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Phoenix Rising: A Surrender to Initiation

By Tatiara

Once upon a time I assumed that transformation would be gentle. That one day I would simply wake up feeling lighter, unburdened, freed from the weight of the past. But the harsh reality is that rebirth is rarely so kind. It is fire and ashes, a shedding of skin that can feel more like unraveling than becoming. This I learned the hard way. Continue reading Phoenix Rising: A Surrender to Initiation

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Book Review – Scotia: Lost Sister of Tutankhamun

Written by Luke Eastwood          Reviewed by Katrina Rasbold

If you love reading about ancient history, (and I don’t mean “the Romans invaded England in the 4th century and decided to stay awhile” kind of ancient but the “this person is thought to have lived in 1356 BCE” kind of ancient) then this is the book for you. Eastwood’s exploration of the royal line of Ancient Egypt is nothing short of heroic and he leaves no stone unturned in his literary archeologist efforts to research and convey the potential migration of Egyptians to Ireland and Scotland. Continue reading Book Review – Scotia: Lost Sister of Tutankhamun

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My Walk with The Cailleach

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Y’all- I didn’t grow up as a Yankee. I grew up in the glory of the American South- where winters are warm, and the sun shines brilliantly year-round. If you have never had a winter in a warm region, let me tell you, it’s nice. By the time I was in middle school, though, we moved to Ohio permanently. Continue reading My Walk with The Cailleach

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Can Magical Bonds be Broken?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Now we are at the time of Samhain. The veil has thinned, and the dead walk amongst the living. There is debate as to when Samhain is. Some celebrate it on New Moon or Full Moon closest to Halloween. Others say it is exactly November 1 every year. Some people say it is when the first frost hits. Some people say the word means “November” so it can be celebrated for the whole month.

I think, no matter when we say Samhain is, we can all agree, it hits home for all of us who venerate our ancestors. They may have left us to begin a new life, but they are never far from us. Continue reading Can Magical Bonds be Broken?

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What is a Wiccaning?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Some of you reading this grew up Christian. You will notice that Paganism has some similarities but not that many. Christians borrowed and preserved a lot of ancient Pagan ways- and they drastically changed them to suit themselves. We seek to revive the Pre-Christian traditions, but we are very much modern people so these are modern traditions that we belong to. We don’t celebrate the same things that the Christians do all the time, but sometimes we need some of the same things they do. Continue reading What is a Wiccaning?

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What Do the Gods Look Like?

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

Having come from a Catholic background, maybe by idea of divinity is different than some pagan’s idea is. I’m not sure. It’s certainly different than what most Catholics think of the divine as being. I don’t think of the gods and goddesses as these divine punishers in the sky who look down upon us and rain down blessings or curses depending on whether they’re happy with us or not. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I see the gods every single day. At least I believe I do. Continue reading What Do the Gods Look Like?

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The Practice of Discord in Civil Society: A Guide for the Industrious Beginner

by His Most Pompous Holiness, Elezar the Apostate

The second law of thermodynamics states, in so many words, that all fires burn their available reserves of fuel and die; and the universe is afire.  The Wiccan Rede states the same thing in these words:  “The Sun is but a Mortal Light Surrounded by Immortal Night.”  And in these words:  “Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust; If Born You Were, then Die You Must.”

“But those are physical laws, laws that apply exclusively to the material plane,” Michael argued with pathetic determination against Zoey’s resolute obstinance. Continue reading The Practice of Discord in Civil Society: A Guide for the Industrious Beginner

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Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

By Katrina Rasbold

Humans often consider the power of speech and written word to be the defining quality that sets us apart from the rest of the animal world. With the exception of some animals specially trained to communicate, Koko the Gorilla, for instance, humans alone possess the demonstrated ability for the ongoing use of language. There is little denying the power of words. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: The Power of Words

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Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

By Katrina Rasbold

Of all of the holidays, it can be argued that most cultures at some time or another celebrated Midsummer. The Sun reigns at its full power and dominates the sky for the longest day of the year on Litha. It is commonly believed that the Faeries are most active during this time; an idea perpetuated by William Shakespeare’s famous play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The power of herbs and plants is said to be strongest at this time, so many of the summer herbs are harvested on this day. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Purge, Protect, & Burn Stuff at Midsummer

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Practical Magic With Saoirse: Making Yourself At Home

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

I don’t know about you, but I have moved around a lot. I do mean a lot. It seems like every year, Mom had us somewhere new and some years, she had us live more than one place. People ask, “Were you a military brat?” I tell them, ‘No, Mama had the wanderlust.” So is it any wonder why I always heard people’s stories about their love for their hometowns and I wished for what they had? At almost age 50, I am still wishing for that. I could lament my fate, but I’d rather explain how you can feel at home when no PLACE is really home. Because if you practice magic, it can be done. Continue reading Practical Magic With Saoirse: Making Yourself At Home

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Witch At The Crossroads: When Bad Stuff Happens

By Katrina Rasbold

We spend a lot of time talking and thinking about why bad stuff happens, especially to people who we consider “good” and undeserving of strife and particularly when it comes in what feels like a disproportionate avalanche. We become deeply angry and philosophical when we try to understand why bad things happen to innocents like children and animals. Often, we become so mired in our determination to understand why something happens that we fail to effectively manage the situation at all. The assignment of blame is one of the greatest time eaters and malice fertilizers ever and is usually the focus of tremendous attention. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: When Bad Stuff Happens

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Ask a Witch: Do Witches Sacrifice Animals In Their Rituals? People?

By Katrina Rasbold

What do Witches sacrifice other than their time? Animals? People? Their sanity? In this video, Katrina discusses the use of sacrifice in rituals. Continue reading Ask a Witch: Do Witches Sacrifice Animals In Their Rituals? People?

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Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

By Katrina Rasbold

Emotion magical practice because spell work begins with what you want to have happen. If you cannot feel, then you cannot want and feeling is emotion. All intense emotion is high energy and you can, with rational thought and careful planning, direct all the intensity of that energy toward your goal. Passion will spike energy right off the meter, whether that passion comes from lust, anger, fear, or exultation. High emotion of all kinds: love, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, etc, can fuel your magical energy like a stoked furnace. But should you? Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Magic & High Emotions

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Witch At The Crossroads: Forming a Magical Working Group

By Katrina Rasbold

Creating a new magical group is exciting, rewarding, and a ton of work. Often, particularly in eclectic work, the group forms spontaneously around a common desire to learn and practice more. Even in the most desirable circumstances, certain decisions must be made. This post takes you through some of the most vital points of forming your own spiritual group. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Forming a Magical Working Group