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Inside the Issue: Spring 2024

By Katrina Rasbold

Issue number 185, Volume 56, Spring 2024 of Green Egg Magazine published on March 21, 2024 and is available for only $3.50 at this link. We also offer previous issues for purchase as well from the drop down menu listing.

What’s in this issue? Bursting at the seams with over fifty pages of quality material, you will find poetry, stories, history, commentary, and so much more! This article gives you a sneak peak inside the issue. Continue reading Inside the Issue: Spring 2024

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Secrets of the Essynian Tradition: The Thirteen Essynian Runes

by Brahn th’ Blessed

Early on in my craft studies, I was advised to study a runic alphabet for recording coven & grove secrets, like names of power and ritual chants.  As I studied different runes (Futhark, Thelemic, and others), I became fascinated with phonetic alphabets and eventually developed my own phonetic alphabet, which over years of study and development, has become my Essynian Runic Script. Continue reading Secrets of the Essynian Tradition: The Thirteen Essynian Runes

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Stone Magic: Rose Quartz

By Katrina Rasbold

Welcome to our newest column on the Green Egg Blog, “Stone Magic.” Each week, we will explore a different stone and the magical energies attributed to it by folk wisdom. This week’s stone is Rose Quartz, one of the most common of the quartz presentations. The hallmark of the quartz family is the regulation of energy, which is why quartz crystals were used in watches to modulate the energy pulses from the battery. When we hold quartz, it regulates and harmonizes our energy, creating a healthy baseline. Continue reading Stone Magic: Rose Quartz

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Witch At The Crossroads: A Different Kind of Spring Cleaning

By Katrina Rasbold

During this time of Spring Cleaning and the purging, it is important not to overlook home cleaning of a different kind. Just as we track in dirt on our shoes and hands, so do we bring in psychic debris from our ventures into the outside world.

Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: A Different Kind of Spring Cleaning

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Herbalism For Your Day

 By Katrina Rasbold

Unfortunately, life obligations made is so that Cat Gina Cole can no longer continue her Herbalism column for this blog. Since that was one of our most popular columns, I am going to do my meager best to step in and provide a not-nearly-as-good herbalism segment. This week, we’re talking about how to use herbs in magical work. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day

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Witch At The Crossroads: 5 Common Energy Killing Beliefs

By Katrina Rasbold

Essential disclaimer: I do understand that some Pagans do not actively work magic, so this particular blog references those who do. My assessment of common mistakes energy-wielding Pagans make is not an attack on people who practice magic differently than I do. Goddess bless ya if it works for you. I openly and immediately concede that some of you may have had different experiences. This is, instead, an observation of what I have personally screwed up in over thirty years of practice, as well as what I observe in other Pagans who are challenged by the limitations of their own erroneous beliefs. Will any of these five issues cause Armageddon or create irreversible damage? Likely not. The worst that will probably happen is that self-imposed limitations will minimize your magical flow. Oh, how I wish someone had told me these things when I was just a little Witch rather than having to find them out on my own. So here we go: Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: 5 Common Energy Killing Beliefs

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From the Forum: What is Magic?

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the forum I brought up the definition of magic by making the following post:

“My definition of magic is: Magic is everything you say and do, it is all energy.” That is simplified but it works for me. What is your definition of magic?”

Continue reading From the Forum: What is Magic?

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Herbalism For Your Day: Chamomile

By Cat Gina Cole

Today from my herbal journal I found one of my favorite herbs, chamomile. I love how the plant looks when it is growing: wild and bushy, pushing all its white and yellow flowers up at you. Its smell is delightful and the entire plant is just cheerful. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Chamomile

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Ask a Witch: What If I Can’t Meditate?

By Katrina Rasbold

So often in discussions about spiritual advancement or higher level spell work, we hear about the importance of meditation. What if you can’t do it? Here are my thoughts on that subject. Continue reading Ask a Witch: What If I Can’t Meditate?

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Practical Magic with Saoirse: Are Pagans Better at Love?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings.

Most of you have not seen my writings besides here at The Green Egg. My current paid job is for Spiritual Blossom, an online psychic company, and I do submissions each week to them. I worked for their sister company, Mysticsense for years as well.

One of the things I write about for our clients, of course, is love! There is never an end to what can be said about love and relationships and recently, something dawned on me when I was yet again doing another love article. The Bible says a lot about the selflessness of love and how everybody should be loving. Yet, growing up Christian, I did not experience that. What drew me to Pagans and Witches was their deep concern for the wellbeing of all of creation. Do Pagans embody love better than Christians do? Continue reading Practical Magic with Saoirse: Are Pagans Better at Love?

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Herbalism For Your Day: Purslane & Mallow

By Cat Gina Cole

I have to admit, I am enjoying the re-discovery of my herbal journal as I write this column each week. Each time, it is like finding something new and getting excited about it all over again. Today, I rediscovered this crumpled and handwritten note. It is crumpled because back when I was doing my studies, I had the habit of throwing away my notes once they were on the computer. My husband, Mike, was very against this and would rescue them from the trash bin. He would give them back to me saying “Here you lost this, it is something you need.”  And I think he was right. Just look at the memories a crumpled bit of paper can have and the joy it evokes.
Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Purslane & Mallow

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From the Forum: Ed Fitch and Spiritual Literacy

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the forum we somberly and with admiration and respect acknowledge the passing of Ed Fitch. Ed Was a friend and staff member of Green Egg over many years. Here is some of his history from the Covenant of the Goddess Orange County Local Council that was shared in the forum. Continue reading From the Forum: Ed Fitch and Spiritual Literacy

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Witch At The Crossroads: Pagan Etiquette

By Katrina Rasbold

If we are lucky, at some point in our Pagan lifetime, we will be invited to visit someone else’s ritual/grove/coven/circle/event to share in their practice. This could be at a public place such as a park or an event center or it can be at a private home or covenstead. In either instance, there are certain protocols of basic etiquette, tailored to Pagan practice, that are good to observe if you ever wish to be invited to another function. Keeping one’s name untarnished in the Pagan community is quite an extraordinary feat and it often starts with being a guest who maintains integrity and good manners. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Pagan Etiquette

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Witch At The Crossroads: The Fool’s Journey

The Fools Journey Through the Tarot Major Arcana
By Katrina Rasbold

A common practice among those who make a serious study of the Tarot is to develop a story that takes The Fool, the first card of the Major Arcana, on a quest through the remainder of the Major Arcana until he ends up at The World card, having completed his quest and his cycle.

Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: The Fool’s Journey

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From the Forum

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the Forum There were two great topics, “Is Christian Witchcraft a thing?” And “What is Magic?” To get things started I gave my own simplified definition of “Magic is everything you say and do, it is all energy.” And the conversation was off! Continue reading From the Forum

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Herbalism For Your Day: Basil & Bergamot Oils

By Cat Gina Cole

This week in my herbal journal, I found a couple of oils to share with you. Since I have studied these and wrote the notes on them, I have made them and used them together in an oil for an irritable bowel or stomach with other ingredients. Sadly, I committed the sin of all herbalists and did not write down the recipe for it, but I will keep looking as it worked very well. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Basil & Bergamot Oils

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Ask a Witch: Can A Witch Also Be Christian?

By Katrina Rasbold

In this week’s “From the Forum” article, Cat shares the Forum responses to a question I have seen frequently on the internet as of late: “Can a Christian also be Pagan?” Here is my take on a similar subject:

Continue reading Ask a Witch: Can A Witch Also Be Christian?