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Witch At The Crossroads: River Meditation

By Katrina Rasbold

The beginning of self-mastery comes from identifying where your energy goes and the impact it has when it gets there, balanced out with the necessity of maintaining a baseline of personal energy for your own needs. When someone has a total disregard for the needs of others or any concern about their impact on the people around them, we identify that behavior as a mental health disorder. When the reverse is true and a person gives to others beyond what their energetic reserves can support, we do not (usually) attach this behavior to mental illness, and yet, the effects can be personally devastating. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: River Meditation

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Stone Magic: Tourmaline

By Katrina Rasbold

Tourmaline is one of the stones, like peacock ore, that seems like it should not exist in nature. Its luminous beauty is one of Earth’s beautiful miracles and to make it even more amazing, its magical attributes are off the charts. Continue reading Stone Magic: Tourmaline

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,
A school is being sued. A child could not come out trans to their parents, but they felt safe coming out at school. When the parents found this out at, this lead to the child attempting suicide, so the parents are suing the school accusing the school of forcing their child to identify as trans. The minute I found out about this I got on the telephone and called the school. I thanked them for being a safe place for kids. They really appreciated hearing from somebody that supported that. I gave them my contact information as a Priestess and I told them to let me know if they needed anything at all. I just might hear back from them. Know why? Allies need help in making a safe place for our kids. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: A Safe Place for Our LGBTQIA+ Kids

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The Essynian Mysteries: Part Three

Conveyed by Brahn th Blessed

In part two of this deposition of the Essynian Mysteries I tried, probably too hard, to describe the fundamental relationship of two aspects of reality.  Primordial Existence is called Spirit because it appears to be nothing and yet it holds the vast and boundless potential of everything, an unimaginably immense and relentless potential which is the driving force of the multiverse.  It requires the awakened powers of Consciousness, which I call Maya, to transform this reservoir of potential into action and change.  Spirit is what Maya IS, and Maya is what Spirit DOES.  Spirit is Being, and Maya is Becoming.  Lao Tzu spoke of Spirit as “the Eternal Tao” (the everlasting existence), whereas he called Maya (consciousness) “the Tao that can be told; the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things.”  These are the two existences, Spirit and Maya.  The former is the existence of potential being, and the latter is the existence of particular beings. Continue reading The Essynian Mysteries: Part Three

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Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In last week’s Witch At The Crossroads blog, we talked about symptoms of psychic attack and these may come from intentional malice or inadvertent ill will (like pouting and wallowing in anger). In this post, we discuss how to effectively manage psychic attack once it occurs or we suspect it has occurred. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Managing Psychic Attack

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Stone Magic: Hag Stones

By Katrina Rasbold

Hag stones are stones with naturally occurring holes in or through them, usually composed of a sedimentary stone called chert. Shaped by the tides over hundreds of years, these unique stones have myriad magical uses. Continue reading Stone Magic: Hag Stones

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Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

By Katrina Rasbold

In researching for this article, I looked back over a blog post I wrote on Patheos Pagan in 2015 and wow, have my views ever changed! One of the great benefits to blogging and journaling is the opportunity to review and reconisder our position from years before and notice how much we learned in the interim. Back then, I had a more naive perspective on psychic attack and since that time, I have performed literally thousands of cleansings on people suffering from the effects of untreated psychic attacks, plus wrote a book on the subject. Where at that time, I considered true psychic attack to be uncommon, I now know it happens all the time. People are so much more comfortable slinging baneful energy around than I ever imagined back then. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Identifying Psychic Attack

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Ask a Witch: Are Technology and Spellwork in Opposition?

By Katrina Rasbold

Many Witches appreciate the reconstructionist approach to spellwork, feeling it lends authenticity to their practice. Does technology have a place in spellwork or is it in opposition to the flow of energy? Continue reading Ask a Witch: Are Technology and Spellwork in Opposition?

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Stone Magic: Lapis Lazuli

By Katrina Rasbold

This azure blue stone with its occasional gold and green intrusions is a favorite of many, not just for its beautiful appearance, but also for the magical qualities it imbues on the wearer/carrier, including special protective qualities for children. Continue reading Stone Magic: Lapis Lazuli

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Secrets of the Essynian Traditions: Meneology Part Two

by Brahn the Blessed

Part Two

Click to read Part One

By this time, you have either done the first exercise or not.  If you haven’t, I will not be bothered with you.  If you want to learn you must study.  I have little enough time left in this life to concern myself with anyone who is absent curiosity.  If you did the exercise from Part One, you discovered that  there is an amazing hidden symmetry underlying the number system, a symmetry that permeates the numbers to infinity. Continue reading Secrets of the Essynian Traditions: Meneology Part Two

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Power of Saying “Yes”

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

So, I have written about the power of saying “no” and what a wonderful magic word it is. However, there is another magic word that is just as potent and will give you just as good of results if not better ones. You might think the word is “please” or even “pretty please” because sometimes saying that will get you what you want. You might think the word is “later”,because that gives you a pause and reminds people to come back and try again. You might also think the magic word is “love” because without it most things in life wouldn’t be possible. Those are all very powerful magical words, but I have a different magic word that I bet you don’t say to yourself very often. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: The Power of Saying “Yes”

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Herbalism For Your Day: Ginger Root

By Katrina Rasbold

Most of you are likely familiar with this weeks herb: ginger. Cooks commonly use ginger to add its unique flavor to sauces and baked desserts. If you have tasted it, you know it heats up the flavor palette of any dish and that is exactly how it works from a magical perspective. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Ginger Root

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Witch At The Crossroads: Breath of the Dragon

By Katrina Rasbold

An up and coming, fast-track, newbie Pagan I know recently referred to feng shui as “fluffy bunny magic.” I stared in amazement because, gentle reader, if taking the energy movement in your home seriously is fluffy bunny magic, then it is the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. Little is more vital to your day-to-day magic than the energy flow you cultivate in your own spiritual sanctuary. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Breath of the Dragon