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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Why I Stopped Using Tarot Reversals

By Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara)

I consider myself very fortunate to have had the tarot in my life for nearly 35 years. It’s such a wondrous tool for insight. Over time, my methods for doing readings have changed and evolved. The more you learn about the tarot and the more you use it, the more its potential expands. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: Why I Stopped Using Tarot Reversals

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The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

By Nicki Ojeda (Tatiara)

In the soft, quiet breath of the season, regardless of weather, the call of Imbolc stirs something within me. A gentle reminder that Brigid calls me to reawaken the embers of inspiration and renewal. It feels like being called to dance with the Inner Mystic. The flame of spirit within, soul-fueled dreams and authentic aspirations take center stage, as I tap into the reviving glow of Imbolc. Continue reading The Mystic Witch’s Journey: My Personal Communion With Brigid

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Herbalism For Your Day: Blackberry

As I did my research into herbs in 2011, I remember thinking how interesting it was that so many of the things we have around all the time were so useful. Mostly, we either think of blackberry as a jam or a nasty bother but it is actually a very beneficial medicinal plant. Blackberry is high in tannins which are very helpful and known as antioxidants but if taken in extremely high doses, it can be linked with cancer. This fact is true of many of the herbs and plants we use to heal and we mostly avoid extremely high doses and concentration for long periods of time. Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Blackberry

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The Cat’s Eye: Fake Rain and Useful Weeds

I live in Southern Oregon and we, like others, are dealing with three consecutive years of drought. When we bought our place five years ago, it was lush and green and things were so overcrowded that many plants had no space to grow and thrive. Thinking things needed to look neat, tidy, orderly, and cared for, I cleared much of it away. You clear away the unwanted and put in the wanted, tend to them, make them grow, and spend a lot of time, effort and money getting rid of weeds and creating growing spaces. Everyone else’s yards are that way and it is just how it is supposed to be done, right? Continue reading The Cat’s Eye: Fake Rain and Useful Weeds

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From the Forum

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week in the forum there has been a wide variety of things discussed. From money and ethics, a new book release, a bit of poetry, and even murder. Let’s take a look at how all this unfolds. Continue reading From the Forum

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Witch At The Crossroads: Imbolc, Dawn’s Early Light

Imbolc is arguably one of our most underrated sabbats. If you do not study the value and impact of each of the eight sabbats, you lose balance on the wheel of the year, but for many Pagans, any celebration that is not Samhain or Beltane is met with limited enthusiasm… the sure sign of an amateur, truth be told. Sigh.

Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: Imbolc, Dawn’s Early Light

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Practical Magic: The Magic of Buying Secondhand

By Lady Saoirse

Bright Blessings,

When I wrote last, I discussed the value of removing things from your home. Junking up your home with things that you have no use for is bad physically and spiritually and I gave my case for cutting the clutter to make room for what you really want in your home. Now, I’d like to make the case for bringing secondhand things into your home. Why buy secondhand? Continue reading Practical Magic: The Magic of Buying Secondhand

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Herbalism For Your Day: Aromatherapy

By Cat Gina Cole

Today in my journal as I turn the page, I find Magical Aroma Therapy and it begins with “Frankincense.” The first thing I wrote down is that frankincense heightened participants’ spiritual involvement in rites and has the word “euphoric” followed by a question mark. As it turns out, it can be euphoric as it contains the compound incensole acetate but for it to be effective one would have to use a very high concentration. Yet it is said the Greek philosopher Pythagoras used frankincense to enable him to prophesize.

Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Aromatherapy

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The Cat’s Eye: What Is Witchcraft, Magic, Psychism, and Paganism?

By Cat Gina Cole

What is Witchcraft?

That is a question that continues to be hotly debated on social media. There is a lot of “Who gets to decide that and why?” type of questions that come with it. The answer also depends on culture, pantheon, and personal beliefs. So, you may be asking why attempt to answer such a question? Well, as a teacher, and practicing Witch for over 50 years, I am in about 40-50 “witch” groups on social media and I see many looking for direction and firm answers, so I will attempt to provide some clarity. Continue reading The Cat’s Eye: What Is Witchcraft, Magic, Psychism, and Paganism?

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From The Forum

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

Money & Ethics

This week in the forum there was a great discussion about money and ethics, that began with this question, “I am a victim of my own ethics. I have a hard time paying what I consider a high fee, meaning over what I myself would charge for such an event. I may very badly want to attend but as of yet, have not been able to break this ethic, and pay the fee even if I have the money it is just a hard no. I imagine the solution to my dilemma lies in my shadow work, but in the meantime what is an ethical poor Pagan to do when as a provider or a customer we have ethics that are conflicting that sometimes can hold us back? And I ask, where are you and your ethics on this issue?”


The responses varied and were very enlightening.

Continue reading From The Forum

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Herbalism For Your Day: Datura

Greetings herbalists, today from my journal dated 2010, we have Datura as promised. Please remember the #1 rule of herbalism, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! The articles and information I share in this column are from my journey and my research and not to be taken as gospel. I have learned so much about herbs since my journey began and datura is not an herb to be trifled with. It is widely regarded as unsafe, yet it does have its uses.

Continue reading Herbalism For Your Day: Datura

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From the Forum

Curated by Cat Gina Cole

The Green Egg Forum is a lively hotbed of thoughtful discourse, moderated by Cat Gina Cole. In this column, Cat shares some of the most interesting and interactive posts and threads from the forum. Want to get in on the conversation? We would love to have you! Go to: to join.

This week I asked the forum this question: “What do you like or enjoy about being Pagan and the Pagan community in general?”

I truly enjoyed the response and this week I am just going to let the responses speak for themselves.

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The Cat’s Eye – Trance, The Fool, and Hope

By Cat Gina Cole

I have been a psychic my whole life and I am used to my head being full of thought and sound. In 2018, I got a traumatic brain injury in a car accident and suddenly, like someone flipped a light switch, my brain was completely quiet. The silence was so complete I could not even hear my own thoughts before I said them. This was almost surgical and quite distressing.

I had been in occupational therapy for about six months and was still very distressed. My dreams, inner voices, my intuition, my connection to the other side, and thoughts were gone! Just poof! I had gone from Witch and Psychic to muggle. My very identity was gone and I was lost.

Continue reading The Cat’s Eye – Trance, The Fool, and Hope

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Witch At The Crossroads: New Year’s Resolutions

By Katrina Rasbold

Did you make resolutions this year? Have you stayed true to them? How many times have you made the same resolutions over and over, year after year, each time more determined to succeed and more frustrated and dejected when you do not? How many times do the failures of previous years stand in the way of your success for the coming year? Repeated failures are a heavy load to bear.

If you are struggling and need to regroup on the resolutions, here are some ideas for tightening up and streamlining the process.
Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: New Year’s Resolutions

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Witch At The Crossroads: 22 Major Arcana Archetypes of Pagan Groups

Archetypes, labels, and cubbyholes. Did we invent them or did they invent us?

There comes a time when you are an old crone sitting back and watching the world turn when you begin to feel like there is nothing new under the sun. When something does spark interest as a new thought, new idea, new concept, new approach, it is exciting, breath-taking even. Mostly because it is so rare. I never imagined that I would be as jaded as I am, thankful for all of the wonders in the world, but bored with them all the same. And yet, here I am, jaded as the evergreens that grow around me and almost as old. Continue reading Witch At The Crossroads: 22 Major Arcana Archetypes of Pagan Groups