Conveyed by Brahn th Blessed
Part Five: The Mind is a Universe Unto Itself, Boundless and Filled With Wonders
Look inside. How do you do that? What is this ‘inside’ into which we must look? The ‘inside’ is a misnomer, for it is not inside at all; it is otherwhere. It is instead that part of us that exists in time, but not in space. More clearly, it is that aspect of our being that exists only in time, only in the astral plane where there is no space, and having no space, it has no size or shape, no location or motion, no multiplicity. The hidden Realm of the Mind is real, but it is so different from our physical existence in the material plane that we can’t begin easily to conceive it. When you remove space, you remove outside and inside (as they apply to space); you remove direction and location (as they apply to space), you remove size and shape (as they apply to space), you remove location and motion (as they apply to space). But the absence of purely physical qualities makes the mind not less real, but only more primitive, older than its physical counterpart, the brain. Continue reading The Essynian Mysteries – Part Five