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Palms and the Soles of the Feet: More Chakras Helpful in Magick and Energy Work

By Tatiara

The importance of the chakras in our hands and feet is often understated. We hear so much about the seven main chakras, or energy centers, placed at various points along the spine. These are known as major or primary chakras. The hands and feet are termed minor, or secondary chakras. There are said to be 21 secondary chakras throughout the body, as well as 86 micro-chakras.

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Magickal Food: Harvest Moon Cookies Prosperity Spell

 By Tatiara               

Don’t worry! Autumn is on the way! These amazing cookies bring to mind those cozy, autumn vibes, curled up by the fire, reading a good book, misty moonlight and crisp air. And you haven’t even tasted them yet! Soft, spicy, packed with ginger (I call them ginger “bends”) and lovely spices, it’s the blackstrap molasses that really makes their texture so wonderful, and they taste almost chocolate-y. They are so much more than “pumpkin spice,” but they are that, too.
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Summer Solstice Splendor

By Tatiara

Happy Midsummer!! Litha is a time to revel in the fullness of life, honor the natural world, and prepare for the season of harvest. Embrace the magic of the Summer Solstice and let its vibrant energy illuminate your heart and spirit. Continue reading Summer Solstice Splendor

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Feeling Vexed? Before you Hex, Do X

By Tatiara

Is hexing ever appropriate, or is it simply a misuse of power? With great power comes great responsibility. One important responsibility is self-development. This includes character development. Ultimately a person’s character is revealed by how they exercise the power they possess. Hexing once meant witchery in general, as in the adage, “a witch who can’t hex can’t heal.” Now it implies causing unpleasant, unlucky, or harmful things to happen to people, often as an act of revenge. However, hexing and healing are two sides of the same coin. A healing misapplied could bring evil consequences. A hex for the right reason could be used for good. This is very tricky territory, though. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Feeling Vexed? Before you Hex, Do X

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey:  Lunar Beltane: Love, Gratitude and Transformation

By Tatiara

If you’re like me, then you have felt the intensity of transformation afoot lately. The eclipse energy symbolizing “out with the old, in with the new,” was magical, yet a little harrowing for some of us.

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Grounding During Eclipse Season: A Witch’s Journey into Garden Magic

By Tatiara

In the midst of eclipse season’s turbulence, I find myself drawn deeper into the dance of celestial energies. It’s a time of upheaval and change. It urges me to seek solace and grounding within the chaos. In these times of uncertainty, I turn to the nurturing sanctuary of my garden, where the wisdom of Gaia and the magic of herbs offer solace, balance, and a re-attunement to nature’s cycles.
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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Magick is All In Your Head…

Magick is All in Your Head…and Your Body, Too.
By Tatiara

Tap into your imagination. Experience higher awareness and expanded vision, and you will be in the right “spirit” for success in magick. These enhanced perceptions are what have led humanity “to the gods”. You may view gods and goddesses as outside entities, as parts of yourself, or both. You may not work with deities at all during ritual or spellwork. Whatever your path, you most likely utilize a special state of consciousness to “get you there.”

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Why I Stopped Using Tarot Reversals

By Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara)

I consider myself very fortunate to have had the tarot in my life for nearly 35 years. It’s such a wondrous tool for insight. Over time, my methods for doing readings have changed and evolved. The more you learn about the tarot and the more you use it, the more its potential expands. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Why I Stopped Using Tarot Reversals

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

By Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara)

In the soft, quiet breath of the season, regardless of weather, the call of Imbolc stirs something within me. A gentle reminder that Brigid calls me to reawaken the embers of inspiration and renewal. It feels like being called to dance with the Inner Mystic. The flame of spirit within, soul-fueled dreams and authentic aspirations take center stage, as I tap into the reviving glow of Imbolc. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

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Vesta…Sacred Flame, Sacred Space

By Tatiara

Aeterna Flamma, the Sacred Flame. What does it symbolize? The presence of Spirit and our connection to the formless essence. Vesta, virgin goddess of hearth and home, preserves this sacred fire. She represents the container in which we center ourselves, be it temple, sweat lodge, meditation cushion, or our own home. Interestingly, the word hearth means “focus” in Latin. Vesta can help us improve our spiritual focus, dedication and commitment. This pertains to our home life and family or tribe unity, as well. Continue reading Vesta…Sacred Flame, Sacred Space

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On Spiritual Bypassing

By Tatiara

I have to admit that when I was in my 20s, I was caught up in the “positive thinking” phenomenon. Channeling optimism helped me through so many trying times and I do advocate for it. However, there was a side-effect I did not expect and did not see coming: all of those “negative emotions” I had never allowed myself to feel came flooding back in a torrent, demanding to be acknowledged. Continue reading On Spiritual Bypassing

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Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

By Tatiara

This tea is so flavorful, it almost tastes like punch. My favorite way to use it is as a booster for manifesting success in other spells that I may be doing, but I use it as a Success in Manifesting tea by itself, as well.

These measurements don’t have to be cut and dry (no pun intended) and as with all herb magic, there are plenty of substitutions available. I ran out of Hibiscus flowers once and used some wildberry hibiscus tea bags that I had. It was delicious and still appropriate.

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