Conveyed by Brahn th Blessed
Some things follow upon others. When you consider a proposition thoroughly, it leads to further conclusions, so some things follow upon others. The Essynian Mysteries express a pervasive view of reality, that it follows a course of Natural Process. Natural process is how and why everything occurs in time, from the first instant of time when consciousness awakens from deep-sleeping existence and gives birth to time until the final instant of time when consciousness closes its eyes and falls off again into the timeless sleep of existence. Time is change and all change follows the course of natural process. Each instant of time is brought about by a change from the previous instant of time, and the change that occurs is the change made most inevitable by the existing conditions of that previous instant; the change that occurs is the change that must occur owing to those conditions, which include a certain temporal momentum. Continue reading The Essynian Mysteries – Part Four