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On Spiritual Bypassing

By Tatiara

I have to admit that when I was in my 20s, I was caught up in the “positive thinking” phenomenon. Channeling optimism helped me through so many trying times and I do advocate for it. However, there was a side-effect I did not expect and did not see coming: all of those “negative emotions” I had never allowed myself to feel came flooding back in a torrent, demanding to be acknowledged. Continue reading On Spiritual Bypassing

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Empath Survival Guide

By Katrina Rasbold

There is a reason the label of “empath” gets thrown around a good bit. It is because there are a lot of empaths out there. We could go a few rounds of “You might be an empath if…” to identify who is and is not an empath and future blog post likely will cover that very subject. For now, I want to talk about what to do if you know you are empathic or if you deny that you are empathic and just happen to experience discomfort when you are exposed to excessive energies from the people around you. Continue reading Empath Survival Guide