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Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

By Katrina Rasbold

Emotion magical practice because spell work begins with what you want to have happen. If you cannot feel, then you cannot want and feeling is emotion. All intense emotion is high energy and you can, with rational thought and careful planning, direct all the intensity of that energy toward your goal. Passion will spike energy right off the meter, whether that passion comes from lust, anger, fear, or exultation. High emotion of all kinds: love, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, etc, can fuel your magical energy like a stoked furnace. But should you? Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

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Practical Magic with Saoirse – The Magical Importance of Education

Bright Blessings.

I think it’s fair to say people hating on their degrees is an internet trend right now. It seems like every day I read an article where someone laments that they feel their degree is “worthless.”

No, it isn’t, and I will tell you why. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse – The Magical Importance of Education

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Feeling Vexed? Before you Hex, Do X

By Tatiara

Is hexing ever appropriate, or is it simply a misuse of power? With great power comes great responsibility. One important responsibility is self-development. This includes character development. Ultimately a person’s character is revealed by how they exercise the power they possess. Hexing once meant witchery in general, as in the adage, “a witch who can’t hex can’t heal.” Now it implies causing unpleasant, unlucky, or harmful things to happen to people, often as an act of revenge. However, hexing and healing are two sides of the same coin. A healing misapplied could bring evil consequences. A hex for the right reason could be used for good. This is very tricky territory, though. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Feeling Vexed? Before you Hex, Do X

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Witch At The Crossroads: Ceremonial Interruptus

By Katrina Rasbold

It can happen to all of us, although thankfully, not usually to the degree we see in the graphic above. Rituals fail. It is easy to raise one knowing eyebrow and say that it failed because it was intended to fail and all things are exactly as they should be and blah, blah, blah, but there is a huge difference in knowing that rituals sometimes do not go as planned versus understanding why rituals sometimes go in the ditch and how to manage that inevitability. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Ceremonial Interruptus

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Ask a Witch: What’s With the Flying Ointment & Unbaptized Babies?

By Katrina Rasbold

In this line of work, you do get asked some fascinating questions, like “Do Witches use flying ointment? Did they ever? Is the rendered fat of an unbaptized baby one of the ingredients in flying ointment? Time to break these questions down. Continue reading Ask a Witch: What’s With the Flying Ointment & Unbaptized Babies?

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,
A school is being sued. A child could not come out trans to their parents, but they felt safe coming out at school. When the parents found this out at, this lead to the child attempting suicide, so the parents are suing the school accusing the school of forcing their child to identify as trans. The minute I found out about this I got on the telephone and called the school. I thanked them for being a safe place for kids. They really appreciated hearing from somebody that supported that. I gave them my contact information as a Priestess and I told them to let me know if they needed anything at all. I just might hear back from them. Know why? Allies need help in making a safe place for our kids. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids

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Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In last week’s Witch At The Crossroads blog, we talked about symptoms of psychic attack and these may come from intentional malice or inadvertent ill will (like pouting and wallowing in anger). In this post, we discuss how to effectively manage psychic attack once it occurs or we suspect it has occurred. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

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Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In researching for this article, I looked back over a blog post I wrote on Patheos Pagan in 2015 and wow, have my views ever changed! One of the great benefits to blogging and journaling is the opportunity to review and reconisder our position from years before and notice how much we learned in the interim. Back then, I had a more naive perspective on psychic attack and since that time, I have performed literally thousands of cleansings on people suffering from the effects of untreated psychic attacks, plus wrote a book on the subject. Where at that time, I considered true psychic attack to be uncommon, I now know it happens all the time. People are so much more comfortable slinging baneful energy around than I ever imagined back then. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

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Ask a Witch: Are Technology and Spellwork in Opposition?

By Katrina Rasbold

Many Witches appreciate the reconstructionist approach to spellwork, feeling it lends authenticity to their practice. Does technology have a place in spellwork or is it in opposition to the flow of energy? Continue reading Ask a Witch: Are Technology and Spellwork in Opposition?

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Witch At The Crossroads: Breath of the Dragon

By Katrina Rasbold

An up and coming, fast-track, newbie Pagan I know recently referred to feng shui as “fluffy bunny magic.” I stared in amazement because, gentle reader, if taking the energy movement in your home seriously is fluffy bunny magic, then it is the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. Little is more vital to your day-to-day magic than the energy flow you cultivate in your own spiritual sanctuary. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Breath of the Dragon

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Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Rain

By Katrina Rasbold

There is little doubt that rain is essential to life. Without it, life would not exist on planet earth. In times of drought, not only do we suffer economically and ecologically, but we also suffer emotionally and spiritually. Most people require a healthy balance of water to dry in order to thrive. Since our bodies are composed of a high percentage of water, we naturally relate to the humidity and water around us. Many people, even those who do not swim, are drawn to the water and enjoy standing in the ocean or in a river, just to participate in the kinship that exists between humans and water. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Rain

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The Essynian Mysteries – Chapter 1

Conveyed by Brahn th Blessed

I coined the term ‘cosmytheology’ some years ago to combine three studies that contribute to our understanding of who, what, and where we are: cosmology is the branch of astronomical science that focuses on the origins of the universe, mythology is the branch of literature that describes our relationship to the divine, often in metaphor and fable, and theology is the study of the divine from a philosophical perspective.  Science, philosophy, and literature are three paths by which humankind seeks to understand our existence as beings in the boundless universe.  Do you question your existence? Continue reading The Essynian Mysteries – Chapter 1

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Can Interfaith Relationships Work?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I remember when I was what some could call a “baby witch.” I was 30 and had moved from my home in Ohio to Phoenix, Arizona. I found my path after walking away from Christianity there. I was befriended by someone named John who was 30 years my senior. John was absolutely horrified I got engaged to a man who lived back home in Ohio and was going to move back there to marry him. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Can Interfaith Relationships Work?

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Grounding During Eclipse Season: A Witch’s Journey into Garden Magic

By Tatiara

In the midst of eclipse season’s turbulence, I find myself drawn deeper into the dance of celestial energies. It’s a time of upheaval and change. It urges me to seek solace and grounding within the chaos. In these times of uncertainty, I turn to the nurturing sanctuary of my garden, where the wisdom of Gaia and the magic of herbs offer solace, balance, and a re-attunement to nature’s cycles.
Continue reading Grounding During Eclipse Season: A Witch’s Journey into Garden Magic

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Are Pagans Better at Love?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings.

Most of you have not seen my writings besides here at The Green Egg. My current paid job is for Spiritual Blossom, an online psychic company, and I do submissions each week to them. I worked for their sister company, Mysticsense for years as well.

One of the things I write about for our clients, of course, is love! There is never an end to what can be said about love and relationships and recently, something dawned on me when I was yet again doing another love article. The Bible says a lot about the selflessness of love and how everybody should be loving. Yet, growing up Christian, I did not experience that. What drew me to Pagans and Witches was their deep concern for the wellbeing of all of creation. Do Pagans embody love better than Christians do? Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Are Pagans Better at Love?

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From the Forum: Ed Fitch and Spiritual Literacy

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the forum we somberly and with admiration and respect acknowledge the passing of Ed Fitch. Ed Was a friend and staff member of Green Egg over many years. Here is some of his history from the Covenant of the Goddess Orange County Local Council that was shared in the forum. Continue reading From the Forum: Ed Fitch and Spiritual Literacy

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Witch At The Crossroads: Pagan Etiquette

By Katrina Rasbold

If we are lucky, at some point in our Pagan lifetime, we will be invited to visit someone else’s ritual/grove/coven/circle/event to share in their practice. This could be at a public place such as a park or an event center or it can be at a private home or covenstead. In either instance, there are certain protocols of basic etiquette, tailored to Pagan practice, that are good to observe if you ever wish to be invited to another function. Keeping one’s name untarnished in the Pagan community is quite an extraordinary feat and it often starts with being a guest who maintains integrity and good manners. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Pagan Etiquette

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Magic of Rehoming

by Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

How many times have you seen a meme, video, or a snarky comment about the fact that someone has to rehome an animal? It is true that there are some people who are heartless. They get an animal on a whim and then they are too lazy to care for it. Maybe the animal broke their favorite vase so they want to get rid of it. Maybe they don’t like the fact that there’s dog hair everywhere. Maybe they bought the pet for their small children and they want to punish their kids for not taking care of it like an adult would. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Magic of Rehoming

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Witch At The Crossroads: Where Are Your Power Eggs?

By Katrina Rasbold

Where does your energy go? 

Often, I hear even advanced magical practitioners talking about physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and magical energy as though these are somehow disconnected and unrelated to one another. Some even equate success as a Pagan leader with working well beyond healthy exhaustion of limits on those energy reserves. Anyone truly worth their Himalayan sea salt knows a deficit in any of these levels compromises them all and if you physically and mentally exhaust yourself, your magical energy suffers greatly. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Where Are Your Power Eggs?