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Witch At The Crossroads: Knot Magic

By Katrina Rasbold

It’s Knot Magic (Yes, it is magic!)

In my experience, one of the greatest magical focus tools of all time is the rosary. The intense concentration one can generate by praying the rosary is very nearly unparalleled across spiritual dividing lines.

In Paganism, we have our own form of praying the rosary that is slightly different, but accomplishes the same goal. “Knot Magic” is a very effective form of focused magic similar to praying the rosary, except that one instills their own intent into each “bead,” which is actually a knot. Here is how to do it:

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The Cat’s Eye: The Quickening and Imbolc

By Cat Gina Cole

When I was young, my grandmother called what I now know as Imbolc the “Quickening,” It was not specific to a particular date but always occurred in February. We knew the quickening had arrived when Grandma would stop whatever she was doing, listen for a moment and say, “The quickening is here, do you feel it?” Sometimes, it would happen in the garden, sometimes not, but she could feel it. It was a noticeable shift in the energy of the earth and the plants that she could feel. What is the quickening you ask? Well, it is when the earth has warmed up just enough to trigger plants to shift from putting out roots to pushing out shoots.

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Herbalism For Your Day: Blackberry

As I did my research into herbs in 2011, I remember thinking how interesting it was that so many of the things we have around all the time were so useful. Mostly, we either think of blackberry as a jam or a nasty bother but it is actually a very beneficial medicinal plant. Blackberry is high in tannins which are very helpful and known as antioxidants but if taken in extremely high doses, it can be linked with cancer. This fact is true of many of the herbs and plants we use to heal and we mostly avoid extremely high doses and concentration for long periods of time. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Blackberry

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Witch At The Crossroads: Imbolc, Dawn’s Early Light

Imbolc is arguably one of our most underrated sabbats. If you do not study the value and impact of each of the eight sabbats, you lose balance on the wheel of the year, but for many Pagans, any celebration that is not Samhain or Beltane is met with limited enthusiasm… the sure sign of an amateur, truth be told. Sigh.

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Witch At The Crossroads: New Year’s Resolutions

By Katrina Rasbold

Did you make resolutions this year? Have you stayed true to them? How many times have you made the same resolutions over and over, year after year, each time more determined to succeed and more frustrated and dejected when you do not? How many times do the failures of previous years stand in the way of your success for the coming year? Repeated failures are a heavy load to bear.

If you are struggling and need to regroup on the resolutions, here are some ideas for tightening up and streamlining the process.
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Vision Boards as Magickal Tools

Raven Digitalis

By Raven Digitalis

Vision boards are focal items that carry a particular set of intentions, with the goal of bringing about certain qualities, traits, experiences, and manifestations into one’s life. For some people, these boards are more like “affirmation boards,” containing positive written messages. For others, they’re more like pieces of art like a collage. Others prefer to simply focus on symbols, while others prefer to create a piece that combines these approaches. With daily focus, vision boards are believed to help the mind and spirit align to the energies and intentions at hand, thereby shaping one’s own life experience. Vision boards and affirmation boards have been amplified by New Age schools of thought, but they can easily be applied to self-transformative practices of Witchcraft. Continue reading Vision Boards as Magickal Tools

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Ask a Witch: “Why Isn’t My Spellwork Working?”

By Katrina Rasbold

This is an older video from when we still had a brick and mortar store (Crossroads), but the information still rings true. So you arrange the tools correctly, light the perfect candle, invest your energy and… nothing? Why do we sometimes not see results from our spellwork? Sometimes, it is down to the properties of physics and laws of energy conservation… Continue reading Ask a Witch: “Why Isn’t My Spellwork Working?”

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Honey Pots: Sweetening the Relationship

By Katrina Rasbold

Honey Pots or “Sweet Jars” are a simple but deceptively powerful bit of spellwork used throughout magical history, more recently adapted to include candles as the introduction of paraffin made them more accessible to common people. In this video, I talk about how I use Honey Pots for the spellwork my clients engage me to do and how you can sweeten up your relationships. Continue reading Honey Pots: Sweetening the Relationship

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How Psychic Skills Enhance Magic and Witchcraft

By Cat Gina Cole

I have been a psychic my whole life and when I was little, my mom and grandma introduced me into our family tradition. When I began writing about psychism, I found it very difficult to write about something that was like breathing to me. To sit and draw it all out step by step was a challenge but as I did so, I realized how beneficial it was to have it all laid out so it could be identified and used instead of mystified and indescribable. My psychism became a useable tool. Then I realized there are many psychics that might benefit from this too and that is how my book, Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, came to life. Continue reading How Psychic Skills Enhance Magic and Witchcraft

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10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

By Katrina Rasbold

Ideally, none of us would ever have to think about the material side of life or devote even a moment’s worry to the idea of our financial safety. No matter how magical we are, most of us still engage to some degree in the world of finance to survive. Kudos to all of you who live effectively off the grid or in an ashram!

Although financial hardship often feels like the least sacred experience we can have, in truth, money is energy. It has value because of a gold standard we once attached to these notes and now, whether we hold actual physical cash or see it as pixels on a device screen, the absence of that energy can create crisis. Continue reading 10 Days of Money Drawing Spells

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Ask a Witch: Should I Hire a Professional or Do Spellwork Myself?

By Katrina Rasbold

When you need spellwork done to achieve a goal, should you do it yourself or hire a professional? In this video, professional Witch, Katrina Rasbold discusses the benefits of both. Continue reading Ask a Witch: Should I Hire a Professional or Do Spellwork Myself?

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Herbal Tea Spell for Success in Manifesting

By Tatiara

This tea is so flavorful, it almost tastes like punch. My favorite way to use it is as a booster for manifesting success in other spells that I may be doing, but I use it as a Success in Manifesting tea by itself, as well.

These measurements don’t have to be cut and dry (no pun intended) and as with all herb magic, there are plenty of substitutions available. I ran out of Hibiscus flowers once and used some wildberry hibiscus tea bags that I had. It was delicious and still appropriate.

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