by Brahn the Blessed
Part Four. You will recall, I hope, our discussion of the trines in Part Two. There are three of them, the Lunar Trine is 1-4-7, the Solar Trine is 2-5-8, and the Stellar Trine is 3-6-9. The stellar trine is comprised of the divine menes [3], [6], and [9], whose properties are clearly different from, if not ‘greater’ than, the other menes. Each trine has one dominant mene whose properties define the trine most emphatically, for the Lunar Trine it’s one/1 which defines the element of continuity in the trine, for the Solar Trine it’s eight/8 which defines the element of change and contrast, complemence and duality in the trine, and for the Stellar Trine it’s nine/9 which defines the element of completion and wholeness in the trine. You may recall how each dominant mene was further indicated by the product of the trine members:
1 * 4 * 7 = 28 = 10 = [1] 2 * 5 * 8 = 80 = [8] 3 * 6 * 9 = 162 = [9] Continue reading Secrets of the Essynian Tradition: Meneology 4