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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

By Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara)

In the soft, quiet breath of the season, regardless of weather, the call of Imbolc stirs something within me. A gentle reminder that Brigid calls me to reawaken the embers of inspiration and renewal. It feels like being called to dance with the Inner Mystic. The flame of spirit within, soul-fueled dreams and authentic aspirations take center stage, as I tap into the reviving glow of Imbolc. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

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The Magic of Clutter Banishing

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

No doubt, you are all enjoying your new year, and some of you will have set New Year’s Resolutions. I remember the days before I practiced magic when “I will lose x number of pounds” was my resolution every year. Now, I have lost the weight of societal expectations and I love my body. Pass the cake and wine, please! There is something that I do every year, multiple times per year, however this year, I did find myself doing it at the beginning of January. Continue reading The Magic of Clutter Banishing

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Vesta…Sacred Flame, Sacred Space

By Tatiara

Aeterna Flamma, the Sacred Flame. What does it symbolize? The presence of Spirit and our connection to the formless essence. Vesta, virgin goddess of hearth and home, preserves this sacred fire. She represents the container in which we center ourselves, be it temple, sweat lodge, meditation cushion, or our own home. Interestingly, the word hearth means “focus” in Latin. Vesta can help us improve our spiritual focus, dedication and commitment. This pertains to our home life and family or tribe unity, as well. Continue reading Vesta…Sacred Flame, Sacred Space

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Vision Boards as Magickal Tools

Raven Digitalis

By Raven Digitalis

Vision boards are focal items that carry a particular set of intentions, with the goal of bringing about certain qualities, traits, experiences, and manifestations into one’s life. For some people, these boards are more like “affirmation boards,” containing positive written messages. For others, they’re more like pieces of art like a collage. Others prefer to simply focus on symbols, while others prefer to create a piece that combines these approaches. With daily focus, vision boards are believed to help the mind and spirit align to the energies and intentions at hand, thereby shaping one’s own life experience. Vision boards and affirmation boards have been amplified by New Age schools of thought, but they can easily be applied to self-transformative practices of Witchcraft. Continue reading Vision Boards as Magickal Tools

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The Most Sacred Magic Word: The Power of Saying No

By Lady Saoirse

“My boyfriend won’t stop spending my money!”

“My adult children won’t move out!”

“My best friend won’t let me date!”

I hear a lot of things like this from people who come for advice during tarot readings. They want to know how they can make people stop doing things they don’t want them to do. Truthfully, sometimes, we can’t control what other people do and no amount of talking, begging, or spellwork will change that. There is something you can do, however, even though we can’t force people to do what we want them to. Continue reading The Most Sacred Magic Word: The Power of Saying No

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On Words and Practices, Groups and Solitaries

By Gus diZerega

For six years, I participated in a healing center in Berkeley that integrated African Diasporic practices and Buddhism. Sometimes, I did so several times a week. Those years were as demanding (and rewarding) as the previous years I spent getting a Ph.D. in Political Science at Berkeley, but they never involved writing or reading anything.

I had already become a Wiccan when I began to work at the healing center and explained my first commitment was to the Wiccan Goddess, but so long as that was acceptable, I would love to participate. And participate I did until a growing focus on Buddhism gradually squeezed out the African Diasporic dimension of its work. I left on friendly terms and regard those years as one of the most important spiritual experiences of my life. Continue reading On Words and Practices, Groups and Solitaries

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On Spiritual Bypassing

By Tatiara

I have to admit that when I was in my 20s, I was caught up in the “positive thinking” phenomenon. Channeling optimism helped me through so many trying times and I do advocate for it. However, there was a side-effect I did not expect and did not see coming: all of those “negative emotions” I had never allowed myself to feel came flooding back in a torrent, demanding to be acknowledged. Continue reading On Spiritual Bypassing

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A Caveat of The Craft

By Rev. DeeDee Stinson, Priestess

It’s the Season of the Witch and it seems that folk still wanna practice the Craft without realizing it’s not just a fad, a silly way to pass time, or use to your advantage once or twice. I’m not gonna yuck someone’s yum but as a Witch of over two decades of experience and a recently Initiated First Degree Priestess, as well as an Initiate by my First Teacher and Initiator, … it’s my solemn Oath to speak logically and cautiously.

Why do I believe Witchcraft can be dangerous if not properly learned, practiced, and even taught? Two quotes: Continue reading A Caveat of The Craft

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Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

By Tatiara

This tea is so flavorful, it almost tastes like punch. My favorite way to use it is as a booster for manifesting success in other spells that I may be doing, but I use it as a Success in Manifesting tea by itself, as well.

These measurements don’t have to be cut and dry (no pun intended) and as with all herb magic, there are plenty of substitutions available. I ran out of Hibiscus flowers once and used some wildberry hibiscus tea bags that I had. It was delicious and still appropriate.

Continue reading Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

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Who Are You?

This post was written and submitted by K.J. Wilson:

The title is a seemingly easy question, isn’t it? How did you answer I though? Most likely you answered with your name but is that who you are?

Who you are isn’t your name, where you live, what you do for a living, or any of the common answers that are usually given. Who you are is much deeper than that.

You have probably heard or seen that saying that asks, “Who were you before the world told you who you were supposed to be?” Who is that person? What is their life like? Continue reading Who Are You?