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Witch At The Crossroads: A Seat At The Table

By Katrina Rasbold

Every now and then, a person influential in your field of influence says or writes something so profound that the whole world seems to stop around you as you let the message sink in. This happened to me in February 2018 in San Jose, California when I attended a presentation by one of my favorite writers and lecturers, John Beckett. Every time I sit through any of his classes, I come away with some snippet that finds its way into my future teachings. For this presentation, his topic was “Alliances” and although he made this statement within a different context than I use it in this post, I was stunned (not for the first or the last time) by the raw truth in his words. John said, “Too many people expect a seat at the table when they bring little or nothing to the table.” Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: A Seat At The Table

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Witch At The Crossroads: Knot Magic

By Katrina Rasbold

It’s Knot Magic (Yes, it is magic!)

In my experience, one of the greatest magical focus tools of all time is the rosary. The intense concentration one can generate by praying the rosary is very nearly unparalleled across spiritual dividing lines.

In Paganism, we have our own form of praying the rosary that is slightly different, but accomplishes the same goal. “Knot Magic” is a very effective form of focused magic similar to praying the rosary, except that one instills their own intent into each “bead,” which is actually a knot. Here is how to do it:

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Witch At The Crossroads: Imbolc, Dawn’s Early Light

Imbolc is arguably one of our most underrated sabbats. If you do not study the value and impact of each of the eight sabbats, you lose balance on the wheel of the year, but for many Pagans, any celebration that is not Samhain or Beltane is met with limited enthusiasm… the sure sign of an amateur, truth be told. Sigh.

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Witch At The Crossroads: New Year’s Resolutions

By Katrina Rasbold

Did you make resolutions this year? Have you stayed true to them? How many times have you made the same resolutions over and over, year after year, each time more determined to succeed and more frustrated and dejected when you do not? How many times do the failures of previous years stand in the way of your success for the coming year? Repeated failures are a heavy load to bear.

If you are struggling and need to regroup on the resolutions, here are some ideas for tightening up and streamlining the process.
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Witch At The Crossroads: 22 Major Arcana Archetypes of Pagan Groups

Archetypes, labels, and cubbyholes. Did we invent them or did they invent us?

There comes a time when you are an old crone sitting back and watching the world turn when you begin to feel like there is nothing new under the sun. When something does spark interest as a new thought, new idea, new concept, new approach, it is exciting, breath-taking even. Mostly because it is so rare. I never imagined that I would be as jaded as I am, thankful for all of the wonders in the world, but bored with them all the same. And yet, here I am, jaded as the evergreens that grow around me and almost as old. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: 22 Major Arcana Archetypes of Pagan Groups

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Witch At The Crossroads: Jupiter Goes Direct

By Katrina Rasbold

On May 16, 2023, the planet Jupiter entered the sign of Taurus and on September 4, 2023, it shifted into a retrograde course. If you have paid even a cursory attention to astrological news, you already know that Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. Jupiter, on the other hand, goes retrograde approximately every 13 months and stays retrograde for approximately four months each time. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Jupiter Goes Direct

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Witch At The Crossroads: Reading for 2024

By Katrina Rasbold

I do not usually do these types of readings because when we ask the cards a question, they respond based on the current energetic climate and where things are heading. To predict out for a full year means nothing changes from the moment of the reading, which is, of course, not a reasonable assumption on which to base a forecast. Even the reading itself is potential for change.

That being the case, I am doing this for Karen. I have three Karens in my life who I completely adore. I know other Karens, but man… these three… they just have my heart: Karen Albeck, Karen Jacoby, and Karen Stanley. One of the Karens asked me to do a 2024 reading and out of love and respect, I am doing it. <3 Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Reading for 2024

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A Winter Solstice Ritual

By Katrina Rasbold

The energy of this ritual is releasing the energy of Samhain and welcoming the spark of light that comes with the Winter Solstice/Yule. You will need six candles, one each in white, red, black, yellow, blue and brown. The God and Goddess invocation summons the triple aspect of both the Goddess and God for a duality working. It presumes a male-female Divine polarity, but could be adapted to accommodate any part of the gender spectrum. Continue reading A Winter Solstice Ritual

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Mercury Retrograde: Making It Work For You

By Katrina Rasbold

Author’s Note: For those who believe in magic but not in astrology, this post will hold no validity. Many of us use astrology and view the practice as a valuable and familiar magical tool. I wrote this post for those folks. The current Mercury Retrograde lasts from Dec. 13, 2023, to Jan. 1, 2024. Continue reading Mercury Retrograde: Making It Work For You

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Honey Pots: Sweetening the Relationship

By Katrina Rasbold

Honey Pots or “Sweet Jars” are a simple but deceptively powerful bit of spellwork used throughout magical history, more recently adapted to include candles as the introduction of paraffin made them more accessible to common people. In this video, I talk about how I use Honey Pots for the spellwork my clients engage me to do and how you can sweeten up your relationships. Continue reading Honey Pots: Sweetening the Relationship

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The Pagan Agenda

By Katrina Rasbold

If you are unconvinced that everyone has an agenda, you desperately need a Facebook account. We all have agendas which we kindly refer to as “life goals.” Sure, we can parrot platitudes such as “all we want is to be treated with tolerance” and “if I don’t get a cast iron cauldron at a good price at this swap meet, I might shank someone,” but really, when it comes to it, the agenda is far more predictable than that. In fact, considering the number of Pagans I have known throughout forty plus years of active Paganism spanning multiple continents, I have found I can boil down the life goals of individual Pagans to one or more the following five things: Continue reading The Pagan Agenda

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10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

By Katrina Rasbold

Ideally, none of us would ever have to think about the material side of life or devote even a moment’s worry to the idea of our financial safety. No matter how magical we are, most of us still engage to some degree in the world of finance to survive. Kudos to all of you who live effectively off the grid or in an ashram!

Although financial hardship often feels like the least sacred experience we can have, in truth, money is energy. It has value because of a gold standard we once attached to these notes and now, whether we hold actual physical cash or see it as pixels on a device screen, the absence of that energy can create crisis. Continue reading 10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

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Thrifty Witchery

By Katrina Rasbold

Since the word “Pagan” supposedly has its roots in the identification of “People of the Earth,” it is rare to find a Pagan who is especially affluent or materially blessed. It happens, but often, a concept inherently draws from the fundamental energy of its creation. This does not mean Pagans can never be financially secure or wealthy. On the contrary, as we actively work through the lessons of ego, attachment, and manifestation, it is possible to find our way into a time when we do not have to invest energy into the fiscal aspects of survival.  It does, however, mean that many of us spend a good bit of time in our adult life considering where we invest in the energy of money and I will confess there were times when I risked a utility shut off to get some cauldron or altar item I was dying to have. Continue reading Thrifty Witchery

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Amazing Grace

By Katrina Rasbold

When I saw this internet meme, I literally laughed out loud with this wonderful, surprised, soul-smiling bark of a laugh. Let me tell you, I give amazing grace. I can grace like a pro in non-denominational, Christian, Heathen… I just read the room and flood that table with grace. I am grace fluent to the extreme. I will also finish before your food gets cold. It’s an art. 😉

Saying grace or as we called it when I was growing up in Kentucky “Returning the thanks” or “Saying the blessing,” is one of the traditions that sadly falls away for most people who leave the Christian Church. Personally, I am a fan of blessing the food that we eat regardless of whatever religious subscription dominates our spritual mailbox.

How do you bless the food you take into your body? How do you honor the people throughout the supply chain who helped get the food to you? How do you pay tribute to the plant or animal (or scientist) that sacrificed so you could eat? Continue reading Amazing Grace

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Pagan Voices

By Katrina Rasbold

Hello Green Egg Family! I started reading Green Egg in the 1980s when the Pagan climate and experience was somewhat different than it is now. We were not then as connected with other Pagans without the internet to draw us together. We had a limited number of resources available to us and only a handful of voices in the wilderness guiding us through the experiences. Not all of us were fortunate enough to be born into hereditary Pagan families and our only recourse was to follow the breadcrumb trails left by the people we now consider to be pioneers of Neopaganism. 

There are amazing teachers out there now and we have greater access to them than we ever could have imagined four decades ago. People like Christopher Penczak, Thorn Mooney, John Beckett, Jon Drum, Judika Illes, and so many more continue the process of developing the various Pagan religions and providing guidance to the twenty-first century Pagan community. These contemporary leaders follow a trail blazed by the ground-breaking teachers of our past.  Continue reading Pagan Voices