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Libertarian Paganism: Freedom and Responsibility in Nature-Based Spirituality by Logan Albright

Review by Katrina Rasbold

The author uses only 224 pages to tackle two far-reaching and complex subjects but does so with a distilled finesse that leaves no stone unturned. Choices were made, make no mistake. He carefully curates which topics will best support his argument for a potential marriage between the camps of libertarianism and paganism*, which is no easy task since those two camps are not even remotely on the same battlefield.

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Gaia: Saving Her, Saving Ourselves by Irisanya Moon

Book Review By Katrina Rasbold

Working as I do for Green Egg Magazine, founded by the King of Gaia theology, Oberon Zell, the subject of earth consciousness and stewardship understandably becomes an important focus. Irisanya Moon encapsulates this mindset perfectly in this beautiful homage to Mother Earth. As she puts it (paraphrased), Earth is our home, where our birth, life, and death all are contained. Continue reading Gaia: Saving Her, Saving Ourselves by Irisanya Moon