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Phoenix Rising: A Surrender to Initiation

By Tatiara

Once upon a time I assumed that transformation would be gentle. That one day I would simply wake up feeling lighter, unburdened, freed from the weight of the past. But the harsh reality is that rebirth is rarely so kind. It is fire and ashes, a shedding of skin that can feel more like unraveling than becoming. This I learned the hard way. Continue reading Phoenix Rising: A Surrender to Initiation

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The Power of Waiting

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I wasn’t to tell a story. A woman got a message from her rental community one day that her patio lights were in violation of the community rules. They were referred to as “Holiday lights” and she was told to remove them within a week because it was now Springtime. Well…they were actually four seasons lights she put in place so she could enjoy them year-round, and she reluctantly removed them immediately. She cried all night and cried the next morning because she loved her lights and truthfully, did not want to be micromanaged. It turned out, she received the message by mistake and the community loved her lights. Had she waited and spoken with the administration, she would have gotten to keep her beautiful lights. Continue reading The Power of Waiting

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The Magic of Being Unafraid of What They Say

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Recently, I was accused by a stranger of something that I didn’t do. People who know me well know I would never do such a thing. Somebody who I met years ago who I know very well apparently has not taken the time to get to know me after all those years- and believed the accusation, and was really angry with me about it. It ended up damaging our relationship and I think this is permanent.  The word “bigot” was thrown into the mix, and I have never in all my life, even when I was being raised to be Catholic committed such an unkindness against anybody. Continue reading The Magic of Being Unafraid of What They Say

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Year of the Snake – The Truth Beneath the Noise

By Tatiara

Greetings and many well wishes to you!

This year feels like stepping into a mystery school, doesn’t it? Life is the teacher, and you’re the apprentice, invited into a cauldron of transformation where the sacred turns into something tangible and life-changing. It’s a year for shedding, shifting, and stepping into what’s next with a sense of easeful willingness—like the Snake, shedding its skin without resistance.

Continue reading Year of the Snake – The Truth Beneath the Noise

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The Magic of Not “Being Nice”

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of seeing people make stupid decisions, get screwed for it, and then say that they were just “trying to be nice.” I hurt for people who have been taught from the time that they were children that they have to accommodate everybody to their own detriment. It also makes me sad to see people who don’t know the difference between self-sacrifice and lack of self-love. Continue reading The Magic of Not “Being Nice”

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 Reflect and Reclaim Soul: A Simple Mirror Ritual

By Tatiara
Imagine it’s late, the world is quiet, and it’s just you and your mirror, a candle flickering as you sit face-to-face with yourself. Tonight, you’re here to explore the parts of yourself that are often pushed away or hidden. In this moment, invite them to be seen. These mysterious aspects are your archetypes—primordial patterns of meaning and energy that live within us all. Each one, such as the Mystic, the Rebel, the Lover, the Warrior, and many more, carries a unique wisdom and a raw energy meant to help us on our journey.
Continue reading  Reflect and Reclaim Soul: A Simple Mirror Ritual

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The Magic of Today

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Some of the people I love have had some close calls this year- including my husband. Two people I love probably won’t make it to 2025. That’s the reality of middle age.

So, to those of you who are younger, or are unaware of an ugly reality- listen.

Today is all we’ve got. Continue reading The Magic of Today

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Life is Like a Rose

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

My little patio garden is thriving in the July heat. I have two lavender plants and two roses, one regular sized, complete with bristling thorns, and one dainty, thornless miniature rose. The thorned rose has been nibbled on by June bugs and the mini rose was munched on by rabbits. So far at this new location we moved to a couple of months ago, there have been no spider mites or aphids which were plentifully at our other apartment. Before that, we lived by the woods and while no rabbits or deer got my roses, the June bugs were mad about them. Continue reading Life is Like a Rose

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Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

By Katrina Rasbold

Humans often consider the power of speech and written word to be the defining quality that sets us apart from the rest of the animal world. With the exception of some animals specially trained to communicate, Koko the Gorilla, for instance, humans alone possess the demonstrated ability for the ongoing use of language. There is little denying the power of words. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

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Protect Your Peace – Banish Them!

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Quite often, we talk about banishing negativity and bringing in positive energy to our lives but we don’t always talk about banishing negative people. Sometimes, your family, your best friend, or even your significant other is just being downright negative. The thought of being without these people temporarily, let alone permanently, might be unbearable. However, sometimes if you want to live a peaceful existence, people give you no choice. Continue reading Protect Your Peace – Banish Them!

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Witch At The Crossroads: When Bad Stuff Happens

By Katrina Rasbold

We spend a lot of time talking and thinking about why bad stuff happens, especially to people who we consider “good” and undeserving of strife and particularly when it comes in what feels like a disproportionate avalanche. We become deeply angry and philosophical when we try to understand why bad things happen to innocents like children and animals. Often, we become so mired in our determination to understand why something happens that we fail to effectively manage the situation at all. The assignment of blame is one of the greatest time eaters and malice fertilizers ever and is usually the focus of tremendous attention. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: When Bad Stuff Happens

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Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

By Katrina Rasbold

Emotion magical practice because spell work begins with what you want to have happen. If you cannot feel, then you cannot want and feeling is emotion. All intense emotion is high energy and you can, with rational thought and careful planning, direct all the intensity of that energy toward your goal. Passion will spike energy right off the meter, whether that passion comes from lust, anger, fear, or exultation. High emotion of all kinds: love, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, etc, can fuel your magical energy like a stoked furnace. But should you? Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

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Witch At The Crossroads: River Meditation

By Katrina Rasbold

The beginning of self-mastery comes from identifying where your energy goes and the impact it has when it gets there, balanced out with the necessity of maintaining a baseline of personal energy for your own needs. When someone has a total disregard for the needs of others or any concern about their impact on the people around them, we identify that behavior as a mental health disorder. When the reverse is true and a person gives to others beyond what their energetic reserves can support, we do not (usually) attach this behavior to mental illness, and yet, the effects can be personally devastating. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: River Meditation

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Stone Magic: Tourmaline

By Katrina Rasbold

Tourmaline is one of the stones, like peacock ore, that seems like it should not exist in nature. Its luminous beauty is one of Earth’s beautiful miracles and to make it even more amazing, its magical attributes are off the charts. Continue reading Stone Magic: Tourmaline

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Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In last week’s Witch At The Crossroads blog, we talked about symptoms of psychic attack and these may come from intentional malice or inadvertent ill will (like pouting and wallowing in anger). In this post, we discuss how to effectively manage psychic attack once it occurs or we suspect it has occurred. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

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Stone Magic: Hag Stones

By Katrina Rasbold

Hag stones are stones with naturally occurring holes in or through them, usually composed of a sedimentary stone called chert. Shaped by the tides over hundreds of years, these unique stones have myriad magical uses. Continue reading Stone Magic: Hag Stones

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Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In researching for this article, I looked back over a blog post I wrote on Patheos Pagan in 2015 and wow, have my views ever changed! One of the great benefits to blogging and journaling is the opportunity to review and reconisder our position from years before and notice how much we learned in the interim. Back then, I had a more naive perspective on psychic attack and since that time, I have performed literally thousands of cleansings on people suffering from the effects of untreated psychic attacks, plus wrote a book on the subject. Where at that time, I considered true psychic attack to be uncommon, I now know it happens all the time. People are so much more comfortable slinging baneful energy around than I ever imagined back then. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Power of Saying “Yes”

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

So, I have written about the power of saying “no” and what a wonderful magic word it is. However, there is another magic word that is just as potent and will give you just as good of results if not better ones. You might think the word is “please” or even “pretty please” because sometimes saying that will get you what you want. You might think the word is “later”,because that gives you a pause and reminds people to come back and try again. You might also think the magic word is “love” because without it most things in life wouldn’t be possible. Those are all very powerful magical words, but I have a different magic word that I bet you don’t say to yourself very often. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Power of Saying “Yes”

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Witch At The Crossroads: 5 Common Energy Killing Beliefs

By Katrina Rasbold

Essential disclaimer: I do understand that some Pagans do not actively work magic, so this particular blog references those who do. My assessment of common mistakes energy-wielding Pagans make is not an attack on people who practice magic differently than I do. Goddess bless ya if it works for you. I openly and immediately concede that some of you may have had different experiences. This is, instead, an observation of what I have personally screwed up in over thirty years of practice, as well as what I observe in other Pagans who are challenged by the limitations of their own erroneous beliefs. Will any of these five issues cause Armageddon or create irreversible damage? Likely not. The worst that will probably happen is that self-imposed limitations will minimize your magical flow. Oh, how I wish someone had told me these things when I was just a little Witch rather than having to find them out on my own. So here we go: Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: 5 Common Energy Killing Beliefs