who you are is much deeper than that.
You have probably heard or seen that saying that asks, “Who were you before the world told you who you were supposed to be?” Who is that person? What is their life like? Continue reading Who Are You?
By Katrina Rasbold
When I saw this internet meme, I literally laughed out loud with this wonderful, surprised, soul-smiling bark of a laugh. Let me tell you, I give amazing grace. I can grace like a pro in non-denominational, Christian, Heathen… I just read the room and flood that table with grace. I am grace fluent to the extreme. I will also finish before your food gets cold. It’s an art. 😉
Saying grace or as we called it when I was growing up in Kentucky “Returning the thanks” or “Saying the blessing,” is one of the traditions that sadly falls away for most people who leave the Christian Church. Personally, I am a fan of blessing the food that we eat regardless of whatever religious subscription dominates our spritual mailbox.
How do you bless the food you take into your body? How do you honor the people throughout the supply chain who helped get the food to you? How do you pay tribute to the plant or animal (or scientist) that sacrificed so you could eat? Continue reading Amazing Grace
Welcome to the Green Egg Blog! We are excited to bring you interesting, thought provoking, magical content in blog form and we look forward to you joining the conversation in the comment section. Your blog curator and author is Green Egg Staff associate editor, Katrina Rasbold. We also share blog posts from other Green Egg staff members, guest authors, recurring columists, and content creators. The publisher of this website is Rev. Judith Barnett and we deeply appreciate her generosity in providing this space for us.
Submissions: We welcome articles, poetry, artwork, videos, or other content for consideration for posting to this blog. We reserve the right to edit any submission for content while preserving the integrity of the piece. To send a submission for consideration, email Katrina Rasbold at drrasbold@gmail.com
Ready to get started down this fun and informative rabbit hole? Just start scrolling down past this sticky post! If you want to participate in the conversations about these blog posts, go to the Green Egg Forum and scroll to the forum post that relates to the article: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1069823176940972. Each week, we post a thread for each individual article on this blog. You can recognize the forum post because it shares the same title and header image as the article.
If you are new to Green Egg Magazine, you might be wondering why this guy, Oberon Zell, is such a big deal. Now, in the day of finding a Pagan leader and all around wise person on every corner, it might be challenging to remember that at one time, all this “old” stuff was very new. For many of you, Paganism was always an unhindered spiritual option. Although many or even most of us enjoy that freedom today, it was certainly not always the case. The reason we have that degree of freedom stems from the pioneers who brought Paganism openly and fearlessly into the spiritual conversation. OZ was and is one of those voices. OZ is not only “a” Pagan. OZ is “the” Pagan. Here are some of his accomplishments: Continue reading Do You Know OZ?
By Katrina Rasbold
Hello Green Egg Family! I started reading Green Egg in the 1980s when the Pagan climate and experience was somewhat different than it is now. We were not then as connected with other Pagans without the internet to draw us together. We had a limited number of resources available to us and only a handful of voices in the wilderness guiding us through the experiences. Not all of us were fortunate enough to be born into hereditary Pagan families and our only recourse was to follow the breadcrumb trails left by the people we now consider to be pioneers of Neopaganism.
There are amazing teachers out there now and we have greater access to them than we ever could have imagined four decades ago. People like Christopher Penczak, Thorn Mooney, John Beckett, Jon Drum, Judika Illes, and so many more continue the process of developing the various Pagan religions and providing guidance to the twenty-first century Pagan community. These contemporary leaders follow a trail blazed by the ground-breaking teachers of our past. Continue reading Pagan Voices
Welcome to the current iteration of the Green Egg Blog! On behalf of the Green Egg Staff, I am honored to welcome you to this developing conversation about Gaia, Paganism, and all things mystical, organic, uniquely sacred, and above all, marvelously human. What truly is more magical than all of us being here, sharing this human experience in such a magical way?
In some way or another, we all came here because of the vision, dreams, and actions of one couple: Oberon and Morning Glory Zell. Their sacred calling to christen Green Egg in 1968 as an expression of their journey through the liminal passages of life continues today. We are all blessed to be a part of it and to continue their tradition of creating and celebrating Gaia’s tribe of loving souls, sharing the worlds and realms, as well as this miraculous journey through life together.
With love and genuine friendship, we offer you the quarterly ezine of Green Egg Magazine and now, to fill in the gaps, we launch the Green Egg Blog, where many of your favorite Green Egg writers come to nest and share their thoughts.
Pause for a moment and let your inner vision take over. Imagine that you are around a campfire with all of us, sharing stories and thoughts, dreaming dreams, laughing, and ruminating.
If campfire isn’t your jam, see us gathered around a large kitchen table with your favorite snacks in abundance, cups of tea or hot cider, shots of whiskey, or whatever your ideal imbibement might be.
Look around and greet your loved ones, your family, your tribe, and know that you are not alone on this path. On December 21, 2023, the Winter issue of Green Egg Magazine publishes and its theme is “Hearth & Home.” Who is around your hearth? Who lives in your spiritual home? Is it birth family? Chosen family? Pets? Spirit guides?
We do hope you will join our tribe that gathers around this blog to share Pagany discourse in love, respect, and a sincere desire for learning evermore about the magic that Gaia brings to our lives.
(on behalf of OZ, Mama Maureen, Brahn th’ Blessed, Cat, and Isha as well)