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10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

By Katrina Rasbold

Ideally, none of us would ever have to think about the material side of life or devote even a moment’s worry to the idea of our financial safety. No matter how magical we are, most of us still engage to some degree in the world of finance to survive. Kudos to all of you who live effectively off the grid or in an ashram!

Although financial hardship often feels like the least sacred experience we can have, in truth, money is energy. It has value because of a gold standard we once attached to these notes and now, whether we hold actual physical cash or see it as pixels on a device screen, the absence of that energy can create crisis. Continue reading 10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

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Libertarian Paganism: Freedom and Responsibility in Nature-Based Spirituality by Logan Albright

Review by Katrina Rasbold

The author uses only 224 pages to tackle two far-reaching and complex subjects but does so with a distilled finesse that leaves no stone unturned. Choices were made, make no mistake. He carefully curates which topics will best support his argument for a potential marriage between the camps of libertarianism and paganism*, which is no easy task since those two camps are not even remotely on the same battlefield.

Continue reading Libertarian Paganism: Freedom and Responsibility in Nature-Based Spirituality by Logan Albright

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Gaia: Saving Her, Saving Ourselves by Irisanya Moon

Book Review By Katrina Rasbold

Working as I do for Green Egg Magazine, founded by the King of Gaia theology, Oberon Zell, the subject of earth consciousness and stewardship understandably becomes an important focus. Irisanya Moon encapsulates this mindset perfectly in this beautiful homage to Mother Earth. As she puts it (paraphrased), Earth is our home, where our birth, life, and death all are contained. Continue reading Gaia: Saving Her, Saving Ourselves by Irisanya Moon

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From the Forum

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the forum there was this provoking post:

“I thought this would be a good follow up to Wade’s earlier post on Paganism and Christmas. I take issue with the smallest of facts here, they keep calling it a pentagram, when clearly it is a pentacle, point up! I do not endorse the Satanic Church on the whole, but they really have done a lot in getting us Pagans in the door and on the map with their push for equal representation for all religions. Their choosing Baphomet I am sure was for shock value, and it works. Continue reading From the Forum

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Ask A Witch: Patron Gods & Goddesses?

By Katrina Rasbold

How do you “get” a Patron God or Goddess or know who yours is? In this video, veteran Witch, Katrina Rasbold, discusses two different ways you can attach to a Patron God or Goddess for your spiritual development, guidance, and companionship. Continue reading Ask A Witch: Patron Gods & Goddesses?

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Skills For Peaceful Living

By Cat Gina Cole

This begins with an exercise.

The first thing I would like to do for you to notice how you are feeling. Notice your mood, are you comfortable in the chair, how do you feel about others around you if there are any. Now if you will, stand up and shake it off! Yep, just shake. Now I would like you to stand and introduce yourself to the person close to you and hug them. If you are alone Stand in front of mirror, introduce yourself to yourself and hug yourself.

Did your mood change? Did you notice a change in your body or feel less tension? This is how we begin to live a life of peace, by tearing down tension, anger, hostility and fear. Continue reading Skills For Peaceful Living

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Thrifty Witchery

By Katrina Rasbold

Since the word “Pagan” supposedly has its roots in the identification of “People of the Earth,” it is rare to find a Pagan who is especially affluent or materially blessed. It happens, but often, a concept inherently draws from the fundamental energy of its creation. This does not mean Pagans can never be financially secure or wealthy. On the contrary, as we actively work through the lessons of ego, attachment, and manifestation, it is possible to find our way into a time when we do not have to invest energy into the fiscal aspects of survival.  It does, however, mean that many of us spend a good bit of time in our adult life considering where we invest in the energy of money and I will confess there were times when I risked a utility shut off to get some cauldron or altar item I was dying to have. Continue reading Thrifty Witchery

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On Spiritual Bypassing

By Tatiara

I have to admit that when I was in my 20s, I was caught up in the “positive thinking” phenomenon. Channeling optimism helped me through so many trying times and I do advocate for it. However, there was a side-effect I did not expect and did not see coming: all of those “negative emotions” I had never allowed myself to feel came flooding back in a torrent, demanding to be acknowledged. Continue reading On Spiritual Bypassing

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Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

By Tatiara

This tea is so flavorful, it almost tastes like punch. My favorite way to use it is as a booster for manifesting success in other spells that I may be doing, but I use it as a Success in Manifesting tea by itself, as well.

These measurements don’t have to be cut and dry (no pun intended) and as with all herb magic, there are plenty of substitutions available. I ran out of Hibiscus flowers once and used some wildberry hibiscus tea bags that I had. It was delicious and still appropriate.

Continue reading Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

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From the Forum

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the Green Egg Forum Group on Facebook, the point was raised that Christmas has Pagan roots. In that post, some historical facts came up to prove the point and the question was raised:

“Should we, as Witches and Pagans, stop telling people that Christmas was originally Pagan?”

Here are some of the comments that followed that question: Continue reading From the Forum

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What It Means To Be Human

By Cat Gina Cole

Every day social media asks the ultimate loaded question: “What is on your mind?”

Well, in the age of instantly knowing everything at once how can we not have too much on our minds? This highlights one of many dualities: how can we care about everything going on in the world and balance that with time for ourselves? I do not mean doing fun things with friends and family here. I mean us, personally. In this fast-paced world, taking time to feel, to grieve, to be happy, to cry, to enjoy a moment alone, time to let ourselves really feel everything we need to in order to properly think and process is not encouraged…that is until Covid. Continue reading What It Means To Be Human

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Empath Survival Guide

By Katrina Rasbold

There is a reason the label of “empath” gets thrown around a good bit. It is because there are a lot of empaths out there. We could go a few rounds of “You might be an empath if…” to identify who is and is not an empath and future blog post likely will cover that very subject. For now, I want to talk about what to do if you know you are empathic or if you deny that you are empathic and just happen to experience discomfort when you are exposed to excessive energies from the people around you. Continue reading Empath Survival Guide

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Dark Magic and The Shadows

By Cat Gina Cole

For many magical practitioners, winter is the dark time and full of shadows. Technically, we have only one winter, but it has occurred to me that according to our modern calendar, winter actually comes twice a year. For most, it begins in late October and continues through December, the end of our calendar year. Then in January, the start of a new year, most of us are deep into winter, which means the new year begins with winter and the year also ends with winter.

Fall brings the slow onset of winter with the falling leaves providing a place for winter to rest. Many areas get snow which can lift our spirits or provide an opportunity for families to play and laugh together. Snow’s blanket is cold, it is crisp, and it changes the way everything looks, smells, and sounds. Continue reading Dark Magic and The Shadows

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Introduction to The Cat’s Eye

By Cat Gina Cole

Wow! I have to say it is an honor to be here, writing in The Green Egg Blog that I helped create. I never would have thought my journey would lead me here. As stated in my book, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, my life changed when I met three people. It was a complete timeline jump and I did not even know it. Those people were Phaedra Bonewits, Katrina Rasbold and Oberon Zell. In September of 2019 Phaedra took me to my very first Pagan Pride Festival in Sacramento California. There I got to meet my Facebook friend, Katrina, in person for the first time, where the two of them spun cosmic webs and planned my life and said I was writing a book.

My shocked reply was, “I am? Continue reading Introduction to The Cat’s Eye

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Amazing Grace

By Katrina Rasbold

When I saw this internet meme, I literally laughed out loud with this wonderful, surprised, soul-smiling bark of a laugh. Let me tell you, I give amazing grace. I can grace like a pro in non-denominational, Christian, Heathen… I just read the room and flood that table with grace. I am grace fluent to the extreme. I will also finish before your food gets cold. It’s an art. 😉

Saying grace or as we called it when I was growing up in Kentucky “Returning the thanks” or “Saying the blessing,” is one of the traditions that sadly falls away for most people who leave the Christian Church. Personally, I am a fan of blessing the food that we eat regardless of whatever religious subscription dominates our spritual mailbox.

How do you bless the food you take into your body? How do you honor the people throughout the supply chain who helped get the food to you? How do you pay tribute to the plant or animal (or scientist) that sacrificed so you could eat? Continue reading Amazing Grace

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Do You Know OZ?

If you are new to Green Egg Magazine, you might be wondering why this guy, Oberon Zell, is such a big deal. Now, in the day of finding a Pagan leader and all around wise person on every corner, it might be challenging to remember that at one time, all this “old” stuff was very new. For many of you, Paganism was always an unhindered spiritual option. Although many or even most of us enjoy that freedom today, it was certainly not always the case. The reason we have that degree of freedom stems from the pioneers who brought Paganism openly and fearlessly into the spiritual conversation. OZ was and is one of those voices. OZ is not only “a” Pagan. OZ is “the” Pagan. Here are some of his accomplishments: Continue reading Do You Know OZ?

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Pagan Voices

By Katrina Rasbold

Hello Green Egg Family! I started reading Green Egg in the 1980s when the Pagan climate and experience was somewhat different than it is now. We were not then as connected with other Pagans without the internet to draw us together. We had a limited number of resources available to us and only a handful of voices in the wilderness guiding us through the experiences. Not all of us were fortunate enough to be born into hereditary Pagan families and our only recourse was to follow the breadcrumb trails left by the people we now consider to be pioneers of Neopaganism. 

There are amazing teachers out there now and we have greater access to them than we ever could have imagined four decades ago. People like Christopher Penczak, Thorn Mooney, John Beckett, Jon Drum, Judika Illes, and so many more continue the process of developing the various Pagan religions and providing guidance to the twenty-first century Pagan community. These contemporary leaders follow a trail blazed by the ground-breaking teachers of our past.  Continue reading Pagan Voices