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Tarot Talk: Page of Swords

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: Page of Swords

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What Do the Gods Look Like?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Having come from a Catholic background, maybe by idea of divinity is different than some pagan’s idea is. I’m not sure. It’s certainly different than what most Catholics think of the divine as being. I don’t think of the gods and goddesses as these divine punishers in the sky who look down upon us and rain down blessings or curses depending on whether they’re happy with us or not. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I see the gods every single day. At least I believe I do. Continue reading What Do the Gods Look Like?

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Tarot Talk: 8 of Wands

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: 8 of Wands

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Tarot Talk: Ace of Pentacles

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: Ace of Pentacles

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Doing What Makes You Happy: How That is the Best Magic

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I got a lesson in happiness at Alpha Book Center in Phoenix, Arizona way back in the Spring of 2005. The man who ran the Center was named Dr. John Rodgers, and he was a force of power.  I had gone in for a tarot reading during a time when I felt like my life was off the rails. After he did my reading, he asked if I was staying for the Metaphysical class, and I asked who was coming. He said, “You’re it,” and with that, the class began. Continue reading Doing What Makes You Happy: How That is the Best Magic

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Palms and the Soles of the Feet: More Chakras Helpful in Magick and Energy Work

By Tatiara

The importance of the chakras in our hands and feet is often understated. We hear so much about the seven main chakras, or energy centers, placed at various points along the spine. These are known as major or primary chakras. The hands and feet are termed minor, or secondary chakras. There are said to be 21 secondary chakras throughout the body, as well as 86 micro-chakras.

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Tarot Talk: The Ten of Wands

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: The Ten of Wands

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The Practice of Discord in Civil Society: A Guide for the Industrious Beginner

by His Most Pompous Holiness, Elezar the Apostate

The second law of thermodynamics states, in so many words, that all fires burn their available reserves of fuel and die; and the universe is afire.  The Wiccan Rede states the same thing in these words:  “The Sun is but a Mortal Light Surrounded by Immortal Night.”  And in these words:  “Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust; If Born You Were, then Die You Must.”

“But those are physical laws, laws that apply exclusively to the material plane,” Michael argued with pathetic determination against Zoey’s resolute obstinance. Continue reading The Practice of Discord in Civil Society: A Guide for the Industrious Beginner

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Tarot Talk: 3 of Swords

By Katrina Rasbold

“Tarot Talk” is a once-a-week reading with a deep exploration of the card we pull. What are some aspects of the card (as per the original Pamela Colman Smith artwork) that add extra dimensions to the interpretation? How does that tell us what to focus on in the coming week? This week’s card is… Continue reading Tarot Talk: 3 of Swords

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Herbalism For Your Day: Cinnamon

By Katrina Rasbold

Cinnamon come from the bark of several different trees from the cinnamomum genus. It is one of the most stimulating herbs in common use and its versatility in bark and oil form makes it a fantastic and invigorating addition to incenses, teas, potions, and spellwork.

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Ask a Witch: Can You Undo a Spell Once It Is Cast?

by Katrina Rasbold

Are you seeing unexpected and undesired results from your spellwork? Did you change your mind after doing rage spells? Did new information come to light after you did your spellwork? If you need to uncast a spell, here is the video manual for it.

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Stone Magic: Aventurine

By Katrina Rasbold

Aventurine is most often thought of as a minty green stone, but it also comes in darker green, blue, and red, depending on the heat level at which it is created and the area in which it developed. It is infused with mica, which gives it a lovely iridescence. It is found in India and South America and is sometimes referred to as “Indian Jade.” Ancient Tibetans used aventurine for the eyes of many of their statues because of its beautiful color and its affinity for blessing the visionary processes of holy people.

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