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Fighting the Good Fight

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I’m not the only one who isn’t happy about who is our President is. I did my best. I voted, I encouraged others to vote as I did, and I even voted for the non-presidential representatives who I felt supported LGBTQIA rights, women’s rights, the rights of the poor, marginalized, and the environment. In every last election, I vote. We do not get around like we used to, so I give us plenty of time to get our absentee ballots sent to us and we mail them back in plenty of time. I pay attention to who is running for offices, to be judges, and all local issues. I vote for what supports a liberal, inclusive policies. Do you, or did you just focus on who would be president? Continue reading Fighting the Good Fight

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The Magic of Being Unafraid of What They Say

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Recently, I was accused by a stranger of something that I didn’t do. People who know me well know I would never do such a thing. Somebody who I met years ago who I know very well apparently has not taken the time to get to know me after all those years- and believed the accusation, and was really angry with me about it. It ended up damaging our relationship and I think this is permanent.  The word “bigot” was thrown into the mix, and I have never in all my life, even when I was being raised to be Catholic committed such an unkindness against anybody. Continue reading The Magic of Being Unafraid of What They Say

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When You Need a Change

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I think it’s fair to say we have all stayed in situations that no longer served us. Yet, for the sake of habit or perhaps out of a sense of loyalty, we stayed anyways. While there is something to be said for the ability to persist and stay anchored in a place or relationship, sometimes, the situation or relationship is dead. We need to move on. Are you stubborn about a thing like that? Do you dig in your heels, taking pride in your ability to stick it out even in the worst of times? Well, I see you, because I’m that way too. Sometimes, it’s a great gift, and sometimes, it’s a toxic trait. Continue reading When You Need a Change

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My Walk with The Cailleach

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Y’all- I didn’t grow up as a Yankee. I grew up in the glory of the American South- where winters are warm, and the sun shines brilliantly year-round. If you have never had a winter in a warm region, let me tell you, it’s nice. By the time I was in middle school, though, we moved to Ohio permanently. Continue reading My Walk with The Cailleach

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The Magic of Not “Being Nice”

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of seeing people make stupid decisions, get screwed for it, and then say that they were just “trying to be nice.” I hurt for people who have been taught from the time that they were children that they have to accommodate everybody to their own detriment. It also makes me sad to see people who don’t know the difference between self-sacrifice and lack of self-love. Continue reading The Magic of Not “Being Nice”

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Getting What You Want

By Lady Saoirse,

Bright Blessings,

From new witches to seasoned practitioners, many of us want to know one thing- how can we use magic to get what I want in life? It’s simple.

You have to learn to wait for it.

What? We often think slinging a spell should give instant results! I mean, we paid $12.99 for that candle and $8.99 for that oil. All we should have to do is burn the candle and anoint ourselves with the oil we paid good money for and our result should be ours immediately, right? Continue reading Getting What You Want

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Can Magical Bonds be Broken?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Now we are at the time of Samhain. The veil has thinned, and the dead walk amongst the living. There is debate as to when Samhain is. Some celebrate it on New Moon or Full Moon closest to Halloween. Others say it is exactly November 1 every year. Some people say it is when the first frost hits. Some people say the word means “November” so it can be celebrated for the whole month.

I think, no matter when we say Samhain is, we can all agree, it hits home for all of us who venerate our ancestors. They may have left us to begin a new life, but they are never far from us. Continue reading Can Magical Bonds be Broken?

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All Acts of Love and Passion?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

“Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.” These are some of the words from the charge of the goddess. Some who count this as one of their sacred scriptures take these words to heart. “All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.” Some say love and passion, but what is meant by love and passion? Continue reading All Acts of Love and Passion?

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What is a Wiccaning?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Some of you reading this grew up Christian. You will notice that Paganism has some similarities but not that many. Christians borrowed and preserved a lot of ancient Pagan ways- and they drastically changed them to suit themselves. We seek to revive the Pre-Christian traditions, but we are very much modern people so these are modern traditions that we belong to. We don’t celebrate the same things that the Christians do all the time, but sometimes we need some of the same things they do. Continue reading What is a Wiccaning?

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What Do the Gods Look Like?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Having come from a Catholic background, maybe by idea of divinity is different than some pagan’s idea is. I’m not sure. It’s certainly different than what most Catholics think of the divine as being. I don’t think of the gods and goddesses as these divine punishers in the sky who look down upon us and rain down blessings or curses depending on whether they’re happy with us or not. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I see the gods every single day. At least I believe I do. Continue reading What Do the Gods Look Like?

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Doing What Makes You Happy: How That is the Best Magic

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I got a lesson in happiness at Alpha Book Center in Phoenix, Arizona way back in the Spring of 2005. The man who ran the Center was named Dr. John Rodgers, and he was a force of power.  I had gone in for a tarot reading during a time when I felt like my life was off the rails. After he did my reading, he asked if I was staying for the Metaphysical class, and I asked who was coming. He said, “You’re it,” and with that, the class began. Continue reading Doing What Makes You Happy: How That is the Best Magic

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Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

When I was a kid, my favorite movie was one called Little Big Man, starring Chief Dan George as Grandfather. At the end of the movie Grandfather sang a beautiful death song and told his god that he was ready to die. He lay down to die, but instead of dying, a beautiful rain swept the landscape. He sat up and asked his grandson if he was on the other side and his grandson told him no. Grandfather he said, “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t.” Continue reading Why Isn’t the Magic Working?

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How Flexible Should I Be?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Last week I was reminded not to be too inflexible- but not to be SO flexible I’m a doormat.

That’s a tough one for me, folks. I’m a fist hipped woman and I have my own way of doing things. I never followed any crowd and even within my own faith community, I’m an individual. Continue reading How Flexible Should I Be?

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Life is Like a Rose

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

My little patio garden is thriving in the July heat. I have two lavender plants and two roses, one regular sized, complete with bristling thorns, and one dainty, thornless miniature rose. The thorned rose has been nibbled on by June bugs and the mini rose was munched on by rabbits. So far at this new location we moved to a couple of months ago, there have been no spider mites or aphids which were plentifully at our other apartment. Before that, we lived by the woods and while no rabbits or deer got my roses, the June bugs were mad about them. Continue reading Life is Like a Rose

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Protect Your Peace – Banish Them!

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Quite often, we talk about banishing negativity and bringing in positive energy to our lives but we don’t always talk about banishing negative people. Sometimes, your family, your best friend, or even your significant other is just being downright negative. The thought of being without these people temporarily, let alone permanently, might be unbearable. However, sometimes if you want to live a peaceful existence, people give you no choice. Continue reading Protect Your Peace – Banish Them!

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: Making Yourself At Home

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I don’t know about you, but I have moved around a lot. I do mean a lot. It seems like every year, Mom had us somewhere new and some years, she had us live more than one place. People ask, “Were you a military brat?” I tell them, ‘No, Mama had the wanderlust.” So is it any wonder why I always heard people’s stories about their love for their hometowns and I wished for what they had? At almost age 50, I am still wishing for that. I could lament my fate, but I’d rather explain how you can feel at home when no PLACE is really home. Because if you practice magic, it can be done. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: Making Yourself At Home

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Practical Magic with Saoirse – The Magical Importance of Education

Bright Blessings.

I think it’s fair to say people hating on their degrees is an internet trend right now. It seems like every day I read an article where someone laments that they feel their degree is “worthless.”

No, it isn’t, and I will tell you why. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse – The Magical Importance of Education

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Somebody Put a Curse on Me! (No, They Didn’t)

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

There are a lot of things I love about being a Tarot reader. I get to go spend time with my magical family at the shop where I read, and I get to help people. I remember many times when I was a baby witch that various readers helped me on my path, and I’ll bet they didn’t even know they were helping. To follow their example is a great honor, and I hope that I’m able to help people like Tarot readers have helped me. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Somebody Put a Curse on Me! (No, They Didn’t)

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Beltane Memories

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I write this on Beltane Eve, and my online memories have been showing me photos from years past. For many years, we used to gather at Beltane. We would rent a group campsite or Metro Park shelter and be there from the time the park opened until it closed. We had rituals, potlucks, talks, and for some years we camped. Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Beltane Memories

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,
A school is being sued. A child could not come out trans to their parents, but they felt safe coming out at school. When the parents found this out at, this lead to the child attempting suicide, so the parents are suing the school accusing the school of forcing their child to identify as trans. The minute I found out about this I got on the telephone and called the school. I thanked them for being a safe place for kids. They really appreciated hearing from somebody that supported that. I gave them my contact information as a Priestess and I told them to let me know if they needed anything at all. I just might hear back from them. Know why? Allies need help in making a safe place for our kids. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids